Our World Is His Ant Farm

Our World Is His Ant Farm.jpg (375 KB)

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    22 Responses ttto Our World Is His Ant Farm

    1. storminator says:


    2. Sticky says:

      At first I was like 😐
      But then I saw the bottom text and…
      I lol’d. 😀

    3. Annarchy says:

      Oh, fuck. Now the bible thumpers get to sing Our God is an Awesome God some more.

    4. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      This is what Christians actually believe.

    5. SKILLERWHALE says:

      hahahaha, thats great. Asside from that now Canada is training terrorist Geese to attack us. Great.

    6. MonkeyHitman says:

      i thought its the pilot honorable night and day training skill that saved there ass

    7. Drew says:

      this is inappropriate more then anything.

    8. natedog says:

      prayer helps to collapse the wave function

    9. Gilly says:

      Wait – what?
      This argument is still going on?

      They STILL don’t quit this religion business? WTF?

    10. CathyLong says:

      @Drew lol.. no one died. No one was even seriusly injured. -_-

      Did this whole country forget that planes had crashes before 9/11 or is it just a slow news week? WTF do they mean “intense investigation”. Bitch, it’s just a regular investigation. The same kind they do in ALL plane crashes and emergency landings. MEH!?

    11. psychokrod says:

      Im from NYC and that is hilarious!!! i just hate that they keep calling this a fucking miracle. the pilot did his job, that’s why everyone survived. plus the news that day was all about it. there was nothing else to report in the news and dawrfed bush’s last day speech.

    12. natedog says:

      What are you doing in the water? You’re a plane, you don’t belong in the water.

      You can’t even swim.

    13. nyoki says:

      @natedog: As seemed to happen all during his presidency. The more he tried to craft his image for the masses, the more shit just happened to fuck him up. Karma’s a bitch.

    14. gx5000 says:

      Miracle my ass…
      Can’t you people put your religious bias aside for one minute and praise some courageous pilot for his expertise ? That guy deserves a medal not a round of Gawd did dat….

      Oh yeah, and I lol’d =-)

    15. Drew says:

      @ CathyLong

      No one died? What about the goddam birds? They are with Jesus now. 😉

    16. Drunkin says:

      @Drew: According to some Judeo-Christians, animals have no soul, therefore they can not be with Jesus now.

      That must have been a shit load of fat-ass geese to gag an engine like that…

    17. garbledxmission says:

      Actually, aircraft engines F.O.D. out pretty easily with any bird of decent size. We had a C141 that blew out all four engines flying through a flock of bats.

    18. Drunkin says:

      @garbledxmission: No shit? I thought they had certain specs required so they can “eat” forign material with out destroying the engine.

    19. nyoki says:

      Found this on grego!’s flickr photostream. He has pics before any rescue showed up.

    20. WaltherKid says:

      @natedog: definitely one of those “your doing it wrong” images

    21. Phyreblade says:

      @nyokki: Hey Nice find…

      Landing. Ur Doin it Rong.

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