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    10 Responses ttto Dude, check this out…

    1. ironhead4ever says:

      Would legalizing this Marijuana make it lose it’s taboo? Would it be like alcohol and used responsibly by most, but abused by some? Would it be like regular tobacco cigarettes and be able to used on smoke breaks or would it be treated like alcohol, not really used during breaks at work? I just find how it would fit legally into U.S. society interesting.

      • zipfer says:

        Yea, legalizing it doesn’t take away its qualities. It’s never going to be used responsibly by most or be just like cigarettes. There is also a social taboo associated with smoking MJ and I don’t think it will ever be accepted to work stoned just like you probably get fired for being drunk at work too.

        Atleast most are, I haven’t been caught yet

    2. natedog says:

      i just want to be able to use it without fearing incarceration

    3. KommissarKvC says:

      its unacceptable to work stoned
      back when i worked in a warehouse, I knew a guy who smoked on his lunch breaks, then came back and kept on dropping everything he tried to move

      after the third time he dropped some expensive breakable stuff, the supervisor told him to fuck off home, and the stoner didn’t understand why and left in a pout

    4. Kik Dogg says:

      Not every stoner is a fuckup. It’s just that the ones who are fuckups are more visible. People point at the stupid fuckup stoner and blame the pot. Maybe the guy is just a stupid fuckup who happens to smoke pot. I know lots of smart successful stoners. Nobody points at THEM and blames the pot.

    5. jediadept says:

      Knowing what it’s like to be stoned on recreational time,
      I know that I want my work partner, on a 600 ton break press, to be as mentally present as possible. I want to keep my (and his) digits and limbs congenitally attached.

    6. natedog says:


      when it’s serious business time, i guess it’s best to have a level head

    7. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Five things the Corporate Media Does not want you to know about Marijuana/cannabis.

      1. Marijuana Use Is Not Associated With a Rise in Incidences of Schizophrenia

      2. Marijuana Smoke Doesn’t Damage the Lungs Like Tobacco

      3. Cannabis Use Potentially Protects, Rather Than Harms, the Brain

      4. Marijuana Is a Terminus, Not a ‘Gateway,’ to Hard Drug Use

      5. Government’s Anti-Pot Ads Encourage, Rather Than Discourage, Marijuana Use

    8. holdoffhunger says:

      Hey, casemods, I would like permission to reproduce these images on my site, with a link back to your page, if that’s acceptable. You’ve done some awesome work here and the world should see it. Let me know : holdoffhunger [at] gmail [dot] com. The location of the site where they will be displayed, if you accept : www.anarchistrevolt.com/graphics-library-of-revolution-and-social-justice.php

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