i have them braisn let me show them.

broins.jpg (81 KB)

“Don’t waste them…there are chidren in Texas who go without!”
– grantsean
fuond here: www.cracked.com/craptions/craption/911

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    Gross. One in the front row has a fly on it.


    yuuumyyyyy…. zombie food


    why hasnt any one said wtf yet 🙁

    what kinda brains are those?

    Jesus Christ

    Why hasn’t anyone said wtf?

    Because half of these guys go to 4chan.


    Why would anyone say wtf?


    Yummy, nothing but a nice bowl of chilled monkey brains. My mouth is watering.


    Damn, that should have read “Nothing BETTER THAN a nice bowl of chilled monkey brains.” Clearly my brains aren’t working properly.


    ok… OMGWTFBBQ… wait..no bbq…




    ew ew ew! WHY!?

    i’ve heard people bolt monkeys into tables and saw off the caps of their skulls and then eat them, while the monkey is still alive.

    horrifying. why would anyone want to eat a brain?


    I got nothing to say about people who eat live monkeys. However, I can assure you that a brain is much healthier to eat than 99% of the fast food served in the world today.


    This looks like a job for… Andrew Zimmern!


    Om nom nom nom


    While I was at school in Toulouse, France, they served calves brains, beef tongue and liver (not together) on a regular basis.


    I actually thought these were fake till you guys started talking about it. Now I’m unhappy that I’ve eaten anything today.


    Grow some balls you lot! There’s good protein going to waste.


    Wonder if they are beef or pork brains. Beef brains hold together better when cooked than pork brains. Unsure about the taste difference, but, yeah, thats pure fat and protein, never let those go to waste if you are lost in the woods and kill an animal.


    As a Texan I must say, could you send a coupla those my way? they shore do look mighty tasty!

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