ellen portia wedding

ellen portia wedding

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    28 Responses ttto ellen portia wedding

    1. Puulaahi says:


    2. Deleted_User says:

      its only equal if i get to marry a hottie like that guy did.

      oh wait that ellen degeneres.


    3. fatmalegamer says:

      I’m completely in favor of gay marriage.

      That said, this is completely unfair to all men.

    4. RSIxidor says:

      Goddamn Portia de Rossi is a fine ass woman. And a good comedic actress to boot (I’ll be honest, I’m taking this from Arrested Development alone, but that should be enough damnit)

    5. Queensly says:

      I’m also all for gay marriage. They should have to suffer like the rest of us.

    6. deleted_user says:

      Know I know where they came up with the sesame street characters. They just modeled them after ellens face.

    7. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      Gay marriage has been legal up here in Canada for years.

      When in California I thought it was so weird people were debating it.

      Its simple: let them get married. They don’t really take it seriously for the most part anyway. They get engaged and break up and re-engaged. So in a way it sucks they bullshitted with all that crap about equality. They shit all over marriage the same way a lot of straight couples do.

      btw anyone who yells out about this is an asshole. Get a real cause to get upset about ffs, losers.

      • gor says:

        You are correct Blondie. I personally have no opposition to homosexuals getting hitched, it their life. If two adults what to marry, be they gay, straight, transgendered, brother/brother, hermaphrodite/hermaphrodite, why shouldn’t they?

        The problem in California was a lot of the people who voted against gay marriage people were blacks and hispanics. Both of those groups seem to take offense that the gay community compares itself to them and their fight for equality. The California situation seems that it will only get resolved when the gay community convinces the blacks and hispanics communities to support them and right now they don’t seem to be willing. For right now maybe gays should go to Iowa, since it is less socially conservative then California is and allows gays to marry.

      • Kishi says:

        Yeah, how dare they treat marriage like straight people do!

    8. the_wanderer says:

      Don’t worry, she’ll be back to dating dudes soon enough..

      Just like most of Ellen’s exes…

    9. Tyger42 says:

      Honestly, it’s not the government’s place to say who can and cannot get married. Marriage is a religious institution, and that should be left to the churches to decide. If a church wants to marry gay couples, let them. Marriage benefits from the government should either extend to all married couples or none at all.

      • Pwnerade says:

        I wouldn’t say marriage is only a religious institution. It can be, if you want it to, but marriages can be for entirely secular purposes. But marriage is also a legal institution. And if we want to live up to the idea of free and equal protection under the law, then we can’t restrict marriage. Which is why the California Supreme Court ruled it was legal. but then 3 of the 4 judges who ruled in favor of it pussied out and decided it was OK for their state’s laws to discriminate. I guess restricting the right’s of minorities is alright as long as you go about it democratically. Totally not a complete misuse or completely against the philosophy of Democracy.

      • ack says:

        Religion and marriage are completely unrelated.

        In the US, Religion has tried to hijack marriage, but marriage is a civil union that is government recognized and supported. The religious ceremony means jack shit and is not required in any way shape or form. Depending upon local laws a marriage can typically be signed off by a judge, justice of the peace, city official, ship captain, etc. God not required.

        However, if you insist on the religion thing… OK. I was married. That was indisputable proof that God hates me and is an evil motherfucker.

    10. Fish says:

      Good for them. Two chicks getting it on is hot. Lesbians everywhere agree with me. Anyone who wants to get married should be able to. Not only because I believe it is right, but because it pisses off those who don’t agree with me.

    11. cloudmerchant says:

      I still want to know how being gay should mean I’m somehow a second class citizen while pedophiles, rapists, criminals, murderers and assholes all have the right to marry, provided they’re straight.

      Anyone that has a problem with who I sleep with has an issue of their own to deal with and should stay the christfuck out of my bedroom, thank you.

      The joke here is that the rights will come when all of the idiots protesting those rights are dead. People evolve. Society evolves. Twenty years from now, people will look at protesters of gay marriage the way we look at bigots and racists now.

      • You forgot the most ironic part of the group that can get married: Atheists

        And I agree with everything else you said.

        • Haha oh, I think I should clarify that I don’t think atheists are bad or anything, but those religious types that have a problem with gays getting married, have usually also a problem with atheists in general as well.

          • cloudmerchant says:

            I knew what you meant. I didn’t include atheists or agnostics (i.e. me) because I didn’t want to lump them in with child molesters and assholes.

            I also don’t see how marriage is a religious thing. You can be married by a court official so how is it anything to do with ze bible?

            You’re smart. Tell me things.

      • garbledxmission says:

        Good points. That being said, don’t worry, no one wants to see what goes on in your particular bedroom.
        And quit hitting on Die. It’s so forums of you…

        • cloudmerchant says:

          You hush. I hit on Tiki, too.

          I’m all about equality.

        • Hey, let her hit on me. I have no girls to hit on or get hit on. I live in a repressed area all right, one time I slapped a girl on the butt at school, because it was such a nice butt and I couldn’t resist. Do you have any idea what kind of looks I got. It wasn’t pretty, lemme tell you that.

          • gor says:

            Maybe you should keep your hands to yourself? Straight or gay, hitting people on the ass in public is just bad manners.

          • ack says:

            Damn. Thats haaawt.

            However, doesn’t Krampus beat you for slapping another womans ass?

          • cloudmerchant says:

            @ gor: Hitting people on the ass in public is fantastic. Anyone who thinks that’s bad manners doesn’t deserve to get slapped.


            @DieA: I hit on everyone. I’m a tremendous flirt. My girlfriend hates it but it’s genetic or something.

            Where do you live??

          • gor

            She was a friend of mine you fucking idiot. Just because you and your friends are so uptight doesn’t mean I’m not well mannered. I went to a private Catholic all girls school, I have better manners than you, your mom and any other female you know. Oh yah especially your mom.

            And silverflux,

            I live in socialist Europe. Teehee.

            It’s a shame isn’t it.

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