We didn’t think there would be a second season.

Honest Heroes v.2.jpg (126 KB)

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    they said “New World Order” in one of the last episodes


    Everybody’s like “MMM SAVE THE WORLD YEAAHHH” and Hiro’s like “YATTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”


    A friend of mine was given a “sex challenge” last week. The challenge was this: At the moment of ‘completion’, he was to shout “YATTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” and raise at least one fist to the sky.

    He passed the challenge. His girlfriend took it surprisingly well.

    Original image from Holy Taco.

    The Lawnmower

    Both this show and Lost are examples of terrible story-telling.

    They’re both from the “what’s the most retarded non-sequitur cliff hanger we can come up with that will shit all over our previous plot set-up and ruin any hope for an over-arching storyline?” school of writing. They’re sci-fi soap operas.


    @The Lawnmower.
    Amen to that brother.


    Lemme get this straight, TV writers worry about TV show plot lines for a story duration spanning a single season? Wow. What a betrayal. They ought to be serving the greater purpose of the overall plotline that exists in the 10% of shows that have a second season. After all, their crystal balls, which show them how many seasons a given show will run, should be able to help them craft a contradiction free narative that satisfies all their viewing audience for a show that last one-half, 1, 2,3, or OMG ten (X-files, may you live on in rediculously convoluted glory) seasons. It has to be an easy task. After all, some random loser on the internet, with the glory of 20/20 hindsight, can see all the flaws in a failed plotline as clear as day.

    Yeah, I know, I have a sarcasm overload when it comes to internet criticism, but I think I have a point and that it got through. I absolutely agree that Heroes isn’t Shakespeare for the modern era, but it is very well designed for the market it is competing in, and most of the critics seem to blame it for adopting the qualities that will most help it reach continuation for another season.

    The Lawnmower

    I was talking about over a single season, dip shit, rendering your entire argument moot.

    I reiterate, these shows (Lost to a much greater extent) have terrible story-writing.

    No amount of ad hominems will change that. I don’t know what the fuck you’re so butt-hurt about anyway.

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