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    19 Responses ttto cleaning obama’s giant ear

    1. greytone says:

      Looks like Jimmy Carter to me.

    2. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      Please tell me that’s a joke and they haven’t built a statue of that idiot?

      If that happens all other presidential monuments lose 100% credibility automatically.

    3. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Ok so this guy/government is enacting mountains of social programs and social based legislation,(from everything to , buying up industry,ran a campaign with lenin/propaganda style posters, has had his face on magazines every single month before and after his election, A merchandising empire has risen around him, has constant media coverage, his wife is on the cover of every fashion magazine, he has a global following, a stunning influence over the house and senate, AND NOW HE HAS A HUGE FUCKING STATUE THAT IS BEING BUILT DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF HIS FIRST TERM.

      But there is no cult of personality around him, and having statues built during term and leading out campaigns with leninesque posters and mountains of big government programs and the introduction of more seats of government power does not make obama look like some sort of fascist/communist/socialist/dictator. We’ll ignore the government buying up businesses as well. GO BACK TO YOUR FREE SPEECH ZONE CITIZEN, DO NOT QUESTION OUR GLORIOUS LEADER, IT IS UNPATRIOTIC.

      • TheLotusEater725 says:

        Ok so i did some quick research. Apparently this statue is going up in Presidents Park and our past 43 presidents are there as well. I still stand by most of what i said but i stand corrected in the assumption that this was in the same vein as a statue of lenin, hussein, or Il.

        • Comraduderrisch says:

          Actually it doesn’t look that much like Socialist Realism. Granted building a statue in the first term before he’s done much of anything is a bit much.

          I don’t know why so many people get butt hurt that so many Americans are actually enthusiastic about their president for a change. I didn’t see hardly any Republicans bitching like this when the Supreme Court decided that their decision applied to Bush, and only Bush, nevermind the whole idea of setting precedent or wiping your ass with the constitution.. And all your criticisms can equally be applied to someone on the other side of the spectrum like Reagan, who is still having his ass kissed even though he’s been gone for years.

          Also I am so sick and tired of seeing so many people who claim they know so much more about the almighty economy than everyone else. People who are fine to ride their high horse until someone the MAJORITY of Americans like goes against their beliefs. The hissy fits coming from the right would shame a high school drama queen. Two words… GROW UP.

          Capitalism is the dominant economic system in the West because it works. When a system stops working it has to be changed. When parts start to break down, they must be fixed. Burying your head in the sand and crying foul when someone tries is juvenile at best. Capitalism exists to serve society. Society doesn’t exist to serve capitalism, and once you start sacrificing parts of it (leaving almost 50 million without health care, exporting jobs to save a buck while others become unemployed) then it no longer has any merits.

        • The Matrix: Rebooted says:

          I happen to like the Lenin statue in my neighborhood, you capitalist running dog!

    4. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      When they’re sabotaged by predatory capitalism disguised as anything else its no that its stopped working so much as its been attacked.

      And you’re sick of seeing people who haven’t jumped on the band wagon and have their eyes open to the fact that you’re being lead around by your stupidity (as a country)? Think about how the people who aren’t brainwashed feel.

      I mean Bush bashing? Way to go against the grain, freedom fighter lol.


      There…that’s for you.

      People get a “butt hurt” about Americans actually being enthusiastic about their president because you shouldn’t be. You don’t have reason (yet) to hate him but you also don’t have any reason to like it let alone love him.

      It’s obvious you’re the one who needs to grow up. Fitting you referenced high school since you’re probably still there.

      btw: outsourcing is the legacy of Bill Clinton you twat and your country has never had health care. Those are not attributes of either of the two parties you like to pit against each other. The most juvenile and high school of all behavior.

      • Cargen says:

        People are enthusiastic about politics everywhere, Its just people like to feel patriotic in some way, and having something to hold on to that is a flaming load of shit is important, specially here in America. Personally i wouldn’t say that i am a huge Obama fan, but he isn’t stupid(compared to a lot of Americans), and i feel he is competent enough to at least have a chance to do something good for the country. Now i am not going to sculpt a statue, but just as long as I’m not paying for that statue, i don’t mind if it exist.

      • Comraduderrisch says:

        Who says I’m brainwashed? You? I’m sure someone else out there considers you brainwashed too. See how easy it is to throw that word around? You’re only using it to invalidate any opinion that might not be yours. I’m pretty sure everyone says to themselves “I’m not brainwashed, I’m one of the smart ones!” Truth is, everyone is, so the point is moot.

        I merely reference high school to show how idiotic some people behave and I’m automatically still in it? And you’re criticizing my logic?

        I didn’t like Clinton either. I hate Democrats just as much as I hate Republicans, but there’s a reason the former won the last election. The point with bringing up Bush is not to bash him, but to show how some of the people who think the damn sky is falling now, didn’t even bat an eyelash then. Pure political hypocrisy.

        Lastly, I think building a statue of any president before they’ve been tested is stupid as is the fan-girl cult of personality Obama has. I find it as disgusting as the fan-girlism around Reagan. I wasn’t trying to defend building a statue of the man. I was attacking the position that the country is already screwed after a few months into his office. Like you said, there is no reason to like or hate him and the person I was attacking has already made that judgment.

        • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

          Not everyone is brainwashed. Its possible to rise above conditioning. Difficult and more difficult daily but possible. That’s what my TV told me anyway.

          Far as I can see people thought the sky was falling then and think its now raining sunshine because their savior has been reborn now. Its sickening.

          I mean they gave the guy’s wife a Jackie O haircut for Christs sake.

          Ah well. I think we’re on the same page anyway and I apologize for jumping to conclusions but I make an assumption based on the norm here and elsewhere about the direction of the collective opinions expressed in your first post.

          I do stand by my point that there are way way way more people who would jack off on this statue than point out its idiocy. I worded it better before.

          • fracked again says:

            Considering that you don’t seem to know what communism and socialism are, I’d suggest you rethink that pot re: kettle memo. Oh yeah, and I’d say you are brainwashed, but it didn’t clean out enough shit to do any good.

            Your Friend,

            • fracked again says:

              Shit, that was mostly meant for lotuseater, but the brainwashed thing still fits.

            • TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

              Ya you make up your own definition of both terms and then tell everyone else they’re wrong.

              Welcome to the fucking tarded, blind left wing voter.

    5. nyoki says:

      I admit that I find he idea of a President’s Park disturbing. It’s putting the President before the people who voted them in. Who is president shouldn’t be that important. I never cared much who was president; I’m more interested in the Congress and Senate. It’s those morons that need to go. The clearly don’t understand what their job is.

    6. rebel4309 says:



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