Blue Men

Blue Men

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    20 Responses ttto Blue Men

    1. wartoaster says:

      I can’t wait. from the looks of it, it’s a 100% accurate remake. even to the point where Manhattan doesnt wear pants.

    2. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      @wartoaster: Are you kidding? 100% remake? There’s pretty significant deviations just in the trailer.

    3. Tardex says:

      Besides size differences and the fact that Lamb’s repost made me laugh, there are two others. Also the one is for the trailer. But still.

      Blue man From Watchmen Movie


    4. Puulaahi says:

      Still need to read the graphic novel to see what all the hype is about.

    5. wartoaster says:

      @reboot: Compare to V for Vendetta, Constantine, hell, every other graphic novel remake. 87% is close enough for me

    6. curtntiff says:

      does he have blue balls lol

    7. Dreth says:

      I think the ending is the only thing that will vary, I read the novel and saw a side-by-side comparison of the trailer’s scenes with the actual novel and they had a shitload of details right.

      I think this is as faithful as a comic book/superhero movie will get.

    8. Just This Guy, You Know? says:

      I don’t think this movie will suck, but I still wish they had made it an HBO miniseries instead of a feature film. They wouldn’t have to cut as much then.

    9. nyoki says:

      @Record Store Tough Guy: I’m becoming a big fan of the HBO and ShoTime mini-series.

    10. Phyreblade says:

      @curtntiff: My guess? Yes. 24/7/365. He’s gotta be hurting. Big time…

    11. tiki god says:

      @Record Store Tough Guy:
      there’s going to be a separate side movie released with the black frigate storyline, and then they’re going to release some obscene 5 hour version of the movie on dvd too. I can’t imagine that they’re cutting very much from the main story line.

    12. reptilecobra13 says:

      @tiki god: I can’t wait for the DVD then.

    13. Phyreblade says:

      @tiki god: Wow… Normally i’d RAAAAAAAGE at a 5 hour movie… but this one I’d actually watch…

    14. billyz90 says:

      @reptilecobra13: A Director’s Cut if you will. Zack Snyder said that he didn’t want to cut anything, but had to in order to fit the < 3Hr timeframe; he plans to eventually release a full, uncut version with everything they filmed.

      Also, I read that the ending will differ only slightly – those who have read the novel will know that a creature of some sort was the major point in a certain character’s plan. The movie, as far as I know, eliminates the creature, while still arriving at the same conclusion, only in a different manner.

    15. Just This Guy, You Know? says:

      @tiki god: I had heard of the Black Frigate DVD. Hadn’t heard about the 5 hour long cut, though. That’ll be interesting to see.

      I guess “cut” isn’t the right word, since from what I’ve heard Snyder filmed the thing pretty much shot for shot with the novel. Maybe what I’m trying to get at is it doesn’t feel like they’ll have time to explore everything in a feature film, even one five hours long.

      We’ll see how it turns out. When I read the novel, it wasn’t a page turner like, say, a Dresden Files book is. But it got in my head. I kept going back to it and re-reading it, and every time I did, I got something new out of it. If the film does the same, I’ll be happy. ^_^

    16. L_Tetris_Block says:

      5 hours? David Lynch would be proud.

    17. Dreth says:

      That DVD thing sounds promising. Linkage?

      And the NBS news report… wow, just wow.

    18. lurk moar says:

      i can’t wait for this. but about not having the creature at the end of the movie and still getting the same conclusion….how?

    19. HoChunk says:

      Rumor has it they’re replacing the giant-brain squid monster with some kind of lameass “bomb”.

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