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    21 Responses ttto A Beautiful Mind – Movie Poster

    1. The-Penetrator says:

      .overrated movie is overrated.

    2. Puulaahi says:

      Overrated? A genius talking to people that aren’t real, is real entertainment. Plus a great cast.

    3. doc says:

      Sometimes I wonder how the post-WWII era would have been different if we hadn’t invented game theory.

    4. dieAntagonista says:

      Not overrated at all. As it was a movie that has taught the ignorant masses that schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder aren’t one and the same. But some still don’t get it, of course.

    5. jediadept says:

      The movie also pointed out that a disorder does not signify uselessnes; many of the greatest contributors to humanity had mental illness.

    6. dieAntagonista says:

      ^I couldn’t agree more. Mental illness and what it really means is another thing that people are oblivious to, as long as it doesn’t affect them.

    7. Q-delta says:

      Makin’ movies, singin’ songs and fightin’ round the world!

    8. Luke Magnifico says:

      @dieAntagonista: Oh, I see what you did there!

      “You don’t like what I like; I’m too close-minded to accept the fact that people don’t like what I like; therefore, you must not ‘understand’ the movie”!

      I don’t really like this movie. But I think that’s more because I was forced to watch it in intermittent 40 minute chunks across a 3 week period.

    9. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      The movies left out all of the real crazy parts of his life. Like how he had two sons, with two different women, and named both of them John Nash, Jr. Or how he was arrested in a men’s restroom for lewd conduct. The movie makes him look like a nice, eccentric guy, but he was completely psycho.

    10. dieAntagonista says:

      God damn it Luke, will you stop interpreting everything I say whatever way you want.
      Please. Please show me where I said that he doesn’t understand something that I do understand?
      It’s a fact that the majority of people know only misconceptions about mental illnesses. You think this movie wasn’t that good because of bad acting? Go ahead and think that. You think the movie was bad because the story wasn’t original? Alright with me.
      But to me, the significance of the message is undeniable.
      That’s my opinion you see. Just like he stated his, I stated mine.
      But of course it’s way more fun to tell me that, than him isn’t it.

    11. sylvanish says:

      Games Theory is overrated

    12. aleph says:

      You don’t know psychiatry. Tom Cruise does.

    13. doc says:

      @reboot: I really liked the movie but then I started reading more about Nash’s life and felt ripped off by the movie since they had sugar-coated everything.

    14. nyoki says:

      @reboot: I read the book and thought that he (Nash) was a much more interesting and disturbed person than portrayed in the movie. I still did like the movie though. It wasn’t great, but it was good.

    15. Luke Magnifico says:

      @dieAntagonista: It’s the way you phrased it. Let me show you how it appears to me.

      “I thought this movie was overrated”
      “I didn’t think it was overrated. Of course, SOME PEOPLE do think that way, and also, SOME PEOPLE don’t understand it, not that I am at all implying that these two groups of people are congruent, of course not, don’t be ridiculous”

      And that is honestly how I interpreted it. If I’m wrong, which is obviously an entirely possible outcome, then I sincerely apologize for any offense I caused you.

      But I don’t think I am wrong. I think you’re just scrambling not to appear the way I just presented you to be, because you realise that it’s entirely out of character for the kind of person you claim to be.

    16. @LukeV1-5:
      Ah that was very clever of you, I’ll give you that.

      You thought I was implying that he didn’t understand the movie because of this part “has taught the ignorant masses”. Don’t you see the mistake? I didn’t say that’s the reason why he didn’t like the movie because he wasn’t aware of that. How would I know? No. I just pointed out that while it may not seem like anything special, the fact that it contains some not so well known truth about mental illness makes it quite important.

      I don’t know anybody with a mental illness, except for some people on the Internet. It was through them that I realised this.
      I don’t know what you think that I think I am, but I’m certainly no saint. I value objectivity a lot. But I’m close-minded in many cases which is ok. If you’re too open-minded it’s kind of nihilistic in a sense.

    17. nyoki says:

      Living w/ and raising someone who has a serious mental illness is very difficult, it can suck the life out of a family. Many mental illnesses cause behaviour problems and that just add to the difficulty. People outside the family (and close friends) rarely understand and even fewer keep their judgments to themselves. Many people seem to feel it’s their duty to let you know that you’re a bad parent and the kid is just a spoiled brat. You can’t tell everyone that they just don’t understand, or their quick judgment is incorrect. So you ignore them and try to explain to your kid that some people are rude and not to let it bother them. Of course, that doesn’t really work since so many mental disorders make the person extra sensitive to what others think (or have no sensitivity to others).
      Any movie that helps the public more aware of what mental illness is like, helps. Though as reboot mentioned, this particular movie didn’t show some of the more unacceptable behaviours of mental illness.

    18. Phyreblade says:

      So from the comments, it sounds like this movie is, in fact, appropriately rated. (as opposed to under/over rated) 🙂

      I guess I have to see it then…

    19. elzarcothepale says:

      “Regardless of your opinion of the movie after the fact, it is still a movie that should be watched at least once, by anyone who bothers forming opinions about movies.”
      -Jake Walker
      In Which I Simplify Everything And Act All Smug About It

    20. outofocus says:

      This movie had potential but I just found it lacking and as a result I did not enjoy it.

      I don’t think the movie really offered much in the way of education for the masses about mental illness. I think people who are sensitive to the subject to begin with are a lot more likely to notice the information is there than people who aren’t are.

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