Pretty Girl

Pretty Girl1.jpg (379 KB)

Pretty Girl2.jpg (512 KB)

By way of Cody Weber, a magnificent photographer:

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    31 Responses ttto Pretty Girl

    1. mini-schnauzer says:

      I don’t know what it is, but there is something creepy about these pictures. Like pedobear stuff, I don’t know.

    2. JamesTuskGeorge says:

      She’s not pretty, and she’s too fat too¶.

    3. Tardex says:

      @JamesTuskGeorge: Honestly? Are you for fucking real? Do you just want to start another hatefest?

    4. Kurtt says:

      He’s using the newly adopted sarcasm mark 😛 –> ¶

    5. Luke Magnifico says:

      ¶And he’s totally doin’ it rite¶

    6. Tardex says:

      THERES A MARK FOR SARCASM!? Holy fuck. Glorius. Do elaborate.

    7. Tardex says:

      Also, if thats the case, hes horrible at sarcasm and should never try it again.

    8. Dreth says:

      It was adopted a couple of days ago while discussing some other image on the site.

    9. Gary Generic says:

      It actually means “this should be a new paragraph.”

    10. Dreth says:

      No, it just displays a line break (not the same as a paragraph).

      To MCS it’s the equivalent of using Bold and Italic tags in messages for displaying not-so-obvious sarcasm.

      Here’s the wrong way to use it:

      ¶Fuck you.¶

    11. Tardex says:

      This is awesome. Heres another wrong way to use it;
      She’s not pretty, and she’s too fat too¶.
      Im looking at you George and you Luke!

      Sarcasm is supposed to be mean, cruel and above all else, funny.

    12. oh2ohz says:

      Sarcasm notation aside, has anyone cruised through this guy’s site? Whether or not you can appreciate the back story accompanying his photos.. there’s some really good work in there.

    13. Exacerbate says:

      Cody Weber is an annoying, whinny, closet-gay who deserves nothing more than the absolute worst in life.

    14. Luke Magnifico says:

      @Tardex: How can I be doing it wrong!

      I invented it!

    15. WistfulD says:

      My first thought on seeing the picture: “I didn’t know Lisa Loeb had a teenage daughter.”

    16. Tardex says:

      @LukeV1-5: You invented sarcasm or you invented “¶” as a representation of sarcasm on the interbutts?

      One is a fair claim, the other outrageous.

    17. Luke Magnifico says:

      I am indeed the savant behind ¶.

      You may feel awed now.

    18. Dreth says:

      Just because you invented it doesn’t mean I find it particularly useful, so I shalln’t be awed.

    19. Dreth says:

      Disregard that, I suck cocks ¶

    20. Luke Magnifico says:

      But Dreth

      You ¶totally don’t suck cocks¶

      That is how you use it, fool.

    21. SumoSnipe says:

      @LukeV1-5: Errr, I thought dieA started that in response to my tirade on tall truck….

    22. Luke Magnifico says:

      Nah, we started it ages ago. I can’t even remember what the topic was about.

    23. ack says:

      I missed the party… again…

      However, I see the brilliance of the ¶.

      ¶ LukeV1-5 must be a smart feller.¶

    24. Luke Magnifico says:

      @ack: Aw, thanks, dude.

      I ¶totally value your opinion.¶

    25. Dreth says:

      I’m not gonna make my sentence all ugly by putting it on both sides.

      It’s not spanish. (¿Qué? ¡Eso mismo!)

      So fuck your… thing.

      If sarcasm is to be pointed out then you’re taking the fun out of it.

    26. @Exacerbate: I’m sorry? :<

      But you know, even though you obviously disagree with him on a lot of things or whatever, it’s undeniable that he takes gorgeous pictures. He’s incredibly talented.

      So just look at the pictures and enjoy what you see, you don’t have to ruin it by taking anything else into consideration.

      And also, he’s not a closet gay, he has a daughter, but even if he was, I don’t see the problem with that either.

    27. sylvanish says:

      @dieAntagonista: I think his photos are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.

    28. @sylvanish: I’m glad you like them babe.

    29. oh2ohz says:

      i’m curious as to how to achieve the chemical wash (what it looks like to me) look of those photos

    30. @oh2ohz:

      That’s what I want to know also. A few people have asked the photographer to make a tutorial already. Here is his channel on Youtube in case he ever does it:

      It appears to be pretty damn easy, because he does it with a lot of his photos. Like you can see here on his Flickr:

      That’s really all I can do.

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