The Battle Is On

TheBattleIsOn.jpg (90 KB)

This one`s for the “people in churches who visit MCS”.

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    you shoulda cropped out the watermark


    jesus was black… and a woman.


    Actually it is very probable that jesus was black.


    he certainly wasn’t of northern european stock, which is clearly what he is represented as in this picture… 8/


    heh would be so cool if jesus decided to come visit – he’d get a full body search including rectal trying to go see his most devout followers.


    Who`s the dude with the mullet?

    Kik Dogg

    I think that Jesus is going to lose. He looks very determined, but Satan has a cool, confident air about him, and has bigger arms.

    Plus he has all of the good vices.


    Well, now let’s not be too hasty, we can’t really see Jesus’ arms now can we…? For all we know he’s got 20″ guns under those robes…


    If you think about were he was born he was probable arabic.


    represent! anyway.. he was born in bethlehem, which isn’t part of “arabia”. besides he spoke aramaic, hebrew and maybe even greek, not arabic.

    probable that he was black? hardly…


    You forget that the middle east was a hub of multi-cultural activity.
    And there is that whole thing about the jews coming out of africa.


    Yeah, but Mary and Joseph weren’t from Bethlehem. Well, Joseph might have been, but if you believe Mary’s claim, it wasn’t his seed anyway.


    If the matter is strength, we’re all are going to Hell…


    See prior comment…


    Well, it certainly wasn’t the “holy ghost” that impregnated her.
    I mean, you come home, wifey is nekkid with the fun juice still dripping out of her, she gets pregnant. You hadn’t even popped a boner for the last two years because you’re an old impotent fart. Her excuse?
    “GHOSTS DID IT!!1”

    Yea. Sure. Make a religion of it.


    SPOILER: Satan Wins


    But Jesus saves so he doesn’t have to go back to the start.

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