Did you see things that hurt you?

Who knew that the bible was a big book of Parental Controls?

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    17 Responses ttto Did you see things that hurt you?

    1. maxcw says:

      I should be calling that number daily. In fact I sense a toll free phone call coming on.

    2. garbledxmission says:

      The things I saw gave me a raging clue….

    3. warren says:

      Yes. There’s nothing more unnatural or perverse than a teen boy being fascinated by naked women.

      Uh, wait … he wasn’t reading Animal Husbandry Quarterly, was he?

    4. Jimmed says:

      By Christian standards I need to be exorcised.

    5. dantoo says:

      In all fairness, though… that was a hell of a lot more sane than most of the comic book Christian message things.

    6. tormato says:

      You know, the advice to go see a pastor is good advice. From what I’ve seen in the news lately, they know where to find the grade-A premo porn that I just can’t get on the internet.

    7. Phyreblade says:

      I just put the number on speed dial…

    8. Hazard says:

      The kid is going to be conditioned to go into fits of self-abuse whenever he sees boobies.

      Bonus points for failed manga knockoff style.

    9. Phyreblade says:


      TV glare from a bible…


      -50 Internets…

    10. warren says:

      No no, that’s the Holy Light of God.

      Or an Itty-Bitty Bible Lite.

      Or something.

    11. deuce says:

      Yeah… “tried not to look”… he’s just feeling guilty cuz they whacked each other off and he liked it a little too much.

    12. Frank says:

      I find it kinda weird that this is saved as “Jesus_Porn”.

    13. Phyreblade says:

      I done my fair share ‘o bible readin’, and I ain’t never seen no light come out o’ it while I was a readin’…

      Am I doin’ it wrong?!?

    14. Hepathos says:

      This is rubbish. I fapped to every type of porn known to man, and I’m still a norman person. The prison psychologist said so.

    15. Phyreblade says:

      Norman? Yes. Yes you are. Normal? No. Absolutely not. I hate to tell you this, but prison psychologists lie. I know.

    16. Luminary says:

      The bible is radioactive!

    17. Hepathos says:

      Oh poop, my funky hungarian typo made my joke less funy again. Curse you Kazinczy Ferenc! Curse youuuu!

      Wow look at the time. It’s rape o’clock!

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