My first MCS post!?

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I feel proud..I got my emo gf into a dress

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    40 Responses ttto My first MCS post!?

    1. Puulaahi says:

      Now get her to stop being emo and take off the dress in front of you.

    2. TrayShadix says:

      I commend your bravery for both dating an emo and posting pictures of your real life for M[C]S Community commentary. I wish you the best of luck, good sir. Picture was taken at a good moment though, your facial expressions are really genuine. Great shot to look back on.

    3. MalcoveMagnesia says:

      Ditto to Mr. TrayShadix’s comments, and I hope those bandages aren’t from her cutting her wrists prior to taking that photo.

    4. Stone says:

      You both look fantastic in this pic.

    5. lolcat says:

      She has nice wrist accessories to hide her slash marks. Must be nice to date a borderline personality disorder… you can abuse her whenever you like.

    6. gregzombie says:

      Good pic of the two of you. Congrats on getting her to wear a dress. She looks good in it.

    7. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Hello, my name is Lotus, i will be your troll this evening.


      Anyways welcome to M[C]S =^-^=

    8. @lolcat: Is your nom de internet seriously lolcat?

      God, I’m depressed. Time to (continue) drink(ing).

    9. pantsoffdanceoff says:

      Wow this website is officially fucking lame…FAILBOAT….emo is the most needy weak-minded trend EVER grow up and stop pretending to be sad in your nice middle-class life you turd.

    10. Dreth says:

      LOL @ Bandage-like wrist-things

      You’re dressed up for the ball yet can’t get a haircut.

    11. Awesome1 says:

      Dude, i would totally do your girlfriend. thank you.

      @lotuseater and pantsoff: anyone who still uses the world fail is an unoriginal dick. so i guess you fail at having anything interesting to contribute.

    12. Lavapants says:

      She seems nice 🙂

    13. You look both sweet.

      Remember how you told me to grow up? I think it’s time for you to sort out your priorities.

      This website rules. End of discussion.

    14. SumoSnipe says:

      I applaud. Good brass set you got, putting yourself up here for target practice. Cute couple. I wish you well, and hope you help outbreed the idiots.

    15. w0x says:

      I’m sure no one will believe me, so I don’t know why even I’m posting this, but:

      I fucked her.

      It was almost exactly a year ago. I was visiting a friend who goes to law school at UCLA. We went out to a salsa club (which is one of the few non-nerdy I do well). After dancing a bit, she told me her name and there was a pause, like I should be impressed, and she said, “You know the emos?”. And was I was like, “Yeah, I hate emos!” and she laughed. So ended up going back to my friend’s apartment, drank some wine, then he took his girlfriend home, and well…

      Anyway, I didn’t realize who she was until I got home and tried to look-up her number on-line.

      I think I’ve still got some picture on my old cell phone. I’ll check when I get home.

    16. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      Dear reader,

      Either she’s fairly tall or you’re a dwarf.

      Regardless…if a girl won’t be accommodating and feminine enough to wear a dress without coaxing then what hope do you have of fucking her face?

      My advice: slip her a roofie and bust her anus. Sure she’ll freak out but if she’s an emo-cutter she’s just aching for something real to bitch about anyway. You’re probably under 18 so you won’t do time and in the long run all her future bf’s will thank you for ramming the stupid, uppity suburban bitch attitude out of her.

      Thanks for writing in,

      Dr. Magnus B. PHD MD OG PS3

    17. juanpastation says:

      hey, she might be an wrist cutting emo, but look at this guy, for christ’s sake… it’s already a miracle that a girl’s with him… so i guess we can’t really shit e’m up.
      oh wait… we can! 🙂

    18. MrJanio says:

      @Blondie: loool, “Dr. Magnus B. PHD MD OG PS3”

    19. joodles says:

      Cute! ^_^ She looks really pretty in that dress.

    20. Rocks says:

      Yes, she does. Have her take it off and post another picture.

    21. natedog says:

      hey kuja130, i know you’re young and all, and she looks all cute and shit to you now.

      because you’ve prolly never been in her pants, you should know that IT’S A TRAP

    22. NinjerGabeX says:

      eh id hit it and what is a mexi doing dating a an emo?

    23. greenie says:

      I can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet….

      Interracial ftw

    24. MikeB86 says:

      you can do 1 of 2 things in the future…

      1) don’t post again
      2) make your next post of something other than two people that no one gives a shit about

    25. LeeHarveyOswald says:

      @MikeB86: goddamn your a hatter. this man is an obvious win, and you just gotta hate? El TerriblÈ

    26. zazzer says:

      wow i am serprized this pic went over better than mine with my girlfriend, you guys ripped me a new one, you guys are actually being nice, i like it!
      and you two look great cheers

    27. _Mc2_ says:

      Ohh come on now just cuz he would not show her muff does not mean he can redeem him self and post it next week.

    28. SumoSnipe says:

      @zazzer: What? When? Dammit I hate missing out on a good ass ripping.

    29. mrgreen says:

      Id hit it

    30. kuja130 says:

      woah woah? lol trolls? Well, I’m just really glad my pic got put up and she’s not actually emo, I just call her that because she gets mad when I do =) anyways, yay and thatnks for the insults and compliments!

    31. juanpastation says:

      i’d hit it too… with a shotgun

    32. Free_Kubit says:

      I’d hit that … with a sledgehammer. I’d have sex with her too.

    33. kuja130 says:

      well, now I’ve seen only two asking to show her naked? I’ll have to see more requests if you want that! MCS fame here I come, lol =)

    34. mrgreen says:

      are you really going to post a picture of your girlfriend naked? she looks underage man.. do it anyway haha

    35. kuja130 says:

      well…since I knew she wouldn’t go for that I asked anways and have been officially smacked in the face. Lol, one because I called her emo and she’s not, and two for asking if I could post her naked…maybe I’ll post a pic of the red mark she gave me on my face?

    36. mrgreen says:

      you should post one of her red twat after you smack it haha

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