Hassan II Mosque

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The Hassan II Mosque (Arabic: Ù سجد الحسن الØ-اني‎) is a mosque located in Casablanca, Morocco. Designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau and built by Bouygues,[1] it is the second largest in the world (after the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca). It stands on a promontory looking out to the Atlantic, which can be seen through a gigantic glass floor with room for 25,000 worshippers. A further 80,000 can be accommodated in the mosque’s courtyard. Its minaret is the world’s tallest at 210 metres (689 ft)

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    21 Responses ttto Hassan II Mosque

    1. ian356094 says:


    2. flex says:

      “Built on reclaimed land, almost half of the surface of the mosque lies over the Atlantic water. This was inspired by the verse of the Qur’an that states “the throne of God was built on the water”. Part of floor of this facility is glass so worshippers can kneel directly over the sea”

      That sounds pretty freakin’ cool. If I was planning on doing some hardcore worshipping anytime soon, I know where I’d be headed.


    3. natedog says:

      hey, i gots an idea. let’s pack 25,ooo religious fanatics onto a glass ‘floor’ built above an ocean.

    4. dieAntagonista says:

      A French architect? Pretty dope.

    5. Stolid says:

      Been there.. done that.. They wouldn’t let me in though.. The girl I was dating was Muslim, so she wasn’t allowed in either haha.. (the front door anyway). Gotta love a religion that treats their women like slaves. For once I’d like to hear on CNN about 25000 religious fanatics and one with a bomb vest on…

    6. Deluxe says:

      @natedog: Muslim isn’t a synonym for religious fanatic. There are fanatics from any religion.

      @Stolid: “A religion that treats their women like slaves”… It seems to be equally a good description for christians from not so long ago (hoo, women are the devil, bla bla bla…)

    7. vandal says:

      @Deluxe: not letting women vote etc, is not even on the same level as stoning them to death in public for showing their face or talking back to their husbands.

    8. sylvanish says:

      Stoning to death is mostly for adultery. The vote issue requires one to understand that in those cultures the /Family/ gets one vote. The Qur’an teaches explicitly that the better one treats their wife the better she will treat you.

      But go ahead and let the scattered actions of a very small number of bad people and extremists, a tiny minority that politically motivated media isolate and focus on, form your opinion on 1/5 of the world’s population.

      Your ignorance is showing.

    9. flex says:

      I’m with Deluxe on this one. A few of my friends are Christians, I don’t immediately paint them with the same brush as the Westboro Baptist Church. Neither do I assume all Americans are just like George Bush.

      Anyway, I nearly started arguing on the internets then, and that can only lead to one cold, dark corner of retardation.

      I really shouldn’t start drinking so early in the day….

    10. vandal says:

      so as long as i only sometime stone them to death it’s ok? Well i know a lot of women of all cultures who would have issues with that. And i was referring to western culture not christianity.

    11. vandal says:

      and you are now dead for being friends with infidels btw.

    12. flex says:

      My milkshake is better than yours 🙂

    13. sylvanish says:

      Heck, I don’t think it’s okay at all and even less for the actual reasons that it happens. The problem with Muslims is that their whole religion is based on *submission* and that’s the whole reason so many crazy people get away with so much brutality and idiocy, because all the rest of them, the actual Muslims not the extremists; just sit back and let that bad shit happen because “if it is happening, it must be God’s will” The extremist and fundamentalist interpretation of Infidel differs from normal Muslims too, but that’s not really important.

      Personally I think it’s a load of horseshit. But I think that of virtually all religions that provide answers to questions people should be asking themselves. It’s cheating. Like downloading a report off the internet instead of writing your own.

    14. dieAntagonista says:

      I think it’s funny how the majority of the people who think they know how Muslims treat their women, have never even met a Muslim. Or got to know him.
      Next time you see a Muslim, do me a favour and try to become his friend if he seems to be nice. See if he invites you over for dinner and then watch what a Muslim family is like.
      I personally have never met a Muslim except for my father who hasn’t been religious since he left his country. But he told me exactly what they’re like. He said, that Muslim men want you to believe that they ‘control’ their wives, but the truth is, usually the wife is the boss. Since she mostly takes care of the children and knows what everybody is doing. Much like any other family in the West. Yes the quran does say you should stone people for whatever bullshit reason and whatnot, but so does the old testament.
      But guess what, if somebody is capable of doing that to their loved ones, he would probably be a pretty sick bastard even without believing in the quran/ old testament. There are enough Muslims who try to do only good things, not harming anybody, that you can’t just put them all together in one box and say – there, those are all violent monsters who want to kill little babies.

      Of course you hear only about the bad things, because who is gonna watch the news when all they report is how good everybody is? No. Reporting that some sick asshole stoned his daughter to death because she had contact with a man is much more interesting, isn’t it.
      What they don’t report is that those Arabic countries have the lowest rape and aids rates. Or that if you go there and visit, it’s an Arabic/ Muslim tradition to accept a stranger in your house for at least 3 days if he needs your help.

      There is a great deal of problems with Muslims, but that’s no reason to become so ignorant that you should stop judging people individually.

    15. greg_t says:

      ^ Agreed, dieAntagonista.

      And most of it is the same if you replace Muslim with any of the 3 religions of Abraham.

      Too many humans basically wish to control each other, and the majority of religions have (d)evolved into a facile way of doing precisely that.

      What a shame.


    16. General X says:

      I am a Muslim. what people need to realize is that Islam is the second largest religion in the world. Approximately ever fifth or sixth person in the world is a Muslim. If we were indeed all fanatics the world would be in flames now. The reason why that woman was no allowed at that particular entrance is very simple. Women must pray behind the men. This sounds very bad at first until you realize that Muslim prayers involve a lot of bending and prostrating. Imagine a man trying to focus on prayer, which is done exclusively in archaic Arabic, a very complicated language in which one letter different changes the whole meaning, and than you see a nice young woman bend over in front of you and than prostrate sending her shapely rear in the air. You would have to be a saint to keep your wits about you. God give women the benefit of the doubt and that is why they can look at our buts.

    17. greg_t says:

      ^ And that, General X, is precisely why I will always choose to partake of a shapely non-denominational rear in the air at any time.

      Praise be to the heavens above.


    18. Puulaahi says:

      A mosque? I only see the potential for surf.

    19. GermanKommissar says:

      Ive met a muslim family, and they are not that different from most families

      they may have religious differences, but they still have similar values and ideals

      plus, the muslim woman i know is a MILF, seriously

    20. Deluxe says:

      @General X: What a great explanation.

      That’s the reason for people not to judge at first sight, without knowing anything about the topic.

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