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    40 Responses ttto STEVE!

    1. Teutonic Logic says:

      ahh the venerated comic strip…enjoy these last few years of existence before your execuetion alone with newspapers.

    2. tiki god says:

      @Teutonic Logic:
      why do you make my head hurt so much?

      have you never heard of webcomics before?

    3. Teutonic Logic says:

      webcomics is retarded its like making a webtelegraph. Whats the point when their are far superior mediums. Comic strips are dinosaurs and are about as relevant to contempory culture as vaudville shows, singing telegrams and the 8-track.

    4. TGGeko says:

      Sounds like someone hasn’t found a good web comic or a proper grammar teacher.

    5. RSIxidor says:

      @Teutonic Logic:
      I would enjoy a web telegraph, actually.

    6. tiki god says:

      @Teutonic Logic:
      your argument is like saying that naked pictures are stupid because there’s so many other mediums to enjoy pronz in.

      I actually have about 50 webcomics that are in my blogroll that I read whenever they’re updated. Some of them are funny, some are serious, but all of them are worth my time.

    7. Teutonic Logic says:


      yeah cause porn is as popular as comic strips. How can you compare those two if there is an exception to technology staying around its porn. I would jack off to a deguerreotypes from the 1830s, if i could find them. Regardless of how many comic strips are on the web, their overall popularity has been in dramatic and steady decline. In the 1950s comic strips were an extremely popular part of american pop culture, real water cooler material. When was the last time you saw a friend and said “hey you catch that new comic strip?” Comic strips are a niche of a subgenre.

      As for my grammar go easy on me guys, I didnt get the chance to finish high school and my formal education is quite limited to say the least.

    8. RSIxidor says:

      @Teutonic Logic:

      I have friends ask me all the time if I’ve seen a new webcomic.

      Also, another exception is Bizzarro. Bizzarro will last forever.

    9. token2k6 says:

      @Teutonic Logic: errr.. don’t you mean to take it easy on you b/c you couldn’t pass a Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation test the 17 times you tried to?

    10. Teutonic Logic says:


      like you have room to talk, the last invoice you sent us your dumbass undercharged us $2400.00 from the PO. But I guess CME isnt hurting or anything.

    11. Luke Magnifico says:


      Wait wait

      I’m detecting a certain casemodsy vibe off these potential shenanigans.

    12. MacheteJak says:

      @Teutonic Logic: You are an absolute idiot.

    13. MonkeyHitman says:

      @Teutonic Logic: how can you say if web comics are out of style. dude web comics, comics, drawing, express a different way of entertainment in comedy. They show picture of expression where words would make it too complicated to say but drawn would be better. please wiki yourself before you try to make a argument.

    14. Mayyday says:

      @CathyLong: Mine too, now.

    15. Putridity says:

      @Teutonic Logic: I am with you on grammar. I didn’t finish highschool either.
      But webcomics will not go out of fashion. Take Cyanide and Happiness for example. This is always priceless and when it comes to full length comics. They are still more than awesome! One that I recommend at the moment is called “the boys”. It’s about a world over populated with superheros and a team of special agents who punish the misbehaving ones.

    16. dhg4983 says:

      comics are for people who dont like to read, they are the poor man’s novel, they need pictures because they cant express themselves in words.

    17. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      ahh the venerated visual image to convey humor…enjoy these last few years of existence before your execuetion[sic] alone[sic] with words to relate current events.

    18. Putridity says:

      @dhg4983: You are officially a crackhead. images due to lack of ability to express in words? Does this then mean that the mona lisa is a piece of trash because if Da Vinci was really talented, he could have described what she looked like. All the subtleties.
      There is so much more in a good comic that there is in a novel.
      the subtleties in backgrounds and colour change are far more powerful than being told it is a hue similar to green.
      You are wrong. And if you even attempt to argue your case you will simply be digging a hole for yourself.
      Look up the first issue of Transmetropolitan. There is more going on in the backgrounds in that issue than any three novels could depict.

    19. nyoki says:

      What comics started as is irrelevant, they’ve become a very popular way of communicating. It takes a novel several hundred pages to convey what can be see in a comic strip. Also comics develop over time, sometimes years or decades. They’re often never finished and it becomes an ongoing story.

    20. nyoki says:

      err: can be *seen* in

    21. mikoyangurevich15 says:

      Is it me,or does anyone else find this one humorless.In fact,most webcomics come across as self indulgent.

    22. dhg4983 says:

      So your saying a comic strip can say as much as a novel with several hundred pages, inctricate plot details, dozens of characters and mutliply themes? So for instance this comic above has more to say than Catch-22?


      Yeah because the Mona Lisa has as much of a story as lets say Ulysses, or All the Kings Men, or Hamlet. The point of the written word is that it allows depth (thats why they have all those pages) its the obvious strength of books. While the obvious strength of paintings is the visional sensor and the colors. Saying a painting’s best strength is its descriptive feature is like saying an albums best feature is the written text acknowledgments. Its not the strength of the meduim. And besides I wasnt refering to painting I was referring to Comics, so back off. I have seen the Mona Lisa and the brush strokes Da Vinci master are amazing, but they dont tell a story like Shakespeare or Joyce but thats not their point. Comics are not the Mona Lisa especially not the crappy drawings in the above comic.

    23. dhg4983 says:


      enough with the fucking links, god what a horrible precendent that could start around her

    24. Luke Magnifico says:

      @dhg4983: Dude, are you talking about Joyce’s Ulysses? Are you seriously claiming that that book had a proper plot?

      What’s wrong with you?

    25. Putridity says:

      @ColombianMonkey: Lol!
      @dhg4983: I was making an exaggerated comparison about the Mona Lisa but my point remains valid. The Boys isn’t what I would call a astonishing in it’s story telling, but try reading V for Vendetta, From Hell, Watchmen or any other Allan Moore comic for that matter. You are abusing a medium of storytelling and you sound reasonably intelligent so I can only assume your thinking is thus:
      1. I dont like comics.
      2. I am smart.
      3. I like smart things.
      4. Comics must not be smart.

      Watchmen is one of the best stories I have ever read. You want plot intricacy? Read that. So much goes on it is hard. There is even a part inside the comic of a young boy reading a comic which correlates directly to the storyline.
      Personally I believe it is superior to Hamlet.
      I know I just spouted literature blasphemy but Hamlet was so limited by the medium (plays) that when read as the original it lacks the punch that this graphic novel does.
      You are still wrong. Completely.

    26. MacheteJak says:

      @dhg4983: Your still wrong, and there’s no argument for your position. Those you stated are flawed, as pointed out by @Putridity:

    27. MacheteJak says:

      ARG! *You’re

    28. nyoki says:

      @dhg4983: Are you claiming that all novels have depth? I get your point, you’re not getting mine. A comic can do w/ less words precisely because it doesn’t have to be descriptive. One the characters are known, a single word surrounded by pictures and seeing the character’s face tells a whole story sometimes. As Putridity and others have said, the graphic novels can fully tell a story in depth, w/ much fewer words than a standard novel.
      I love novels, more than comics, tv or movies. I like picturing it in my mind w/out a picture showing me what the author had in mind. How often are we disappointed by a movie, simply because it doesn’t fit the ‘picture’ in our head. But none of this takes away from the comic and the whole medium’s ability to tell a good story.

    29. MonkeyHitman says:

      cause i don’t put a gun at your head to click, so leave your little bitching at your end of the monitor

    30. dhg4983 says:

      @ machette

      thanks for the superflious pile on, well played

    31. Putridity says:

      @dhg4983: I didn’t mean to sound like a prick through all this. But you were attacking the validity of an artistic medium based solely on your dislike of it.

      I hate seeing plays but I don’t say shakespeare can suck my balls.

      Even though he can because it was Lord Oxford who wrote them all. Shakespeare was an illiterate moron.


    32. dhg4983 says:

      @ putridity
      Damnit this thread is already to long to be bringing that shit

    33. Putridity says:

      @dhg4983: I should say that on Moldy Bible. Maybe then they will reach 9000!

      I love this website so much.

    34. Luke Magnifico says:

      Anyone ever read Transmetropolitan? I fucking love that comic.

      I think it’s why I swear so casually.

    35. Putridity says:

      “I want 8000 words. WAIT! I want 8000 printable words Spider! I dont want to see the word FUCK repeated 8000 times like you did when the bull got elected!”

    36. Phyreblade says:

      The frame where Steve takes off his glasses is just epic…

      @ColombianMonkey: LOL… Nice…

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