Beyonce Knowles on bed

Beyonce Knowles on bed

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    37 Responses ttto Beyonce Knowles on bed

    1. Mamma mia.

      Also, inb4 black women aren’t really my thing comments.

      She wouldn’t want you anyway.

    2. kurrgo says:

      Let’s all pool our resources and kill Jay Z. Because I totally know that she would do us all if only she were single…

    3. Free_Kubit says:

      @dieAntagonista: You’re right. She’d just want anyone who could make her 1. relevant, 2. richer and 3. relevant.

      See what I did thar?

    4. Moe says:

      Blackula has no magic powers…

    5. Tardex says:

      That is not a flattering picture of her. At least the upper half of the picture.

    6. Moe says:

      About time Jay-Z should “UPGRADE, upgrade,… upgrade..”

    7. @Free_Kubit:

      Yeah except for the fact that,

      1. She was already named one of the wealthiest women in the music branch. It really doesn’t matter if she is married to anyone or not.

      2. She is already married to one of best rappers in the entire world.

      This woman is more successful in every way than you could ever be.

    8. the best rappers* And yea don’t get me wrong, neither will I ever get anywhere near her success, but c’mon. More relevant? I beg your pardon.

    9. yawn says:


      Beyonce Knowles is definitely my thing.

    10. Puulaahi says:

      dieAntagonista the CHAMPION.

    11. Moe says:

      BUT captain Dan and the Scurvy crew are BACK! with some hot new high seas jams!!! OH YA!

    12. RSIxidor says:

      Go die. Wait, that sounds wrong, I meant, go dieA.

      I find her delicious, though there’s a few magazine covers lately that make her face look wrong. This picture looks ALL RIGHT.

    13. MonkeyHitman says:

      @dieAntagonista: im sorry i just had to say something but best rappers? ehh no.

    14. Shanghai_Factor says:

      No thanks, I’ll pass on Ms. Thunder-Thighs up there.

    15. @RSIxidor: Haha. It does make me feel strange when people call me die. In a good way.


      He is ‘considered’ one of the best rappers. As well as Andre3000. But my favourite rapper is Sage Francis. And Doseone. Aaand Saul Williams. But I doubt you know those? Who are your favourite rappers anyway, hm?

    16. RSIxidor says:

      Sage Francis is great. I got him on my MS I gotta go listen to that shit now.

    17. RSIxidor says:


    18. deuce says:

      @dieAntagonista: Wealth does not equal relevance. In the future the “popular” music of the last 20 years will be like the bubblegum crap from the 50s before the British Invasion made music good again.

      At least I can hope… Obama getting elected in this country full of yokels, idiots, racists, and general dickshits made me believe that anything is possible I guess.

    19. RSIxidor says:


      She is definitely relevant currently. You can ask just about any girl from the ages of 12 to 30 (and above) if they like at least one of her songs, you’ll get a lot of responses. Ask them how many like lots of her songs, and it’ll still be strong. After all, if you like it, you should’ve put a ring on it.

    20. El_Chupachichis says:

      Wait…. That’s MY BED!!!

      YAY my 2009 Christmas present arrived early… See you later… [No Carrier]

    21. MonkeyHitman says:

      @dieAntagonista: your answer will be said tomorrow. thats allot of brain power there.

    22. greenie says:

      Beyonce Knowles on a bed…almost as scary as Snakes on a plane!

    23. MonkeyHitman says:

      oh “considered” by the pseudo pop culture who hardly know what shit is going on.

    24. nyoki says:

      She has the most delicious looking skin.

    25. @RSIxidor:

      Fucking hell. Could you be any more amazing. But I doubt he has any of his good stuff on MyFace. I’ve got it all though, lemme know if you need anything.


      Yeah I guess you’re right. But this is just because of the age we live in. On the other hand, anything she touches turns to gold, that’s undeniable.


      No problem. I can be patient. Go charge yo batteries.

    26. RSIxidor says:

      If this picture was animated, I could masturbate to it.

    27. Phyreblade says:

      @nyokki: She does doesn’t she… Gives new meaning to being nommable…

    28. KommissarKvC says:

      Give that monkey a Banana

    29. Awesome1 says:

      @dieAntagonista: Jay-Z and Beyonce are the pinnacle of hype. Anyone who’d claim they are the best rapper and have the hottest girl is dealing in hype. Not to detract from their talent or hard work, but they sell a lifestyle, and they have been rewarded for making wealthy people wealthier. So what is their success really? Jay-Z gave the world some great music and Beyonce billions of faps.

    30. RSIxidor says:

      Isn’t that what most wealthy people do? Make each other more wealthy? Isn’t that what’s happening between the federal reserve and the “failing banks” that are run by executives more interested in pocketing money than helping the businesses they run? Or going on corporate retreats? The only difference is that its not the glamorous lifestyle of a musician or an actor.

      Jay-Z can rap like a mad man, when he wants to. He’s purported to be one of the best rappers by those in the game and those that are fans of said game.

      Somebody needs to shove a wide pole up your anus, unfortunately, a pole large enough to hurt you has yet to be invented you slimy bucket of shit.

    31. KommissarKvC says:

      have a cry and love your monkey you waste of life

    32. @KommissarKvC:

      Herr Kommissar, why are you afraid of a colour and why do you insult my friend.

      If all non white people were to wake up tomorrow with white skin, how long would it take you until you have found another irrelevant element you can base your fears on? Probably less than a day.

    33. KommissarKvC says:

      it didnt work for micheal jackson, I still hate him

    34. @KommissarKvC:

      I knew you would say that. Fool.

    35. RSIxidor says:

      You call me a waste of life? Holy fucking shit. Why am I talking to you? Oh, that’s right, I’m a waste of life, just like anyone else that says anything to you. Anyone who’s ever actually spoken to you is a waste of life because you are you, and speaking to you makes the speaker’s life a waste.

      And on MJ: Not white. That thing isn’t even human.

    36. KommissarKvC says:

      And on MJ: Not white. That thing isn’t even human

      at least we agree on something!

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