Converting To Metric

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    Excellent. This gets bonus points for the Serenity references and the raptor on a hoverboard. Those things are wicked fast, you know.


    14 cm…. penis? on a midget?


    maybe he just meant flaccid. Then again, usually the bigger it is flaccid, the smaller it is erect.


    Farenheit is a gay scale, metric ftw


    you just double it and add 30


    Bob & Doug FTW
    Bob We should go metric.
    Doug Why?!
    Bob Then we could drink a beer every kilometre, not every mile.
    Doug So?
    Bob So… kilometres are shorter than miles!
    Doug AH! So we drink more beers.
    Bob Exactly. What’s the conversion factor to go from miles to kilos?
    Doug Uh. Double it, and add thirty.
    Bob No, get out! That’s temperature.
    Doug So, it’s still metric.
    Bob Okay. So how many beers could we have had, professor Doug, assuming we drank twelve each?
    Doug Um. Hey! Are you implying one of us, possibly me, drank more than twelve?
    Bob Wha? No, I’m just sayin’ it makes the math easier…
    Doug Maybe it was you who drank all the beers!
    Bob Huh? No, it wasn’t me, eh! I had twelve!
    Doug Okay, that sounds about right.
    Bob Geez.
    Doug So uh, twelve beers, that’s… um.
    Bob Twelve kilometres.
    Doug Right. Uh. Twenty-four. Wow. And uh… thirty is… uh… holy smokes!
    Both Fifty-four beers!
    Bob Wow. I’m switchin’ to metric.
    Doug Me too. As soon as we get back to our van.


    Zoidberg: or multiply it by 1.8 and add 32.


    Um it says a two-liter bottle is 3L…


    oh how i love xkcd


    You’re criticizing the accuracy of a webcomic?


    driver01z: They never fill it to the top!


    borandi: I prefer to multiply by 9, divide by 5, then add 32. 😉


    I hate the metric system. The temperature alone is ridiculous, in just 30 degrees you can go from cool to cooked.


    metric is dumb

    the French made it up.

    It was just randomly made up, with no historical references.


    there’s no measurement that can have a historical reference. Time based on a cessium clock is really the most meaningful measurement you can find.

    The English system’s “historical reference” is pretty much just the size of some old king’s dick, or thumb or whatever. The point is, base 10 is much easier to work with than, say, base 12.


    Its a FAIL. kph is compared to m/s. Miles per second? Are they serious?




    nos4raaa2: It’s a typo. I’m pretty sure he meant mph. I’m also guessing you already knew that. Why do I bother commenting then? To show how silly I can be. I read it as meters per second.

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