buck.jpg (197 KB)

This is my dog buck. We named him after Buck from Jack London’s “The Call of the Wild” because he is totally kick ass. One time when my 7 yr old cousin was walking with him, a stray German Shepherd tried to attack her. Buck kicked that dog’s ass and saved my cousin’s face from getting mauled. He’s been with me since I was six years old, but he is over 13 years old now and has pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, he is in a lot of pain and has to be put down. I’m going to miss him.

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    Sad! I love dogs, especially that kind of dog.

    tiki god

    I love dogs too. I have two of them too. I’m sorry you’re going to loose yours. 13 years of love is a tough thing to lose 🙁


    Beautiful pic! Excellent dog! Sad story 🙁

    Although we only had her for a couple years, my wife and I had a Norweigen Elkhound, named Silly (chose by our kids, turned out to be a fitting name), that was just AWESOME! Smart and loved to keep squirels out of our birdfeeders. She also LOVED our kids!! Unfortunately, she got out once and run over by some asshole in front of our neighbor’s house. Prick didn’t even stop to tell us. My wife found her dead about 5 minutes later after hearing a loud YELP. I was at work so she called my father-in-law to come carry her home. We buried her a couple days later in our backyard. It was VERY VERY sad. My wife misses her every day. This was over 3 1/2 years ago.


    Heart breaking. I have a black lab too. He’ll be 11 in March. You can tell, he’s really slowing down and has some dysplasia in his hips. He’s also got some cysts in his eyes, looks like ink spots in the whites of his eyes. We’ve got meds for his pain. I dread the decision I know is coming.

    Kik Dogg

    Dogs are the awesomest things ever! Keep having them your whole life and you will be richly rewarded.

    I am sorry about Buck. Not much else I can say…..

    Keep that pic. It is great.


    I understand your sorrow, and am sorry for his pain.


    Labrador Retrievers are fantastic dogs. I had a brown lab growing up. I miss her, we called her Mocha. Sweet intelligent dogs.

    purple banana

    Sorry for hard times ahead… We just put down our 18 year old terrier mix, Girlfriend not too long ago. Very hard to do, but if it eases their suffering, it’s totally worth it.

    Be there when he goes… You’ll feel so much better knowing your dog’s going while you’re by his side.


    My heart goes out to you…


    Wow, I’m sorry for your dog. I had an Alaskan Malimute that was fifteen years old and would still run around and act like a five month old puppy. She was an amazing dog, so lively and happy. I don’t know how she is now, my parents took her with when they moved to Illinois after kicking me out. I miss my dog. 🙁


    I hate stories about old dogs, because i have a 16 year old cocker spaniel, he seems fairly fine but i don’t know how long he will be with us.


    Great Picture, as has been said.

    I’m sorry you have to go through that. I’ve got three dogs that I grew up with, and I can’t even imagine the pain when they eventually pass. There’s just something about dogs, that you love them more than you can possibly love any human being.

    Hang in there.


    great picture, and an even better story.


    Thank you for sharing the cute pic and the story. My thoughts are with you and Buck…


    I share your pain. You clearly have an excellent dog. The only thing you can do is remember that Buck depends on you to make the right decisions for him, including end-of-life decisions. You’ll do the right thing and it will hurt, but you’ll know you’ve given Buck the best life he could have.


    If you love your dog, you will take pictures with her and have her stuffed so you can always remember her.

    If you don’t do that, then you really don’t care about your dog like you think.

    lemon floor wax

    Obvious troll is obvious, CM.


    I’m having my dog stuffed when she dies, because I love her…You’ll see I’m not just saying that.

    lemon floor wax

    I don’t think they can make your dog’s corpse into a Real Doll, CM. Your best hope is for an understanding taxidermist who will leave you a hole.


    I’d like to have casemods put to sleep and mounted with a cactus in his dumb ass.


    im sorry dude that sucks soooo much
    my heart goes out to you
    spoil him as much as possible in these last few days


    My last three dogs have been labs. You will never find another pup that is more loyal and intelligent than the likes of Buck and his kind. I know the pain you are going through right now. Never miss a chance to give him a hug.


    Sorry to hear about Buck. But remember, he enriched your life much more than the hurt of loosing him.
    Some may not agree but I like to get a new dog quickly after loosing an old friend to speed the healing.

    On a separate note, I take back my earlier positive words about Casemods. He’s a douche.


    Sorry to hear about Buck. Dogs can be such faithful companions. When everyone else hates you, your dog will come up to you with wagging tail and lick you.

    I had a Belgian Sheepdog named Buckwheat. We got him in Okinawa as a puppy and had him for 14 years. We actually put him down on this day in 2002.

    He was the best….

    lemon floor wax

    I had a black lab growing up and she was the best dog ever. I’m so sarry to hear about your friend.


    Sorry to hear about the impending loss. I have a yellow lab (Glacier, cause we found her abandoned eating ice for water) and know how much dogs can mean to us.


    Buck sounds like the best dog ever. I am so sorry to hear he won’t be around anymore.


    I’m so sorry.
    We have a black lab too named Luna that’s like one of the family.
    Heck, she IS one of the family.
    We got her back in 2008 when I was going through chemo and she bonded with me and has been my protector ever since.
    I hope she has a long full life like Buck.
    Again, I am sorry for what you are having to go through.


    Jesus Christ Casemods what combination of sociological pressure and inbreeding could make a person be like you?

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