beefy beefcake

beefy beefcake

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    Holy crap! He must be gay. I hope he’s gay.


    I’d hang out with him.


    I`d say he is very,very happy at least.


    Gay and over-compensating.


    Pos-apocalyptic hardcore Popeye.


    To bad this bear is a biological dead end. He could’ve had some huge offspring.


    Mr. Slave on steroids


    See now this is a real gay guy. None of that paint my nails with clear polish and buy exfoliating body wash bullshit. No, this guys hobby is growing badass facial hair and fucking the shit out of dudes. Fucking rock on badass gay guy. Rock the fuck on.


    But if there were no twinks, who would Mr. Bear fuck?


    Is that a Dickpipe in his mouth?

    Howie Feltersnatch

    Casefag is no doubt whacking off to this.


    same old story
    the kids who get bullied at school for whatever reason, go psycho and get into shape on a ‘never again’ policy

    i bet that fag is bitter and twisted, fueled by the sad sad feeling of revenge


    Bears usually don’t go for twinks, they go for cubs. Though every person is different.


    It’s a man so manly he fucks other men.


    Revenge is oh so sweet.

    “Remember me? Back in high school?”

    “Ahhh … fagtoid? … it that you? Jesus … Hey wait a second. Hey! Hey! Wait! Those were my best jeans.”

    “Shut up! Just hold on tight cause here comes love!”

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