Sexy Latex Woman

Sexy Latex Woman

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    Eh. The mis-matching colors of the various latex she’s wearing is kinda killing it for me.


    Malcrasternus: Then you’re probably gay. Sorry you had to hear it from me.


    OK, so I know that girdle is probably enhancing the effect, but I find women with curves like that very, very Om nom worthy. And does she have green eyes too…? + Red hair… Love those kinds of combinations… Nice… very nice…




    FlyingMantisShrimp: Nice try, little boy. Questioning one’s sexuality is amateurish. It’s all about questioning their parent’s sexuality now. Get with the times.

    And yes, aside from the latex, she is very nommable Phyre.


    Malcrasternus: I know this is a rough time for you, and it’s unexpected news, but it’s okay. Being gay isn’t a crime.

    Be proud of what you are.


    That’s Ulorin Vex, an English alternative fetish model.
    But… you probably guessed that last part already


    Kat: Hell of a name, lol.


    Cute female. Latex is a huge turn off. They could have used a different color which would have been better but latex is just … un-sexy.


    skin > latex


    I used to talk to her on vampirefreaks (I went off it, its shit).

    And recently she was like, working with my favourite musician.

    And i’ve ONLY just clocked onto it.

    I didnt piece it together they were the same person.



    She’s very hot and photoshopped! OH YEAH

    Latex makes it Look as if she has condoms on her hands/is turning into a store mannequin


    idon’t care if the photos shopped, she still hot


    Her face is stunningly beautiful. Latex does nothing for me, but she is very hawt.


    Indeed, latex or no, she’s smokin’…


    hawt, red hair always gets to me 😀


    I want!

    tiki god

    I’m nearly 99% sure that all the ‘latex’ is the same color/type. are you referring to her leather that’s different colors?


    tiki god: I don’t think so. The gloves and shorts(?) look like latex.


    I’m the same with latex as I am with lingerie: “Yeah. That looks crazy sexy on you. Now take it off!!!”

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