Michael Phelps does what?

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    Hi. We’re Michael Phelps sponsors. We don’t give a shit. NO ONE gives a shit.

    Except Kellog’s.

    In retrospect, they should have been like “Kellogs, the official stoner food of Michael Phelps.”


    Wow shit i get to party with mike, ill just a pic
    as proof.


    Michael Phelps smokes pot and he is still a better swimmer than you.


    This is so fucking stupid.


    I bet he can hold that shit in forever.

    Gary Generic

    If he was caught smoking cigarettes, I’d have been a little disappointed. Maybe. But at least he’s not doing any actual drugs.


    it’s going to take a lot more people like michael phelps to do this and then not apologising for it to convince the haters that marij cannabis is okay. 8/


    I’m more disappointed that he apologized and did the whole “mea culpa” bullshit than that he smoked pot. He should have said, “So what? Is that somehow worse than me being pictured drinking? Both inebriate you, but at least pot doesn’t destroy your body!”


    Really…..Kellog’s is against stoners?!?! They are probably their biggest market.

    Frosted Flakes are delicious….


    Its not a bong, its a penis pump.


    that onejimguy and nobody knows

    I watch SNL to, contribute those jokes to their original teller.


    deuce: Really, that was the disappointing thing about it. Why do we keep feeding people lies… Just tell the truth, and teach safety and moderation… but Nooooo…


    Not to mention i think the world would be a lot mellower if everybody was on something… 😀


    this guy had the world eating out of his hand- and he picked his nose.. my analogy.

    Seriously- Clorine is a pretty harsh chemical, i think he’s done too much. The pot probably makes him normal..


    It’s amazing. This man won our country a shit ton of gold in the olympics , made history, and everyone loved him. Now he smokes a little pot and people want to have a public lynching. Its not like it is a performance enhancer. It’s not like the guy has to be back at work for another 4 years. I am happy to see that no one here is giving this guy shit.
    Lets get one thing straight here. Not every stoner is the spitting image of cheech and chong. Reefer madness is not reality. Media like that does not help the image of stoners.

    BTW I will not be buying any Kellogs products from this point on.


    I’ve wondered from the moment that this story was published how much the little fuck who took the photo sold Phelps out for.


    “Pot doesn’t destroy your body”

    Right, that’s why extended use makes one side of your brain flatten. That can’t be harmful at all.

    Seriously, get off your “legalize pot” soap box. It’s just another stupid escape from reality for people who are too weak to either survive on their own, or for people who are too boring to enjoy a real life, and have to escape to an unreal world. It’s no different than Alcohol or Cigarettes. Really, the only reason either of those survive is because they are both far too established to remove from the market.


    You are a fucking idiot. I hope you get cancer in your balls and/or vag.


    If you would just follow this link at the bottom of my post, you would see why people think Marijuana should be legal.
    And as far as pot being for people who are too boring to enjoy a real life: Try playing basketball, soccer, or my personal favorite, Hackey Sack. Then smoke a joint and play the same sport/game.



    It seems to me that doing drugs is real. How is the drug experience less real or less authentic than those who experience life drug free? What is about people who don’t do things that they always complain about people who do? You want to live your life drug free? Fine. Please feel free to live your life as you see fit. You don’t need my permission to not do drugs.




    nyokki: nyokki articles like that are EXACTLY why I have stopped reading news papers or watching TV news intensely. Sometimes the majority of the populace is just retarded.


    Puulaahi: I wonder what the ratio is for pro Phelps and con Phelps.


    have a bong for me Michael


    Excelsior: So my best friend of 22 yrs has a giant brain tumur..Says he feels sick ALL the time- Can’t stand the sight of food- Chemo makes him even worse- pain pills make him puke. GUESS WHAT- ONE toke of a vaporizer or one marinol (THC) pill makes his world better- He can eat again- he can even forget his pain for a few hours… So why on EARTH would anyone want to legalize the use of THC? YOU are the reason humans ARE FAIL. Thanks ass-monkey slave.


    Excelsior: you belevie that? so please show scientific PROOF… please. right here.. some ACTUAL REAL PROOF! not some bullshit 1960’s Reefer madness report..just once prove to me that i will flatline half my brain..


    I hate you Excelsior


    its not a bong or a penis pump, its a steroid breathalyzer test

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