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    53 Responses ttto Why not, you eat other animals don’t you

    1. Tyger42 says:

      Idiotic PETA drivel.

    2. the3g_ipwn says:

      Needs garlic and pepper

    3. G says:

      would go well with some taters

    4. Absolutism.

      There is a spectrum for all choices that people make; It doesn’t always fall to one of two extremes, despite what the politicians would like you to believe.

    5. phantasm says:


      They do it in asia.


      and apparently other places too.

    6. Lamb says:

      I wouldn’t eat the fucker, but I don’t care if other people do.

    7. Tyger42 says:

      These idiot extremist vegans can’t seem to wrap their brain around the concept of our bodies being MADE to digest vegitation AND meat. A Vegan diet requires artificial supplimentation to get all the nutrients the body needs. How can anyone delude themselves into thinking that’s a healthy lifestyle.
      As for the “cruelty to animals” tripe, hey! Guess what? That’s nature. Life feeds on life. What would these idiots do if it was ever proven beyond a doubt that plants can feel and respond to pain like animals can? ( Not saying that’s likely, but a “what if?” )

    8. SlapWhacker says:

      Meats to stringy, it get caught in my teeth. I like bulldog myself

    9. dub_1211 says:

      yeah maybe if that little bitch wasn’t fed processed shit dog food and was grain fed so it’s meat was tasty. if i was homeless, i would hit it, then eat it.

    10. phil says:

      A Vegan diet requires artificial supplimentation [sic] to get all the nutrients the body needs.


      And the only thing worse than self-righteous vegans is self-righteous carnivores.

    11. natedog says:

      DNA is DNA, no matter how cute it is.

      SALAD IS MURDER. Plants have a soul.

      and goddam, cook that fucking dog already.

      Raw dog tastes like shit.

      Items in bold are animals i killed myself

      chickens and their babies
      cow and cow babies


    12. natedog says:

      suck my diiiiiiick
      i’m a natedog

    13. Tyger42 says:

      Yes, it does.
      The only thing worse than either is someone who doesn’t know his facts and tries to argue like he does.

    14. Tardex says:

      Actually, its been proven that when a tree is cut down it emits an extremely high frequency ‘scream’ or noise of sorts. So we’re pretty close to proving those vegan bastards wrong!

    15. Tardex says:

      @ phil

      You try eating nothing but vegetables and water for a couple weeks and tell me how you feel afterwards.

    16. Elepski says:

      Social taboos aside… Protein is protein.

    17. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      Its not just cultural taboos, its not economically sound to raise carnivores as a food source. But nothing ethically wrong with eating dog.

    18. Luke Magnifico says:


      You killed and ate a llama?

      Fuuuuck, man.

      Their eyes are so expressive.

    19. storminator says:

      the Lewis and Clark expedition ate dog instead of salmon.

    20. It has been proven that the human brain developed its frontal lobe and most of it’s mass when our ancestors started going from herbivores to omnivores.

      Eating meet is good, but like most things it is also good to do in moderation.

      Name me one person who you know that is a complete carnivore? You can’t, can you? That’s because were f***ing omnivores. We eat meats & non-meats. Because that’s what the human body requires! We have eye teeth for a reason!

    21. Caio says:

      Squirrel? Grasshopper? Geeze Nate you are from Oklahoma aren’t you?

    22. phat_stack says:

      You killed and ate an Asian? Weren’t you hungry again after a half hour?

    23. multi_masked says:

      A lot of times vegans argue that we shouldn’t eat animals because we farm grow them in harsh conditions. Thats fine and dandy, because left by itself, I think it would die a better death than if i was to jump on a couch and start clawing the shit out of it, or catch a chicken and start chomping its ass to death.

    24. phil says:

      You try eating nothing but vegetables and water for a couple weeks and tell me how you feel afterwards.

      Would twelve years be long enough?

      These threads always feel like arguing about sexuality with a closeted Republican.

    25. the3g_ipwn says:


      How does one go about field dressing a pokemon?

    26. the3g_ipwn says:

      and did you eat the asian over flied lice?

    27. Kero says:

      i bet asians eyes would be pretty expressive too, if you could see them.

    28. the3g_ipwn says:

      Proof once again that Caio is really from the Internet.

    29. AgZed says:

      Having had to put up with two vegan sisters, I’ve learned that the only thing you can’t get from a vegan diet, without taking supplements, is vitimin B12. Of course, B12 is kinda really fucking important, and both of them wound up having to take iron supplements that turned their shit black in order to counter their lovely new anemia.

      Of course, neither of them are vegans any longer. Big sis was told what she’d need to do to be a healthy pregnant vegan and was tucking into a steak that night. Little sis went travelling through Asia & Africa and discovered that being able to chose to not eat something is a luxury afforded to few. Weird thing is, during their vegan phases, one sister picked up a wheat allergy and the other became allergic to raw fruit. WTF is that? Eat too many healthy nutritious fruits & vegetables, and they’ll start trying to kill you? Shyamalan was right!

      The fact is, humans are designed to be omnivores. In order to be healthy, we need some of both plant and animal, and vegans are no more evolved or enlightened than people who decide to eat nothing but meat.

    30. Alec Dalek says:

      I don’t eat anything that can do an amusing trick. Everything else gets brown sauce.

    31. the3g_ipwn says:


    32. Jesus Christ says:

      I would if it wasn’t someone’s pet and there was no other source of food in the world.

      I’m too much of a fucking pansy to kill it though.

    33. Jesus Christ says:

      Oh, and Kero’s comment made me lol so hard.

    34. vutterfly says:

      god dammit, meat pisses me off. i mean, i like it… but if i start thinking about the animal that i am eating, i feel exactly like this picture is trying to make you. and then i don’t want to eat it anymore. why do i have to be so empathetic?!?!?!??? maybe i’m just not hungry enough.

    35. Exacerbate says:

      “These threads always feel like arguing about sexuality with a closeted Republican.”


    36. Exacerbate says:

      For once I with Caio.

      AgZed wins this thread definitely.

    37. Tardex says:


      AgZed is the omnipotent ruler of this thread now.

    38. Elepski says:

      AgZed did just put it down… Now who is going to gut it and clean it?

    39. mikoyangurevich15 says:

      Does NOT taste like chicken!

    40. storminmormon says:

      that dog doesnt even have enough meat on it to eat.

    41. asdf says:

      @paul i have teeth in my eyes?

    42. gor says:

      You know, the Vegetarian Society might have a point, I think I will try some dog. Thanks for the suggestion Vegetarian Society!

    43. tiki god says:

      so how does Hinduism deal with this? How have then been able to not eat meat for as long as they have been able to?

    44. unknown says:

      I’d eat it in a hart beat. One less fucker yapping in my neighborhood.

    45. Alec Dalek says:

      tiki, have Indians ever looked that healthy to you? They even throw their dead bodies into a river.

    46. natedog says:

      tiki, it is all the semen they eat. it’s cock full of protiens

    47. Phyreblade says:

      I found an interesting article that may explain how traditional vegetarian Hindus may have avoided B12 deficiencies.


      From what I understand, B12 is a bacterial byproduct, and not specifically associated with either meat or vegetable products. In essence, wherever B12 producing bacteria exist, you can get B12.

      The B12 we get from our animals like cows, for eg, is from B12 producing bacteria that exists in their stomachs from plants that they have consumed. We then ingest the B12 produced by these bacteria when we later consume the animal.

      Some have theorized that originally, Hindus consumed plant material with B12 bacteria deposited on it from other sources such as insects , and because they did not follow the regimented sanitation procedures we use, B12 bacteria survived and continued to produce B12.

      It would appear that modern day vegans have to supplement their diet with B12 and others because we are much more careful to destroy all bacteria during the processing of our food.

      There is also evidence that the incidence of serious B12 deficiencies in contemporary immigrant vegetarian Hindu families in the UK, for instance, rises once they get there from India.

      Presumably because the natural B12 bacteria laden foods they normally got while in India are unavailable due to the rigorous cleaning standards followed in the UK. They are usually forced to consume fortified foods or take supplements in order to avoid B12 and other deficiencies.

    48. Thrella says:

      Why NOT eat animals? It’s a major market and if we don’t eat them we’ll have to kill most farm animals because 1: No one is going to waste money feeding them. 2; there are just too many of them and 3 We’d have to kill them all because most wouldn’t be able to live in the wild, and would affect major metropolitan areas as well as local wildlife.

      So i say eat cattle. Also dog tastes bad so i wouldn’t eat it.

    49. dis says:

      i got a puppy soup recipe that is delicious if anyone is interested. Smoky and tender meat. sounds really strange but it is really good.

    50. Snow says:

      im so fuckign hungry now.

      pity the dog is too quick … little fucker

    51. Snow says:

      thats why we dont eat dogs … too small to shoot to quick to catch

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