Ryan Reynolds

ryan reynolds.jpg (81 KB)

Moar plz

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    mehhh, too muscular.



    I usually don’t find hairy guys attractive, but this is a definite exception.


    Oh. Oh my.

    This needed an NSFW flag, didn’t it?

    Because, y’see, drool in the keyboard isn’t safe…


    There’s something sexy ’bout the pic, but not the guy…hmmm


    I drove this guy when he was dating Alanis Morrisette. I didn’t know who he was- and they seemed offended. Fucking rock stars. LOL. Very stand-offish. Two thumbs way down….




    if i was gay i am sure i would fap to it and fantazize about ejaculating all over his chest and licking it off while he fingers the shit out of me. Y’know, if i was gay.

    beep beep

    You know, he is slated to play DEADPOOL in an upcoming Wolverine movie.



    not to be this guy…. but….

    while alanis morisette is a semi-rock star who really just needs to die, ryan reynolds is only an actor and hasn’t become a wannabe rock/popstar yet… rite?


    Apply Bleach To My Eyes Please…. this should be NTBSE (Not To Be Seen Ever) which ofcourse a mans perspective lol


    Yes- at the time, I DID NOT KNOW WHO HE WAS- but was actually being paid to drive Alanis. So, the “fuckin’ rock stars” comment is aimed at her- not him. Because, I didn’t know who he was- which made him a nobody to me.

    Does that help? Or are you just easily confused? LOL


    i’d hit that. and i don’t like peepers.


    I would definitely hit that


    oh and the original van wilder was AWESOME!


    rite forgot to write this…

    thank you for the clearing up storm


    OM NOM NOM. Ryan rocks. And he’s Canadian, too!

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