Godzilla vs Titanic

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    Oh no! They say he’s got to go….


    Not true! Everyone knows Godzirah was in the Pacific not the Atrantic.


    We need a bigger boat.


    Now we have Godzilla to blame for that abortion of a movie about that giant boat that sank and Di”crap”io danced and died in … what was it called?


    Firstly, I’d like to thank you for putting “crap” in quotation marks otherwise the pun might have gone right over my head.


    This goes in my “Keep” file.


    BowToMe: You’re an idiot. Dicaprio is an amazing actor, and that was an exceedingly well made film. Yeah, it was sappy and over the top- the story was cheesy. But to call a movie that successful, in both merit awards and at the box office, an abortion(?!) means that I have to repeat myself: you’re an idiot.

    ps: you just hated dicaprio ’cause all the girls went retarded over him when the movie came out- The Aviator and The Departed, i think pretty much lock him in as an great actor, and those are just two notable examples.


    Ok, no matter how good an actor he is (i really don’t have an opinion on that) as soon as his baby face starts looking worn he will get less and less movie parts and then die and not be found for a week like Benny Hill. Look how the women used to chase that guy around by the way.

    Women think he’s man meat and that’s why he sells tickets they are perverts and would rape him. Just shameful.

    Doctor Thompson

    elzarcothepale: BowToMe has just used BAD PUN on on an actor you like. It’s SUPER EFFECTIVE! ELZARCOTHEPALE’s turn. ELZARCOTHEPALE is sad. ELZARCOTHEPALE used WHINE LIKE A BITCH. It’s not very effective…


    Nothing wrong with Leo. Departed & Gilbert Grape were two examples of how great he can be.

    Let’s not kid ourselves, though. Big Gay Al’s Big Gay Boat Ride sucked. There were scenes so heavy with cheese that I could simply not stomach them.

    Just because you win an award doesn’t mean your movie didn’t suck.


    you see, elzarcothepale, there’s this thing called personal taste. Everyone’s is different and relative to their experience.
    For example; I could say that I think your screen name sounds like some kind of syphillitic gay albino magician of some sort, but that would just be based upon my personal opinions. Others may feel different, though based on your sand in the vagina rant about your screen crush dicapcap I think the general opinion on you here has pretty much been set.


    suicydking: I don’t even like the movie – doesn’t mean I can’t understand that from a production level it was a well made movie. “Dude Where’s My Car” isn’t “good” or “well made” by most stretches of the imagination, but I’ve watched it 6 times or so. I know what you mean, though- the cheese in “Titanic” was ridiculous.

    garbled: I’m a big fan of that personal and relative experience- however, that doesn’t mean that you get to segregate yourself from the opinions you put forth based on that personal and relative experience. BTM’s statement that Titanic was a bad movie is false by most standards of judging such a thing- if he had said he didn’t like it, or that it made him feel like bashing the heads of small children in, that’d be perfectly fine, if a bit deranged- however if you were to list the ways in which a professional film could be deemed successful, ie:
    A)Comparing box office sale to others films of similar genre or audience,
    B)Measuring its accolades from the community that is the accept standard setter on quality in film,
    C)Noting the impressive and lasting income from DVD, soundtrack and other related paraphernalia
    it becomes clear that it was, at least by most accepted standards, a “good” movie.
    If you want to judge it based on the levels of annoyance it inspires in males who also happen to find the star of the film obnoxious (likely due to some form of jealousy) then I’m sure you’d find the data to support a claim that it sucked, no offense to those polled.

    As for your comment,
    A) that was clearly not a rant- you need to watch a Dennis Miller special, or listen to the late great Bill Hicks if you want to hear a fucking rank. that was. . .scorn, i think is the best term, followed by a simple statement.
    B)Your description of my screen name is nice- i particularly liked the syphilis, but I would have gone the Mexican wrestler route. “EL Zarco?” c’mon.
    C)I was going to think of some sort of horrible suicide to commit the day I ever gave half a shit about the “general opinion on here,” but it’s just so damn laughable that I couldn’t concentrate


    Doctor Thompson: damn, i forgot about Doc! good burn- but that was about as much of a whine as it was a rant


    A lizard and a retard…
    i say good movie.


    Jesus fucking Christ that’s an essay and a half. It’s just a fucking movie. And it blows.


    Haha. I have never seen “Titanic.” I win.



    Thanks for your well thought out reply. Only a couple points I’d like to refute.

    1) My whole point, (which I guess you missed), was that people are going to have INDIVIDUAL opinions about the movie in question, regardless of box office, awards, DVD sales, etc.
    2) Just because the masses like something sappy, full of pap, overly cheesy, faux romantic and overacted with, admittedly, a very pretty, (yet mostly CG), background, sets, costumes, doesn’t make it truly good, just popular. To prove my point I submit exhibit A – Nascar, blue man group, Celine Dion, Reality TV, soap operas, Oprah, Christianity, etc, etc…
    3) It wasn’t supposed to be a rant. I believe I clearly stated that it was an EXAMPLE. Once again, you missed the point. I’ve seen Dennis Miller, Leary and Lewis Black live so understand when I say when I’m ready to unleash a rant of biblical proportions upon your fevered brow, you’ll know it.
    4) Glad you like my descrip of your screen name. You are right, I should have made the luchador reference. Sigh, opportunity wasted…
    5) Don’t kill yourself, you are far too entertaining.
    6) We found him annoying because his character was a wimpy, pre-emo, annoying little cocky douchebag. “I’ll never let you go!” Then she dumps his corpse off the board for the crabs to eat. Priceless.


    “Nascar, blue man group, Celine Dion, Reality TV, soap operas, Oprah, Christianity, etc, etc…”

    Fuck you’re a snob


    relatively retort:
    on point 2) i agree, but how else do you determine the quality of something that bases success on popularity? If you don’t go off industry standards, the word “good” is just up for grabs. There is no Department of Movie Weights and Measures. This means that we have to base a quality judgment (not a personal opinion) on a combination of artistic merit (also fuzzy- usually agreed to be best assessed by peers, experts and critics) and financial success.
    NASCAR, Oprah, Christianity, etc. . . are all very good at what they do- ridiculously so. You seem to be trying to separate “Good” (read: high quality, i assume) into some fixed value that a phenomenon can be lacking in and still be popular. If Oprah, in fact, sucked at being Oprah(tm), she wouldn’t be reaping the benefits of her success. Just because you, or even everyone that you know/like/agree with, thinks that Oprah is lame, doesn’t mean she isn’t scoring a 9 out of 10 at what she has set out to do. I hate NASCAR as much as you do. Maybe more, since I’m from Kansas and have to deal with these fuckers on their way to the race. But you can’t say that it’s a “dumb sport” anymore than you can say golf is, because it’s worth or quality isn’t defined by your or my opinion of it- it’s defined by how popular it is with it’s target population (of jerkoffs)

    3)yeah i know you weren’t ranting- you called my first comment a: “sand in the vagina rant” and i was simply directing you to better ranting materials- you have to get copy of Bill Hicks.

    5)i know. my mom says i should do stand up.

    6)yeah, you say that, and for you it may even be true, but the character was one thing- busting out a 3rd grade lvl name calling that BTM did is more about hating the actor- which would only happen if A) he was an idiot, like i said, or
    B)he was just jealous.


    garble & elzarco



    /fail x2.

    Each one of you, -1 cool point for arguing on interwebz.


    To minty:
    Ultimate fail to you for still doing that retarded, lame-assed internet pointing shit.


    also to minty:
    Do you think it’s likely that two people bickering on the net give two shits about cool points?

    Also, your impression leaves a lot of imagination and subtlety to be desired. Unless, of course, that was just an oddly capitalized statement addressed to us. Either way, you really ought to leave the discussing to those who posses the wherewithal to participate.


    Yeah, what he said.

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