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    37 Responses ttto Chances of an atheist believing in God – Pie Chart

    1. cramertheasianman says:

      that’s not a pie chart…

    2. stavros says:

      Chances of this chart being complete bullshit – 100%

    3. nyoki says:

      Whoopsie, wrong pic.
      Chances of an atheist believing in God – BAR Chart

      @stavross: 😛

    4. rattybad says:

      I enjoy Christmas because of the gifts and eggnog. Fuck that Jesus shit—the whole season was a Christian absorption of Yule anyway. Might as well say a person believes in Christ because they date a girl named Christine.

    5. 70% of all percentages are made up.

    6. billyz90 says:

      I call BS on points #3 and #6.

    7. Theo11 says:

      I don’t understand the graph. Are they saying that there is a 100% chance of an atheist believing in God when they are watching sports? That doesn’t seem accurate at all.

    8. gx5000 says:

      I LoL’d…

      I say JC once in a while, it just a saying, don’t mean I believe…

    9. phantasm says:

      stealing a bad graph from graphjam. This wasn’t funny when I saw it a month ago, and still isn’t funny.

    10. yawn says:

      What’s with all da haterz? I thought this was funny.

    11. Elepski says:

      I hate weekend Atheists.

    12. Puulaahi says:

      It’s funny cus it’s TRUE.

    13. sutenvulf says:

      I believe in God but I believe he’s an asshole.

    14. DublinO says:

      Jesus Christ people yes it’s funny, if you can stop defending atheism for one second and laugh at yourself it’s VERY funny, no one here has ever put in a bet on a game and prayed for a field goal or not… Atheists acting like defensive Christians, I guess every religion and even the absince of religion has it’s sticklers.

    15. MonkeyHitman says:

      im a atheist(my own twisted way) and i approve of this.. because it is very funny. thanks for the laugh nyokki, may god bless you ;P

    16. Stupid Human says:

      ITT: unreasonably angry atheists.

    17. goatsgomoo says:

      As an atheist, I find this humorous and somewhat true. I have a friend (who is also an atheist) who once got out of a speeding ticket for going twice the speed limit by making a very obvious Christian gesture (the thing where you move your hand around your chest), having Boy Scout stuff with him, and apologizing a lot.
      Oh, and if I was doing something I wouldn’t want to be bothered while doing, I would probably “believe in god” for a short while in order to avoid arguments.

    18. outofocus says:

      I guess the reason I don’t find it funny (but I also don’t find it offensive) is that it doesn’t apply to me or any of the atheists that I know (or if it does, they haven’t spoken of it openly).

      This is the same as the statement that no one is an atheist in a fox hole. But several of my friends who are atheists who are in the military and have spent some time in unpleasant situations said it wasn’t true.

      So in my mind, this graph and it’s humor apply to people who are really agnostics.

    19. CathyLong says:

      @goatsgomoo: Pretendiong is not believing. So, he’s still an atheist. 😛

      I wouldn’t say it applies to agnostics either. I am one. And that’s ONLY because I can neither prove nor disprove anything beyond my capabilities.
      You know what I think about when I want someone to win a game?
      “I hope Farve plays like the pro we pay him to be today!”
      You know what I think when I’m afraid I might die?
      “I like living so I better run!”

      This little chart is so narrow minded it’s beyond funny. I got the joke, but it’s only funny if you’re religious and trying to make yourself feel better by thinking atheists are all spiritual too.

      They’re not. They don’t “pray” for things in any seriousness. They don’t rely on invisible people to solve their problems. That’s something a NON atheist would do. 🙂

    20. outofocus says:

      @CathyLong: Well stated.

      This very much does represent the typical mind set that believing in a god is the default and therefore no matter what a person says they feel, deep down, they are just theists.

    21. goatsgomoo says:

      @CathyLong: Ah, I was interpreting the title as “Chances of an atheist ‘believing’ in god”, not “Chances of an atheist believing in god”, as the first way makes sense while the second doesn’t. Although now that I look at the graph again, I can see the graph’s creator intended meaning for each situation. And it’s no longer funny to me. Maybe I’ll make another version of this graph that is closer to reality.

    22. MonkeyHitman says:

      @CathyLong: i think you’re taking it too straight foward. this only means like when your mad at a friend you blurt out JESUS CHRIST HOW COULD YOU ….. he don’t BELIEVE in god but he just said jesus christ. or like Oh My Fucking GOD but he don’t intentionally mean like god god. more like a word that is used allot for those type of situation and not like. like you stated

      They’re not. They don’t “pray” for things in any seriousness. They don’t rely on invisible people to solve their problems.

      in praying. i think you take it kinda farr on it there.

    23. outofocus says:

      @ColombianMonkey: That’s a really out there interpretation of the table. I don’t see that *at all*.

      I actually removed all religion related words from my vocabulary years ago.

    24. MonkeyHitman says:

      well i was brought up a christian from child since i changed over the years some words stick with me but not on purpose. i don’t say it on purpose. that is what im tryna say or maybe it’s just me

    25. nyoki says:

      @outofocus: @goatsgomoo: @ColombianMonkey: @CathyLong: For Christ’s sake people. It was submitted by an atheist as something along the lines of This is what theists/Christians actually believe…that atheists believe. Good God, get a funny bone.

    26. outofocus says:

      @nyokki: I have a funny bone, tyvm. You shouldn’t take it personally when something you submitted is 1) not funny to someone else 2) starts a conversation that is also not funny.

    27. nyoki says:

      @outofocus: If you really read what I wrote, you’ll see I was being the opposite of serious. The whole comment was a play on the pic about atheists being religious/believing. I wasn’t really mad at anyone, certainly not you. I guess my joke fell flat, but God will help me through this difficult time.

    28. outofocus says:

      @nyokki: If only god were made of chocolate…

    29. MonkeyHitman says:

      well a bunch of retarded people say jesus is a life form of god blah blah jesus = god blah blah … thats basicly what i have been told. if i’m wrong i really don’t care lol

    30. nyoki says:

      @outofocus: As long as it’s No Sugar Added chocolate, I’ll hit it.

    31. MonkeyHitman says:

      no sweet ??? what are we animals from pluto ??? it defeats the whole product if sugarless

    32. nyoki says:

      @ColombianMonkey: If I eat a whole chocolate Jesus, I’m dead. I don’t think that’s God plan for me. Oh God, is it? Shit. I’m an atheist again.

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