progressive girl

proginsuroo7.jpg (21 KB)

omg i think this girl is absolutely beautiful. agree?

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    43 Responses ttto progressive girl

    1. havokblast says:

      I have a friend who thinks she looks like a fish…

    2. Puulaahi says:

      Don’t find her attractive at all.

    3. I_am_Lopan says:

      No sir, I do not agree with you.

    4. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Out of all the pictures of her out there why in the fuck did you choose this one ? Her real name is Stephanie Courtney

      Here are better pictures of her

    5. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Put an http on the first pic for it to work properly.

    6. RNPOWT says:

      in this pic? no. however i do think there is something about her that is attractive in a way… i just don’t know what it is yet….

    7. OhNoItsGojira says:

      Yes, I felt she was rather attractive when I first saw the commercials

    8. red7paulbrennan says:

      no, not in this pic but in other pics she is hot

    9. pro_junior says:

      lotuseater725, the second and third links you posted are to pictures of Christina Hendricks…

    10. kickinupdirt says:

      i would totally hit that.

    11. TheStig88 says:

      i like her….she has that librarian look to her

    12. outofocus says:

      She’s cute in an alterna-girl kind of way.

    13. TheLotusEater725 says:


      ughhhhh god, wow i feel like a douchebag. That’s what i get for not double checking


    14. Ren says:

      This chick gets on my last nerve…maybe it’s her voice or her obnoxiousness…probably a combination of both.

    15. ieattime20 says:

      She has a very pin-up model look, a style which is (sadly, unfortunately) not in vogue anymore.

      She’d be great at modern burlesque.

    16. Sfreak says:

      shes fucking hot yo!

    17. ohmybob says:

      Take off some of the makeup and I would totally make hot lesbian love to her.

    18. RSIxidor says:

      I found her attractive, but I think she’d have to be a one night stand or a weekend fling. I imagine she wears on you the same way the commercials do.

    19. mystic says:

      I’m gonna go with hot, but in an odd way. I don’t know what it is about her.

    20. mikoyangurevich15 says:

      Oh,I`d hit it like a runaway garbage truck!

    21. freakymescan says:

      no doubt attractive. as long as she really don’t act like she does in those commercials

    22. przxqgl says:

      no, i disagree. she’s nasal and has an annoying, hard-sell personality that i find a total turn-off.

    23. Elepski says:

      This pic is not the best of here.. but I think she is hot… particularly those “Madmen” (I think) pics. Serious boobage.

    24. Senshi says:

      I first I was all like, “Ohhhh Mr. Sheffield!!!”

      and then I was liALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!!

    25. onthebeach says:

      I think she’s hot. Only seen her in the commericals.

    26. I hate these commercials with the fury of a thousand burning suns.

    27. rattybad says:

      She’s hot in weird way. Definitely not a looker, but she’s a pretty good actress, as far as commercials go, and the voice has an interesting quality to it. Personality goes a long way; so yeah I’d agree.

    28. rattybad says:

      Also, this link might have some answers as to her allure:

    29. mageknight711 says:

      ya i know its not the best picture of her but i had to post one. im surprised about the ratio of hot to not hot tho

    30. Tyger42 says:

      @Puulaahi: Ditto. Absolutely.

    31. Kishi says:

      I was going to say she was okay looking, but then there were pictures of Christina Hendricks, and she’s so hot she makes every woman look less attractive, so when I looked back at the main picture, eh.

    32. morlakis says:

      I’m really. really stuggling to see the attraction, not for me…

    33. juniorjaw says:

      i agree, she’s quite realistically attractive.

    34. xxs1n702xx says:

      she’s hot in a weird way. my friends says it’s cause of her lip stick.i don’t know…i just think she’s hot.

    35. bigrhono says:

      i am totally in love with the progressive girl. so yummy, and i bet she’s a blast to chill with.

    36. SumoSnipe says:

      Yes she is. but yeah the pic at top not the most flattering.

    37. dekay46 says:

      i disagree even after reviewing all pictures..

    38. Phyreblade says:

      Well she’s not the “Hollywood glamor” type, but then again neither is Felicia Day… I think she cute, and that is usually enough to push a girl over into sexy/hot territory if you throw in a great personality, and a sense of humor. People tend to like that…

    39. X-119 says:

      Totally hot…in the one where she purrs, yummie

    40. traptin85 says:

      she would be attractive if she just STFU!!!!!!!!!
      she reminds me of my sister w/ her annoyingness!!!!!!

    41. Chenoan says:

      She has a smirk like meg from disney’s hercules.

      yeah…strange first thought but YOU KNOW =D

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