Racist restaurants

1950scCoonChickenInnMenu.jpg (43 KB)

Ken_Prag_12_sambos_1919_Webster.jpg (361 KB)

one of the more disheartening and rarely discussed moments in American cultural history: A restaurant chain called Coon Chicken Inn, alluded to in the films Ghost World and C.S.A., actually existed between the 1920s and the 1950s. Diners would enter through the doors of a ghastly racist caricature.
It was by no means the only racist American restaurant. If you visit Santa Barbara, you can find the original Sambo’s restaurant, based on Helen Bannerman’s racist children’s book, The Story of Little Black Sambo. There were once as many as 1,200 outlets.

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    64 Responses ttto Racist restaurants

    1. In my opinion, owners of private businesses should be allowed to do whatever they want with it.
      I don’t find this that offensive anyway. And since when do black guys have blue eyes.

    2. Alec Dalek says:

      Helen Bannerman’s book wasn’t racist. It may be racist by todays standards, but when it was written there was no intent to be racist. It’s just a kids book from a by-gone era.

    3. Luke Magnifico says:

      @dieAntagonista: Since NEVER, that’s since when.

      This whole thing is a farce, and a sham, and I’ll have nothing more to do with it.

      Blue eyes, indeed.

    4. Luke Magnifico says:

      ¶, because people don’t seem to have any sense of humour these days.

    5. JamesTuskGeorge says:

      @AlecDalek: The book isn’t racist by today’s standards, the text is fine, the illustrations are debatable but it’s the the knock off copies that are the problem.

    6. Tardex says:

      @LukeV1-5: Is that still the sarcasm symbol? If it is, people don’t have any sense of humour.

    7. More important than its racist overtones is just how unappetizing the menu is

    8. flintlocke says:

      I lived in South Africa in the 1980s. Comparatively, I don’t think a lot of people have a really strong grasp of the concept of racism.

    9. the3g_ipwn says:

      To hell with you people who would call me a racist. Damn you and your political correctness. From now on, I saw what’s on my mind.

    10. the3g_ipwn says:

      @nyokki: Am I supposed to feel bad about that? Should I pay rapairations to black people because of this?

    11. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      My cars runs on n!gger tears so I adore this shit.

      Complain away. Then go buy from KFC with your victory food stamps.


    12. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:





    13. TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca says:

      My balls. You mouth. Let’s make a date to masturbate.

    14. the3g_ipwn says:

      Look. It’s as simple as this. Blacks are %21 of the population, yet %72 of the prison population. Blacks are deemed high risk to banks because over half don’t pay their bills on time regularly.

      When I say things about black people, when I talk as I do, I’m not being racist. I’m just playing the odds.

    15. @the3g_ipwn:

      Well yeah, except that it’s unnecessary information. Unnecessary in the sense that it says nothing about black people, but about people who come from certain areas.
      You can list statistics all day long, biology and evolutionary genetics are against you.

      Besides, what do you propose then, should we treat black people in a different way because of those statistics? What about the other %28. That would be a rather primitive solution. How about taking care of poor people in areas with a lot of criminals in general. And making sure that they get their education.

      Too much trouble am I right.

    16. the3g_ipwn says:

      @dieAntagonista: How about we pop the goverment titty out of the minority’s mouth and give them a chance to make it on their own.

      Nothing chaps my ass worse than to hear some minority say that they refuse to work for the “white man” while sucking up my tax dollars.

    17. @the3g_ipwn:

      I am definitely against things like, people of a certain race getting a bonus because their grand grand grandfather had to suffer. It’s like, reversed racism. Still bad. Or things like black history month. It’s even kind of ridiculous to think that a black person should feel more proud of Martin Luther King than any other American.

      But the thing is, most blacks have no choice. Most of those people have hardly to no affect on things like that. It’s people from other races who are responsible for this, you know, to make shit seem even. Of course black people are the last ones who are going to complain, but can you blame them.

    18. the3g_ipwn says:

      Now some people may get the idea that I think that I am better than some people. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I am pissed because I as a white male am held to a higher standard by people who claim to support equality. I have nothing against black people, other than that I am viewed as “the white devil”. I am not the enemy. Hell, I have more in common with black people than I do with rich people. Which is why I am allowed to bitch about it. I’m poor too, but nobody is knocking down my door begging to help me. It’s like “fuck him. He’s white, he had his chance.” Meanwhile %32 of my hard earned paycheck goes to fund crack whores with 3 kids by 3 different dads, none of whom have a job.

    19. the3g_ipwn says:

      @dieAntagonista: Yes they do have a choice. That’s the fundimental difference between conservatism and liberalism. You think people bourn into poverty have no choice and should be treated equal regardless of their choices. I believe that people are bourn equal and give a choice as to how they will lead their lives.

    20. the3g_ipwn says:

      Regardless of what you have been taught, dropping out of school at 15 to sell cocaine is a choice. Having a child is a choice. Liberals like to claim to be Pro-Choice, but so am I. I just believe that the choice to give birth to a child should happen before you decide to have sex and not after.

    21. @the3g_ipwn:

      No I meant that they have no choice as to how their country is governed. What, do you think they’re going to start protesting in the streets for getting too much money? How, they have to take care of getting their daily dosage and 3 kids by 3 different dads.

      Look, I get what you’re trying to say. But when you feel offended by black people thinking of you as a ‘white devil’ – you’re just as offensive when you think they think that way just because they’re black. Take into consideration for a moment, that they probably grew up surrounded by people who have taught them to think that way. Or why is it that educated people, no matter if white or black, are less likely to be racist and ignorant?
      Just imagine how it would be if the only people who accept you and care for you, told you all those bad things about white people. It’s an ugly cycle really. But first you must understand that it has nothing to do with the colour of their skin. As long as people like you see a connection between a colour and numbers, how do you expect a black criminal to start believing in himself. I know I couldn’t.

    22. the3g_ipwn says:

      @dieAntagonista: First and foremost, I would like to say that I enjoy debating you almost as much as Nyokki. You both keep it clean and civilized. Thank you.

      2nd. 2 beefs with your argument
      I. “But when you feel offended by black people thinking of you as a ‘white devil’ – you’re just as offensive when you think they think that way just because they’re black.”
      a) I don’t think that they’re because they’re black. That’s just bullshit that helps you liberals sleep at night. Labeling me the bad guy. I think that they’re that way because government has conditioned them to be that way. From birth they are taught that the “White Establishment” is the enemy. You have no chance to succeed. You NEED the help of the government. We will save you. We will protect you. Just vote for us and we’ll put you first for a change.
      II.As long as people like you see a connection between a colour and numbers, how do you expect a black criminal to start believing in himself.
      a) I didn’t make the connection between numbers and color, sweetie. The fact that %72 of the prison population is black and you want to blame the white guy says alot about the problem. No personal responsibility.
      b) Oh, it’s not your fault you carjacked that lady. She’s white and can afford another one.

    23. jeffapotimus says:

      @the3g_ipwn: Where the hell do you hear these things about black people? I live in Richmond, CA. Lot of african-americans, not a lot of great neighborhoods. Yeah, there are a lot of of crackheads and teenage mothers and losers and so forth, but we’ve got a lot of white guys like that too. I don’t understand the distinction.

      “Nothing chaps my ass worse than to hear some minority say that they refuse to work for the “white man” while sucking up my tax dollars.”

      Thats just hilarious. It sounds funnier when you read it out loud in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn. So do you know anything about black folks that you didn’t learn from 70 year old cartoons and blaxploitation movies? Do you run into minorities in the street that, during the course of normal conversation that you strike up, inform you of this policy of theirs?

      Trust me, nobody is holding you to a higher standard. And if anyone ever does, just show them some of the bullshit you write and they will no doubt adjust their expectations.

    24. the3g_ipwn says:

      @jeffapotimus: Back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up. My whole argument is against labeling people and yet you still try to pen me as the racist. Like the first ammendment don’t apply to me too. For too long have people tried to quell truths else they be branded with the scarlet “R”. That shit ended November 2, 2008. The day a dirt poor, black son of an illegal immigrant claimed the highest throne in then land by majority vote. The day the great Martin Luther King Jr’s dream came to life. That was a great day for white people. A great day because we can finally say “FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! BY GOD ALMIGHTY WE ARE FREE AT LAST!”

    25. nyoki says:

      @the3g_ipwn: What? I just thought it was funny and seemed to come from around the same time period, maybe a bit later.

    26. jeffapotimus says:

      No, not a racist.

      MORON, the correct answer was moron.

    27. nyoki says:

      OK wow, now that I’ve read the whole thread @the3g_ipwn: You keep saying you’re not the one labeling, right before you go on to labeling. You know another statistic about people in prison? 99.9% are criminals. No, I’m serious. I read it somewhere. Your statistics are meaningless because it tells you absolutely nothing about the next person you meet. You will know nothing substantive about this person based on what you see 20 feet away. You may not be outright racist, but you sure are extremely biased. Frankly you sound exactly like those you complain of. It’s not fair, someone is getting more than me and I’ve already ante’d in! Drop the filtering and assume nothing of the people you meet and I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised more often than you currently think possible.

    28. the3g_ipwn says:

      @jeffapotimus: Then I pose to you this question: Of any given group of people, be it religous, color, of even poker buddies, at what percent of that group, do you define the individuals by the group actions? At what percent do you think classifies you as part of a group? Is it 20? If you go allong with %20 of what people say, are you a sheep? Of course not! What about %50? Would you then just be following the crowd? What about %72? Yeah that sounds about right to me. If your %72 of the prison population, you must be black, and that makes me a racist. Never mind that I am NOT in prison. I am white. Therefor I am the problem.
      @jeffapotimus: Oh, by the way, if you’re only out is name calling, make it a good one.

    29. Just This Guy, You Know? says:

      Sambo’s was actually a combination of the names of the two owners: Sam Battistone and Newell Bohnett. They capitalized on the coincidence when the book was published though, although the original Sambo in the story was Indian (from the subcontinent), not African. The fact that he was antagonized by tigers either supports this argument, or illustrates the ignorance of the author. Incidentally, Sambo triumphs over the tigers when they begin to chase each other around a tree until they are reduced to a pool of delicious melted butter. This ending would also seem to support the idea that the author really did not know very much about tigers.

    30. @ everybody who commented:

      Wow, just wow. I think I’ll be staying in Japan longer…

    31. the3g_ipwn says:

      @nyokki: Don’t assume that I was born last night into a household of mexican, crack whore women with no father. I know people of all backgrounds who are sorry, deadbeat, burdons on society. Just like I know people of all races who are top notch people in their respective fields. That is why I reject the idea that race or social class has anything to do with an individual’s outcome. You people like to call me racist, yet I merely despise people who use race as a crutch and the politicians who enable that.

    32. jeffapotimus says:

      lol, no racism in Japan!

      @the3g_ipwn: Was going for apt, not clever. You have built all this on some very simple and superficial logic. I could use the same logic to say that if the vast majority of all donkey-porn is produced in the netherlands or sweden or whatever that Swedes generally like to fuck donkeys.

    33. jeffapotimus says:

      You noticed how I casually made it seem like I didn’t know exactly where donkey porn comes from?

      Cuz on the internet, you can be whoever you want. We’re all living the dream, baby. So you go on and be racist or stupid or whatever, man. Republican Jesus loves you. RonPaul2016!!1!

    34. jeffapotimus says:

      Record Store Tough Guy is my new favorite internet commenter.

    35. the3g_ipwn says:

      You have built all this on some very simple and superficial logic. I could use the same logic to say that if the vast majority of all donkey-porn is produced in the netherlands or sweden or whatever that Swedes generally like to fuck donkeys.

      Well, somebody has to be fucking those donkeys.

    36. the3g_ipwn says:

      But, then again, I guess those donkey fuckers have some white guy cracking a whip if they don’t.

    37. @jeffapotimus:

      Never said that there wasn’t racism in Japan; in fact I got one of my friend’s gf uncomfortable when my other friend and I started to discuss the history between Japan and China. Look before you leap, guy.

    38. nyoki says:

      …Hell, I have more in common with black people than I do with rich people. Which is why I am allowed to bitch about it. I’m poor too, but nobody is knocking down my door begging to help me. It’s like “fuck him. He’s white, he had his chance.” Meanwhile %32 of my hard earned paycheck goes to fund crack whores with 3 kids by 3 different dads, none of whom have a job.

      Is that your option? Black or rich? I find that choice interesting and telling…But your not biased.

      Don’t assume that I was born last night into a household of mexican, crack whore women with no father. I know people of all backgrounds who are sorry, deadbeat, burdons on society. Just like I know people of all races who are top notch people in their respective fields. That is why I reject the idea that race or social class has anything to do with an individual’s outcome. You people like to call me racist, yet I merely despise people who use race as a crutch…

      You’re the one going on about statistics that give you real info about a person’s background and race; not me. You can’t go on about statistics in one post then tell me how disinterested you are in racial statistics. You’re all over the board here and completely self-contradictive.

    39. jeffapotimus says:

      @Snarky Parker: Turn down the squelch on your snarky-talkie, bro, I was being sarcastic. I’ve been there, just for business tho. After riding the train a couple times I think I’d rather be Chinese than female.

    40. jeffapotimus says:

      nver mind, I read that wrong. time to switch to beer.

    41. the3g_ipwn says:

      @nyokki: That’s a liberal for ya. The statistics support me and you say I support the statistics.

      Let’s say that you’re right. Let’s say I am the imperial n!gger hating white machine. I went to africa and caught me some natives and made them slaves. They work for me now. I free them, not by my own will, but by law. When am I exonerated from breaking a non-existant law? 430 years sound close? Not hardly.

    42. nyoki says:

      @the3g_ipwn: BTW Welcome back. Where ya been?

    43. jeffapotimus says:

      @the3g_ipwn: Law? What the fuck are you even talking about now?

      I’m admittedly pretty drunk right now, but I’m pretty sure that all anyone is saying is that you are definitely not exonerated from being a dick.

      If you are being held back in life for some reason, start with a mirror. If not, quit your bitching.

    44. nyoki says:

      @the3g_ipwn: You…personally were never in the position to be exonerated or accused. That’s my point. Let it go, stop putting fuel to the fire. You’re taking it personally and there is zero reason to. I could figuratively give a shit less what anyone’s anything is (whatever that phrase means). You say, when pressed, that you mean all welfare fucktards that take 32% of your paycheck (32%? Really?), but left to your own devices you always (ALWAYS) use blacks as your example and the butt of your ire. I believe you think you’re being objective rather than racist. You’re deluding yourself on that point though.

    45. jeffapotimus says:

      Seriously, all you black people need to stop oppressing the3g_ipwn right now. OK guys? Not cool.

    46. the3g_ipwn says:

      %32? Let’s see here. Affirmative action is governmt funded, so is the ACLU, NAACP…ect. There are too many things geared against white people. Its wrong to be white in this country. Lets say I started my own all white beauty padgent(miss BLACK america), or had my own TV network(BLACK entertainment telivision), fuck it, I want a whole month dedicated to white history!

      BET, NAACP, ACLU…ect are the only truly racists in America. They constantly remind us about our differences and blame people for shortcommings.

    47. @ DieAntagonista:

      And for the record, my friend’s father (rest his soul) did have blue eyes…

    48. jeffapotimus says:

      Yeah, dude I know. Its so hard being white in this country. I think about all I’ve had to overcome just to get by… and then I think harder because I can’t really come up with anything.

      You must be a powerful loser to have so much pent up anger about this stuff, man. All that reverse-racism shit is a little played out by now, isn’t it? Its a new century now. You need to stop blaming people for your own shit, man.

      All I know is if I could go back to birth and choose my race, I’d still stick with white, but out of pragmatism, not pride. But, who knows, all that welfare and prison and black history month and whatnot seems like a pretty sweet deal to me.

    49. jeffapotimus says:

      @the3g_ipwn: Oh oh, I know! have you considered just taking a bunch of tanning pills like in ‘Soul Man’? Then the government would give you all those wonderful advantages you’ve been missing out on, but you wouldn’t have any of the criminal tendencies or primitive sexual urges or other base forms of negro rascality.

      Win win.

    50. the3g_ipwn says:

      @jeffapotimus: All I know is if I could go back to birth and choose my race, I’d still stick with white, but out of pragmatism, not pride. But, who knows, all that welfare and prison and black history month and whatnot seems like a pretty sweet deal to me.

      Really? Well let’s put it in real tearms. See the common misconception is that white people rowed a big ass boat to africa and captured its population to farm cotton in the US. WRONG. Black slaves were slaves when we got to Africa and were traded for bags of sugar. Now you could either be fighting AIDS and malaria while starving in the desert or living off the misguided American government. Which would you chose?

    51. the3g_ipwn says:

      @jeffapotimus: I can do this all night.

    52. nyoki says:


      %32? Let’s see here. Affirmative action is governmt funded, so is the ACLU, NAACP…ect. There are too many things geared against white people

      Ok. so that 32% is a total bullshit number. You did your own magic math and came up w/ that percentage.

      Its wrong to be white in this country. Lets say I started my own all white beauty padgent(miss BLACK america), or had my own TV network(BLACK entertainment telivision), fuck it, I want a whole month dedicated to white history!

      BET, NAACP, ACLU…ect are the only truly racists in America. They constantly remind us about our differences and blame people for shortcommings.

      It’s apparent that you’re listening and returning the favor. They could have 50 channels devoted to whateverthefucktheywant and I still wouldn’t care. It’s better for my oooohhhhmmm that way. Oh, and white history is taught every single day in school (even during Black History Month), Are we being racist when we celebrate Columbus Day? Am I being forced to celebrate Yom Kippur? Seriously dude, calm down. It really isn’t so horrible for you, regardless of what “they” do.

    53. jeffapotimus says:

      I don’t have to choose, I live in California. I’m rolling a joint right now. I can barely understand what you’re even pissed off about.

      All that shit happened hundreds of years ago. You, on the other hand, are a douchebag TODAY.

    54. the3g_ipwn says:

      @nyokki: No the %32 ain’t a bogus number. I make roughly $2100 and bring home $1100(that’s more than %32 but I put alot into stock and 401K). Either way you swing it, 1/3 of my earnings goes to the government and I don’t now, nor have I ever thought that it is spent correctly. I don’t like funding all black scholarships on top of all inclusive programs. All black colleges(I forget the name but an all black college in DC is the only college listed by name in the federal budget, and its been there for years so I don’t know who put it in the budget)

    55. the3g_ipwn says:

      @jeffapotimus: Then what the fuck did you pipe up about it for asshole?

    56. jeffapotimus says:

      @the3g_ipwn: Cuz I’m fucking old now and I have a kid and no health insurance. So instead of going out and and getting drunk and starting fights with ignorant rednecks I stay in and do that. Also I’m much more likely to get laid by my super-hot wife later than if we did this at a bar.

      I know its sad. You can’t tell, but right now there is a single tear, slowly, haltingly, making its way down my cheek.

    57. jeffapotimus says:

      @the3g_ipwn: HAHA wait, you’ve been putting $330 into stock and 401k and you’re pissed because BLACK people are making you poor?

      I cashed in mine almost 6 months ago. Took the tax hit and everything. I wish I could say that it was some amazing foresight on my part, but it was really just dumb luck. At the time that tax penalty really hurt to even think about, but if I had left it I’d have lost sooo much more.

      So let’s be honest. Rich white guys have fucked you over a lot worse.

      I’m not saying they’re ALL lying incompetent crooks. I mean, I’ve met a couple nice ones.

    58. garbledxmission says:

      @the3g_ipwn, 2 things:
      1)Learn to fucking spell.
      2)Jesus tap dancing Christ quit sounding off like the little KKK sheet-wearing-to-hide-the-dress, phony interwubs billy badass wannabe. It’s small, petty and makes you look like an inbred fuckstick at best.
      If you are trolling, it’s a cheap, shitty, goatfucking job of it and needs to stop.
      I’m putting you on notice. Enough is enough. Quit or I’ll hound your ignorant, hillbilly, sister fucking ass day and nite till you abandon this site in rightously earned shame you grotty little vaginal wart you.

    59. jeffapotimus says:

      @garbledxmission: Dude has enough problems without you jumping on his spelling. I don’t know if you know this but ummm… he’s, y’know, white. So he’s got enough problems, what with the government sending his paycheck to the black history college and something about boats or pirate ships or something. Just lay off, OK mister new world order spelling nazi? We’re watching out for black helicopters over here.

    60. Sorry I fell asleep last night.

      So to all the people who think the3g_ipwn is racist – it’s just not true. His main problem is the mentality surrounding these issues. And he’s right.

      Except for the whole statistics thing. It’s easy to get fooled by numbers, I know I do that a lot.


      “I think that they’re that way because government has conditioned them to be that way. From birth they are taught that the “White Establishment” is the enemy.”

      If that’s really true, then there isn’t much we disagree on. Except for the significance of statistics. It just doesn’t matter in your day to day life. You still have to judge every person you meet individually. There is no other way, if you really believe you’re a good fair person, or if you’re trying to be – that’s what you have to do.

      Also, thank you but I’m afraid I’m not like this with you because I’m nice. If you have seen me arguing with others, you know what I mean. I like you, that’s why I’m being nice. I’m a biased motherfucker someone stop me.

    61. @Snarky Parker:

      I am so sorry if I have offended you in any way. But right now it pisses me off that you hint on us being so cruel, but you don’t say who and why.

      About the blue eyes, it was a joke.

      Dude, I have black people in my family. Granted, I’ve never met any of them but that’s not my fault. And until I was 7 years old or so, I myself looked like I’m black.
      I don’t know why I feel the need to justify myself, but I’ve been discriminated against my whole life, I live in one of the most racist countries in all of Europe.

      So I feel like I have the right to comment on this.

      Please explain what bothers you about the things I have said.

    62. Phyreblade says:

      @the3g_ipwn: OK, I agree with some of what you are saying. BUT there is quite a bit about which I believe you are in error.

      The first is that very few black slaves were *originally* slaves. The vast majority were captives from wars with rival local tribes, or were just blatantly kidnapped and sold into slavery. Before that they were free family tribes men. Not slaves.

      And in spite of your proclamation of non racism, you seem to have based your *entire* argument on the pitfalls of one demographic – African Americans, supported by improperly applied statistics, and unfounded theories based on said invalid statistics. You don’t think that’s at least a *wee bit* racist?

      The tricky thing about racism, is that it isn’t always obvious. Lots of otherwise good people make racist decisions every day without even knowing or even intending to be racist.

      And when it comes to who is consuming our tax dollars, I personally have more issues with the idea of welfare, than that of Black/Women/Minority rights organizations.

      It’s supposed to help people in hard times, but in my experience, human nature will generally ensure that being on Welfare results in people picking up a check and then sitting on their heines in front of a tv/bong/line of coke/crack, doing nothing to help themselves. And trust me, the minorities have no monopoly on that particular attitude.

      Having said that, I find most black folk lobbying for “minority rights” seem to exhibit the same flawed attitude of many self proclaimed “feminists”. They are focusing too much on their “rights”, rather than actual equality.

      But so far as the attitude that many black people have about being held down by the man, the problem is that, it is often based on reality. The many flawed assumptions you have exhibited here are held by many others. So much so that minorities are much more likely to be arrested, discriminated against, etc. even when they aren’t actually doing anything wrong.

      Especially for race stereotypical crimes, even if an individual is not guilty of them they are more likely to still be convicted because of the stereotype. It’s a vicious cycle that artificially inflates statistics that are flawed to begin with, which then adds to the flawed stereotype…

      Racism is a rather insidious thing. Not always easy to recognize and even harder to break out of…

      In conclusion I’ll say that I like me some Coon Chicken. It’s the best kind. KFC? Pfft. I bet you Colonel Sanders stole the recipe from his black cook… 😛

    63. jburge says:

      original Sambo had nothing to do with anyone black…
      The character Sambo was an Indian (india) not black

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