Gay Thug Dating

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    Bi curious eunuch limbo enthusiasts dating service


    Haha, funny name. Gays have it easier for dating…way easier…fuckers……


    hmmm….i dont think im really into that whole prison dude thing


    Ha! Lots of gay guys forget they have testicles when they come out of the closet. Act just like females.

    I mean, when it comes to finding someone for a one-night stand, it’s easier. Except when they steal your shit in the morning and/or leave you with an STD because they’re an irresponsible, drug-riddled asshole.

    Or maybe that’s all just because I live around New Orleans.


    Re: Original Post – Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Do not want.

    (Is anyone else getting an actual ad for the website now? I am.)


    vanvelding: Lol, no. I’m just getting an ad for a taser.


    It had to be a real web site.


    Not surprised, probably found that site in /b/ (as you can see the other tab of the browser)


    hell, bisexuals find it easier to get dates, – they go both ways so they pretty much go for anything with a pulse




    I’m waiting for a sex change and some serious lifestyle changes.


    vanvelding: Now I have the ad for it.


    Click on the pic, look at the ads that pop up for it.


    KommissarKvC: I’ve heard others say this, and tbh, I don’t fully understand where the idea that “Bisexuals will hit anything with a pulse” comes from… I’ve heard people even go so far as to say they thought Bisexuals were more disgusting than homosexuals.

    Personally, I think there is some flawed thinking involved with the perception, however this particular brand of fallacy, I honestly don’t get. Straight is ok, Gay is ok, but if you swing both ways, you are a disgusting easy tramp whore who will bang anything that moves?

    Anyone care to explain this to a slow one?


    Phyreblade: Not me. I don’t get it either. People like what they like for whatever reason and I’m not one to call another disgusting. Uh, barring pedophilia and bestiality.


    Heterosexuals live on the normal path

    homosexuals have taken the pathto hell

    bisexuals sit at the intersection and stay there

    at the end of the day, besexuals have in fact committed homosexuals acts, and even thoguh they are not full-on towards that path, they still count as homosexual,


    wtf is with the search in the browser “thought i could handle cocaine”? maybe it’s somewhat related to his new hobby…


    KommissarKvC: Ah. I see. You’re one of those folks who take the bible literally aren’t you…


    No, he’s one of those whose knuckles drag on the ground when he walks.


    no, im just a realist, and i avoid the bible with its evil judaic origins, like it was the plague

    as much as those who play both sides of sexuality think they can avoid the whole being homosexual thing, they are just lying to themselves, any act of homosexual behaviour marks one as homosexual, end of story


    KommissarKvC: So, if I understand you correctly, you believe that a person chooses to be bi purely to avoid being labeled gay?

    Don’t you think that is a tad pointless? By definition, bi includes both homo as well as heterosexual tendencies. They already admit to having both, so I’m having a little trouble understanding how, exactly, they would resort to bisexuality in order to avoid being homosexual… :/

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