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    62 Responses ttto Happily Married Couple

    1. The-Penetrator says:

      This is fuckin wrong >:|

    2. eat.my.anger.and.choke.on.it says:

      Man them! Man them NOW!

    3. They look really happy, and that’s beautiful, even if their physical features aren’t. As predictable a response from me as the laughter is from others hehe.

    4. Dreth says:

      Fuck I submitted this today, with more pictures and their myspace links.

    5. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Oh dear god. I mean she has no redeeming quality. Her face looks horrible. her arms are way too skinny for her body. Her body is fat as shit with no boobs. Her forehead is like the rock of gibraltar. just. oh fucking hell i need some sulphuric acid.

    6. vincent.ex2 says:

      Thez are perfect for each other.

    7. ian356094 says:

      He better watch out and make sure she doesn’t accidentally eat him.

    8. seentheidiotwalk says:


      That was nice of you 🙂


      You’re terrible. I love it.

    9. fuckwhatafuckingdumbfuckingfuckassfuck says:

      that is fucked up, that is fucked up, that fucked up maaaaaan

    10. Corman says:

      What would it be like to have sex with…it?

    11. TheLotusEater725 says:

      I would imagine it is like suffocating at the bottom of your local hospitals Biohazard dumpster while getting your pelvis crushed by an enormous rotting elk carcass. Or it would be like putting your penis into your grandpas armpit after he spent the whole day drinking vinegar and fixing his 91 toyota in the Hoboken Path train station.

    12. natedog says:

      Candy’s Myspace: www.myspace.com/candyapple0883
      she made it private after some /b/tards found them

      Chris’s Myspace: profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=118833657

    13. TheLotusEater725 says:

      God fucking damn it. Of course they are from south carolina. I’m going to have to kill these people now.

    14. dieAntagonista says:

      I used to watch this lady on youtube. She looked very similar to the woman in this picture and she was married to a thin attractive scientist. Then she had surgery bypass, and now 1 year later she looks actually beautiful.

      10 points for comparing her forehead to Gibraltar.

    15. dieAntagonista says:

      Err, bypass surgery*

    16. impaciente says:

      Oh. My. God. That woman is sinfully unattractive. Like that-is-the-ugliest-human-being-I’ve-ever-laid-eyes-on unattractive.

    17. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Thank you. Also no bypass can make that womans face bearable. The only solution is to kill her and buy him a russian bride who will actually love him.

    18. Each way smartass comment, eh, lotus? :p

      @SeenTheIdiotWalk: Oh I wasn’t being nice. It’s plain how happy they are, look at them. I’d gladly look like that to be looked at like that, the way he is at her.

    19. Lorfmachine says:

      I call the need for a NSFW tag.
      And now I’ll go throw up a little bit and cry myself to sleep.

    20. garbledxmission says:

      I just love that her gunt sticks out past her tits. Even in that titanium laced dress they got her into using a crowbar and 23 gallons of baby oil.

    21. TheLotusEater725 says:

      @Brevity Truta:

      You know me too well brevy.

    22. copypaiste says:

      Dammit. Now I need some brain surgery to wipe this out of my head >.<

    23. garbledxmission says:

      They do look happy tho…more power to them.

    24. Oh rednecks are pretty simple to read, lotus 😉

      garbled, glad you redeemed yourself there hahahaha.

    25. pantscomeoff says:

      Kermit and Miss Piggy?

    26. Dreth says:

      I bet she ate that missing half of the redneck deer from the other post.

    27. MonkeyHitman says:

      if you read the forums how when he posted pictures in his own forums some members started to talk like lotus and he threatens that he is in the army and will fight for the honor for his wife ….

    28. TheLotusEater725 says:

      @Brevity Truta:


    29. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Fuck them and their happiness. One day he is going to look in the mirror and see his wife and all of a sudden the shed and his hollow tips will get intimate with his amygdala.

    30. @Monkeyhitman: the link to the forums under the picture is a troll thread. The tone’s pure troll, as are the captions to the pictures in the ops.

      The myspace is them really.

      @Lotus I assume you’d be using a nice big hunting knife you keep sheathed in a hand-tooled leather sheath with a picture of a 16 point buck stamped into it. Otherwise you can take that threat and sharpen it up some, and your pencildick while you’re at it.

    31. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Oh now that was just mean. You know i love you brevy. Well as much as a man can love someone who’s gender he is not too sure of and knows only by comments left by them on an image board.

    32. So … about as much as you loved “How to trap and skin critters” when you read it as a wee lad. Cool!

      Well.. what would you use, lotus, if not a big hunting knife? I love knife threats on the internet. Call it a funny little quirk.

    33. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Hunting knives are for pussies. I use custom built diamond blade scalpels…with a 16 point buck on the handle.

    34. Isn’t that a little unwieldy, or is the buck made of foam?

    35. nyoki says:

      I swear that woman’s sister works at the Food Lion near me. I even called hubby in and he thought it was her too.
      They obviously love each other, so I doubt they’re too concerned w/ what we think of them.
      @thelotuseater725: No Ka-Bar? Even I have one of those.

    36. nyoki says:

      @garbledxmission: What’s a gunt and is it the reason she looks pregnant?

    37. TheLotusEater725 says:

      Nah, i have no use for hunting knives. Ka-bar is nice although. Closest thing i have to a hunting knife is a couple of Balisongs and some victorinox swiss army knives.

      @Brevity Truta:

      Actually it is hand painted onto the handle by Randy Mcgovern

    38. tisk01 says:

      Shame on you all. Physical appearance should have nothing to do with how you judge a person. Sure she is physically unattractive, but who is to say she isn’t a wonderful, intelligent, caring or thoughtful person? And aren’t these the things that matter most?
      You people who are quick to judge a person by their appearance alone are the worst that the human race have to offer, her ugliness might be on the outside, but at least she doesn’t have a black, spiteful and mean heart like all you loons.

    39. TheLotusEater725 says:

      oh god somebody please ED these pictures.

    40. dieAntagonista says:

      I ain’t no loon. Nobody said the woman in the picture was a bad person or that her looks have anything to do with her personality. But it’s obviously a human covered in unnecessary fat.
      This is the Internets. If pictures is all we get, pictures is all we judge. There is no other choice than being shallow you see.

      And for you to assume she’s perfectly good and sweet is just as ridiculous as when I would assume she’s mean and bad because I think she’s unattractive.

    41. TheLotusEater725 says:


      Oh you brave white knight you. I bet you wrote that post from a sudanese refugee camp while filling out 10+ chinese adoption forms. Listen my black and doodie filled hole of a soul is happily married and i have a beautiful baby boy. Also if you honestly think that being blunt and honest about things makes people horrible husks of human flesh then you need to seriously sit back and observe the world around you. What would you rather have? A world where deception and lies are all that ever spew out of a persons mouth for fear of offending someone; thus creating a vast web of taboos wherein free speech and scientific advances are impeded. And why? For fear of breaking some bullshit invisible rules that do more harm to the collective psyche than good? I mean it creates an atmosphere of unnecessary tension between people who really didn’t mean any serious harm of their words to begin with.

      OR: a world where people are honest with eachother helping to prevent tensions from boiling up and exploding like an ICBM?

      Now i know words can be harmful. My whole time in middle school was a nightmare from bullies. But you know what? I got over it and in some cases they were right. Granted they could have been more eloquent about their judgments but they were right nonetheless.

      Stop being an idiot and actually analyze your world before you go around lambasting others for observing it.

    42. borongas says:


      My Girlfriend Sent Me Apple Pie… in the Mail

    43. borongas says:

      by the way read post #40 in the original thread!!! Can’t make that shit up…

    44. TheLotusEater725 says:


      Nobody cares. You lost, go write a poem on /b/ about it. I hear they love people who clamor for OC credit.

    45. SumoSnipe says:

      What’s all this about hunting knives? I just grab a knife off the kitchen rack, that’s my hunting knife.
      They look happy in the picture, so good luck to them.

    46. purple banana says:

      tbh, it looks like the girl might have an endocrine disorder, judging by her moon-shaped face and startling alopecia, it might be Cushings syndrome- my cousin developed it, and she went from a gorgeous girl to heavily overweight and partially balding in a matter of months… It’s an increase in blood serum cortisol levels caused by a tumor on the pituitary or adrenal gland. She got it removed, and within a year, she was back to normal. You never really know with just pictures.

    47. AgZed says:

      You know, I read about the eugenics experiments that took place in the 1920s and 30s and I think, “That’s awful!” But then I see something like this and can’t help but think, “Maybe they were on to something.”

      Think of the children! Won’t somebody think of the children!

    48. greg_t says:

      tisk01 is absolutely correct.

      For shamez everyone.

      But just remember…

      All of us black, mean and spiteful hearts are frolicking merrily here in the splendiferous land of the Interwebz, just waiting to descend upon each and every innocent blogger and suck their souls dry.


      Every time a hater snarks a kitten dies. Oh noes!!!


    49. Awesome1 says:

      I can’t believe i’m the only one to point how much she looks like a man. I mean, damn.

      Ever seen the video for Windowlicker?

    50. Awesome1 says:

      Read his blog! Candy’s pregnant!

    51. Recondomoe says:

      And he must have some intelligence, those are aren’t enlisted discs on his lapel. Mother fuckers gonna be an officer if she doesn’t squish him first.

    52. flex says:

      A striking resemblance to this.

    53. traptin85 says:

      DO NOT WANT!!!!!

    54. sylvanish says:

      I for one think it’s perfectly acceptable to base 1/3 of your opinion on a person based on appearance. This has everything to do with natural selection and physical health and the well being of the species. Appearance directly relates to health and genetic development and tells a lot about a persons lifestyle and disposition. She will probably go through couches like I go through running shoes.

      For fucks sake their wedding cake was made out of twinkies! People like this make me sick when there is so much starvation elsewhere in the world. Creatures like her are where the origin of the myths about ogres and such came from.
      Now, if they are happy together fine, whatever, but for the good of the world, I hope they never *shudder* reproduce.

      Heh… Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean… lol

    55. AgZed says:

      @sylvanish: I give you +100 interwebs for such an eloquent trouncing of the asinine “As long as they’re happy” argument.

    56. InsaneCommando says:

      This reminds me of a rhyme someone told me way back in college

      “Fatty and skinny were lying in bed
      Fatty rolled over and skinny was dead”

      seriously, if he ever gets sick of life, he can just ask her to get on top and squish him like a tomato under a car tyre

    57. Destro says:

      Do not ask do not tell.
      Do not want.
      Imagine the smell of unreachable unmentionables.
      I can see her eating her babies if stranded on a desert island.
      she coulda played T-Rex in Orgazsmo

    58. garbledxmission says:

      sylvanish, good point. Fug is fug is fug.
      The cake was repugnant. Like that commercial with the couple who have a wedding cake made of McNugshits.
      @Nyoki, a gunt is when your gut expands to blend with the fat of your upper cunt to make a….gunt. Kind of like Cankles.
      @borangas, nice name. Are u the beach, the island, the cyberclub or the dumbass from the JerzeeDevil Forums? Either way you have a retarded screen name. Anyway, nobody gives a shit. Go away you smelly, vile person you.
      @tisk01: Here’s a douche, get the sand out of your vagina.

    59. Phyreblade says:

      Jack Sprat could eat no fat;
      His wife could eat no lean.
      And so between the two of them,
      they licked the platter clean.

    60. njch412 says:

      ROTC Fag, go to a real military school.

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