Reasoning with God.

god_reasoning.jpg (416 KB)

Which side are you on?

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    32 Responses ttto Reasoning with God.

    1. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Both, actually. Why in the hell does being religious mean you don’t believe in science? Last time i checked I believed in evolution and physics/chemistry.

    2. TrayShadix says:

      Are those the only two teams? … Fuck. Our concept of God just fulfills the basic human needs of Protection (God) and Preservation (Soul) – so our perception of a higher power is grossly askew. If one exists, I’m sure three dimensional earthbound beings aren’t capable of perceiving or understanding it on any level. In the meantime, yes, let’s figure out how shit we CAN interact with and observe works. All for it. Figure out that gravity to atom thing.

    3. says:

      I think it was meant for people who only percieve in terms of black and white. Making fun of religion is in vogue.

    4. CathyLong says: Dividing the world into two groups is always in vogue. It’s easier to make them hate each other. 🙂

    5. goatsgomoo says:

      I agree with the sunset over a body of water with some clouds. It seems to be the best option.

    6. ytsejam6922 says:

      Really I think that the sole purpose (at least in the very beginning) of religion was to explain the unexplainable to help us as people have that peace of mind and purpose. Everything that we are able to scientifically prove has been explained in one way or another throughout religious history. Like why are we here, how are we made and basic things like that. The greeks and romans along with any other polytheist societies had a god for every little thing from the waves in the sea to the sun in the sky. We now can explain almost anything scientifically….there is still grounds for religion because anyone can easily say that the little spec of matter that was the epicenter of the big bang was placed there by god himself. right now there is no scientist that can logically explain how that got there and if that is even really what happened. so really both sides are equally relevant and until we can explain the so far unexplained, we can’t say there is not a god or there really is one. I for one doesn’t put too much stock in what I can’t prove, but I’ll give anything a chance to prove itself.

    7. Tyger42 says:

      Left. “Because God says so” isn’t an explanation, it’s a dead end cop-out.

    8. Liam4Now says:

      I don’t know about you frakking people, but Gods, I’m a Cylon descendant!!

    9. j_bryon says:

      No matter what you believe:

      The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
      A gigantic nuclear furnace
      Where hydrogen is built into helium
      At a temperature of millions of degrees

    10. TheLotusEater725 says:


      … i don’t get it, is there some Christian conspiracy trying to disprove this? Last time i was at synagogue and church the pastors and rabbis were talking about apathy. In fact i don’t remember ever hearing a christian say otherwise.

    11. …but i think all of you are….

    12. pantsoffdanceoff says:

      @j_bryon: nice

      they call me Dr. Worm..

    13. kickinupdirt says:

      i find it funny that the science people get the less vibrant, friendly looking picture.

    14. reptilecobra13 says:

      @thelotuseater725: Song lyrics. “Why Does the Sun Shine?” by They Might Be Giants.

    15. TheLotusEater725 says:

      @reptilecobra13: wtf, are you serious? So because TMBG writes a song about god that automatically means that christians do not believe in Chemistry?

    16. TheLotusEater725 says:

      @reptilecobra13: Disregard that, i suck cocks. I wrote out the rant before i looked up the lyrics, and accidentally hit submit comment.

    17. the3g_ipwn says:

      As science has began to become more advanced, people have come to question the Existance of God. Science has created life and are close to reproducing human life. That’s Godly right?

      So a scientist says to God, “Hey God, we can create life now. We don’t need you anymore.”
      God replies, “SRSLY? No my son. You only reproduce life from the materials that I have made for you.”
      “No. Really.” Says the scientist. “I can create life.”
      “Well why don’t we have a little contest?” Says God. “We each create life from nothing, and the one that turns out best is the winner”
      “You’re on” Replies the scientist.
      So God reaches down and grabs a handfull of dirt and begins. The scientist also reaches down to get some dirt and God says, “Hey! Make your own damn dirt!”

    18. nyoki says:

      Whatever. This is getting old.

    19. rattybad says:

      @thelotuseater725: But evolution and physics and chemistry are all science. There’s no god in that.

    20. TheLotusEater725 says:


      Prove it.

    21. dorix says:

      I like the picture on the right because the sun’s smiling at me. I don’t care about all those words. Also it’s just a mirror image of the left side.

    22. Puulaahi says:

      I believe in science more than god, but I don’t fully commit myself to science. I worship the sun and earth itself. Therefore I am on the correct side.

    23. TheLotusEater725 says:


      You win the thread.

    24. Why is the other side always dubbed ‘science?’

      It’s like it becomes an easy thing to attack when it has a name, but it is simply the not believing of something. Can’t someone not only have little faith in science and little faith in religion?

      A negative correlation, just like a positive one, does not imply causality, or in this case a mutually exclusive dichotomy.

      I believe the other side should simply be dubbed, ‘secular.’

    25. scs55 says:

      ahh, well, previously i was a christian, but this has dissuaded me entirely! Thank you, science!

      Lol. We arent dumbasses. Yes, we believe in science. Just not that we came from an accidental explosion of matter that had no business existing.

      But, anyways…Arguing on the internet is like racing in the special olympics…


    26. nyoki says:

      …we believe in science. Just not that we came from an accidental explosion of matter that had no business existing.

      Me either. I think it’s true but I neither know, nor believe, it’s true.

    27. doombuddy says:

      So um… did anyone else realize that we DO know the reason for gravity?

    28. AtomicDragon says:

      @doombuddy: Because the world sucks?

    29. nyoki says:

      @AtomicDragon: If the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off?

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