Gone but not forgotten…

Bush_Rushmore.gif (824 KB)

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    31 Responses ttto Gone but not forgotten…

    1. orchunter says:

      Don’t give them any ideas.

    2. Fish says:

      Oh, I think Bush has assured that nobody will EVER forget him. Though most of us will try.

    3. nyoki says:

      Just glad he’s gone. I don’t think it a good idea to forget, lest we repeat.

    4. kezia347 says:

      i just threw up in my mouth a little bit….

    5. greenie says:

      He deserves to be up there for keeping us safe for 7 years.

      in before ‘fucking redneck republic douche bag’

    6. Kishi says:

      At least he didn’t get shot and become a martyr like Lincoln.

    7. mld says:

      fucking redneck republican douche bag is about the mildest thing I would ever have to say about him.





    8. HoChunk says:

      No airstrike could be phoned in fast enough.

    9. greenie says:

      Michael Moore would pull a Team America if this ever happened. So lets get to work on it!

    10. stfunow says:

      I’m pretty sure this Mt. Rushmore picture is photo-shopped. I don’t think they could have carved it so fast.

    11. MacheteJak says:

      @stfunow: Are you sure? Looks real to me.

    12. RedneckPanther says:


      You realize he would’ve kept us safe for EIGHT years if that cumstain Condeleeza Rice knew how to properly read a security report. But hey, whatever, she’s partially responsible for the deaths of 5,000 people. In most places, that would get you jailed. In even more places, that would get you fired. Luckily for her, she was in the only place in the world in which you’d get PROMOTED FOR IT!

    13. @RedneckPanther:

      Exactly. And people don’t understand why I’m madly in love with Americaland. Pffffffft.

    14. Puulaahi says:

      Bush between Washington and Jefferson. This is not funny, it’s just stupid.

    15. KommissarKvC says:

      if they ever did this, it would be so americans never forget their 7 years of bush’s Fail

    16. Elepski says:

      EAK!… I’ll get the demo charges…

    17. Phyreblade says:

      @Puulaahi: It’s not just stupid, it’s sacrilegious…

      @Elepski: Indeed. C4. Stat.

    18. KFC says:

      @ Alte: Thank you. Thank you for restoring my faith in the idea that MCS is not composed soley of West Coast rehabbed hippies. Right on man. Right on.

    19. KFC says:

      And to the majority (apperently) of MCS, bring on the storm of flak, ya buncha liberal God-hating, gay-loving, NYT-reading, abortion-gettin’, gun-stealin’, misinformed medal-chuckers.

    20. Phyreblade says:

      @KFC: ‘scuse me, but I do not “steal” my guns. I pick them up. Off the backs of vans that drive through mah ‘hood. Please get it straight.


    21. nyoki says:

      @KFC: Consider it brought.

    22. pointman_26 says:

      President Bush was the best man for the job when responding to 911. He is one of the last great cowboy presidents and never waivered from what he thought was best for the country. History will look back and judge him differently then the above entries. Remember to ask, “What can I do for my country?”

    23. Phyreblade says:

      @pointman_26: Best man for what? Do you believe “Mission Accomplished” actually meant anything?

      He did the equivalent of what the gun control lobby thinks will make them safe. Massive knee-jerk over-reaction. Invading countries that had little, if anything, to do with it. Bombing anything that looks remotely terrorist. Oh, and just forget about the economy.

      But one thing I know about extremists and terrorists is this. They do not think the same way we do. They were already willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause, so our bombings would never have deterred them. It has only made them more cautious. And yes, we may have killed a whole lot of them, but we have also bombed as many innocents as terrorists, and in so doing, created more future terrorists, while strengthening the resolve of those who have survived.

      Bush has never understood the sociological aspects of how terrorist communities work. Nor that of how countries that have lived in centuries in civil unrest operate. They cannot be “pacified” externally, and most certainly not by force. And many of his actions were clearly motivated by things other than the safety of the country.

      People might be blindly patriotic, but they aren’t all blind. Regardless of what you think, there are many highly patriotic Americans who do understand that he made mistakes, lots of them, and more importantly, why he made them.

      Even if he was doing what he thought needed to be done, the old adage still holds true. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And frankly, Bush’s intentions weren’t all that pure to begin with. History will see his actions for what they were.

    24. scandata says:

      What’s the punishment for blowing up a national monument? OK, what about just 1/5 of one?

    25. nyoki says:

      @pointman_26: I truly hope you’re trolling, because no one can be that stupid.
      Unless you’re Bush. Are you?

    26. Phyreblade says:

      @nyokki: Dagnabbit… I just got trolled didn’t I… :/

    27. nyoki says:

      @Phyreblade: I don’t know which would sadden me more, that you were trolled…or you weren’t.

    28. Phyreblade says:

      @nyokki: Heh… I think I’d much rather prefer to have been trolled…

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