Bunny and Clod

bush_whgh101.jpg (67 KB)

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    finally the president has found his intellectual equal.


    what a fucking furry


    i mean, look at how he fondles the fucking rabbit…


    He looks so happy and blissful… like a small child. Wait, this is the guy that runs the country? $*!#%!


    Trying to make fun of President Bush still doesn’t change the fact that he won the Office two times in a row.


    who’s laughing now?

    Alec Dalek

    That’s a white bunny. Bush doesn’t care about black bunnies.

    Alec Dalek

    Twice? I thought he was appointed by his dads friends in the Supreme Court the first time. At least the was the story in the non-American newspapers. What did they tell you folks?


    Yiff yiff mr. prez.



    With the voting irregularities in BOTH the 2000 and 2004 elections I find it questionable whether George W Bush was properly elected ONCE. Of course it may just have been that the 2000 election was practice for when he would REALLY need to steal an election, but I could be wrong. Either way you look at it, this man is directly responsible for tens of thousands of civilian deaths in a war that was based on lies and misdirection.


    The Matrix: Rebooted

    We’re not trying to make fun of him. We ARE making fun of him. Because no matter how you look at it, he’s kind of dumb. That fact that he was (questionably) elected just shows that most voters are kind of dumb, a theory continues to be supported by just about any quantitative measure.


    I didn’t read any of your posts, but I consider this a victory because I got a rise out of you.

    It’s the internet. Some say it’s serious business, but alas, ’tis not.




    Now that I’ve [kind of] read your posts, I never said he was elected/appointed/bleh bleh bleh. I said he WON the Office.

    You people are soo fast and soo ready to get into an internet tough guy political debate, it’s comical.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    You’re weren’t being serious and you weren’t being funny, so that leaves…. not much.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    To clarify: we are all on this board to look at images, read comments and write comments.
    If someone reads your comment and writes a comment in response, how can that possibly be any kind of victory, since that’s the purpose of this website?



    Yeah, he WON the office. Just like you WON that last hamburger you bought or you WON that last blow-job you had to pay for. Bitch, please. You’re going to instigate a fight then start talking about “internet tough guys”? If you weren’t so sad, you might ALMOST be funny!


    One time I won a chocolate bunny by guessing how many jelly beans were in a jar.


    W still believes in the Easter Bunny. Someone is encouraging this belief. I am scared.


    Well, it’s like the saying goes: Ask your parents if Santa is real, then ask them if the Easter Bunny is real, then ask if God is real. The answer will always be the same.


    *The answer to all three questions will always be the same.

    I apparently made this drink stronger than I thought, seeing as I left out a couple words.

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