big ass turtle

big ass turtle

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    28 Responses ttto big ass turtle

    1. Queensly says:

      Sweet Jesus! whoever flushed that thing must have had a huge turlet!

    2. I seen bigger…………while on cocaine.

    3. outofocus says:

      That turtle looks beyond thrilled.

      “Fuck, not again. Last time this happened, about 800 years ago, I went home with the worst hang over.”

    4. multi_masked says:

      Is this image real? I mean, I’ve seen some weird shit come out of the ocean, but do turtles REALLY get this big?

    5. ian356094 says:

      If its real, then that guy had better MOVE HIS HAND.

      Its about to be chomped off… if the turtle is alive.

    6. natedog says:

      i’d be moar worried about my whole fucking arm

    7. flyingcat88 says:

      It looks like it could a man whole, so I would run off!

      This cant’ be real? This should be on every news site if it was, because this must be the biggest in the world? Any sources?

    8. jediadept says:

      I’m pretty sure that this is a robotic turtle prop for a movie.

    9. rompSku says:

      Nope… it’s Gamera.

      Though it was still in his infancy when this image was taken.

    10. ohmybob says:

      I reckon it’s one of those things you see hanging from the ceilings at aquariums and so forth.

    11. TrayShadix says:

      That is one of the most observative and plausible ideas ever to be put forward initiated by the phrase “I reckon.” (+500 Internets.)

    12. elzarcothepale says:

      yes. all the laws of conversational and dialectic probability demanded that bob’s statement contain five truncated gerunds, two mildly bigoted terms and a denouncement of Chelonia mydas evolutionary origins in favor of “White Jesus wanted to git himself a surfboard”
      The intelligence displayed is statistically similar to a tabby kitten making you a delicious ham, egg and cheese omelet.

      In other news- this made me think of this:
      and how everyone needs to read them.

    13. Quinotaurus says:

      i’ve seen one of these before, but with a torpedo on it’s back

    14. RSIxidor says:

      Pretty sure this is some species of Green Sea Turtle as those grow the largest of the sea turtles, though this thread has been hilarious, and I certainly appreciate that.

    15. Drew says:

      Is it just me or is elzarcothepale a fag.

    16. Marked Hoosier says:

      Blastoise, I choose you!

    17. elzarcothepale says:

      I’m *like* a fag, except for having no interest in men, and not a metrosexual. But otherwise, yeah i guess I’m pretty faggy.

    18. BowToMe says:

      @Drew: Yup, he’s a fag.

    19. elzarcothepale says:

      well, you can be sure that if I WERE to go gay- it’d be for a studly guy like you

    20. Elepski says:

      it’s gotta be fake… I have never seen a sea turtle that big.. and it would have been kicking and flapping around out of the water.. thus owning all those dudes.

    21. @Drew: @BowToMe:

      You know what they say about people who call others homosexual as if it’s an insult.

      Those are amazing. I’ve never had the chance to read any of them, but Terry Pratchett is awesome. My friend actually met him.

    22. MacheteJak says:

      @elzarcothepale: Stop Talking. Even if you’re right, I don’t care, you’re still a jackass.

    23. elzarcothepale says:

      dude- look around you. This is Jackass Island. I’m a jackass. You’re a jackass. Flame wars, insults, trolling and obnoxious comments (be they sesquipedalian or at a third grade reading level) are the lifeblood of any nonspecific forum. If we were all gun enthusiasts, and all of the content here was singularly themed, obnoxiousness would be out of place.
      Look at it this way- I wouldn’t have typed this ridiculous comment *right here* if you hadn’t said anything.
      btw, what do you mean, “even if I’m right?” i wasn’t making a point- i was just agreeing with
      Tray’s comment.

      (Now here’s your choice- do you A: respond and continue a flame war on the pretext that you want me to stop talking, or B: go jack off again.

      secret option C involves both previous options, but I’m pretty sure that’s what Drew was all about)

    24. nyoki says:

      @elzarcothepale: You’re such a frikken jackass.

    25. elzarcothepale says:

      @nyokki: that’s what my mom keeps telling me

    26. RonThePirate says:

      It’s real people. Why else would it be hanging from a noose if it wasn’t real? If it is a fake, I demand to see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rescue their mother.

    27. becauseofoz says:


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