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    14 Responses ttto Riot Police vs. Penguin

    1. jeffapotimus says:

      Hey, where’d you find that? Its a different angle of a pic I submitted.

      Do NOT screw with Microsoft

      I’ve been looking for some context.

    2. Well. I saw this rioter flowers image and I wanted to find a similar wallpaper, but glorifying the riot cops instead of the pussy rioters. I mean, these guys go out, put themselves in harms way to defend out cities in case riots get out of control, and people want to glorify the rioters. I don’t feel that their violent behavior should be emulated. Sure people want to be all OMG DOWN WIZ TEH OPPRESARS RAAWWRRGG but seriously. When it comes down to it, violent rioters deserve to be beaten with sticks, shot with bean bags and pepper sprayed into submission. If you can’t be reasonable, then neither does my tactics for handling the situation.

      Diatribe aside, I googled “riot cops.” This is a demonstration in Chile..for something. Appearantly penguins want the same rights as people but we all know penguins are only a step down from black people. DENIED.

    3. Wally says:

      Thats a little closed minded isn’t it DemolitionsGeek? i mean sometimes a riot is because the government deserves it and the riot police or those trying to hold back the rioters actually ARE the oppressors!! Not saying in all cases, just suggesting that sometimes it may be necessary…

      i do love the irony of Anti-War Protestors getting all violent 😛

    4. I come off a bit the wrong way, I agree. But whta I mean is there is nothing in this world that can’t be solved with words. If someone doesn’t have the patience and calm within themselves to stage a peaceful demonstration, then they deserve to be beaten. People resort to violence because they believe it will bring a swift solution. And it does, to the current problem but you are left with a disabled quagmire that needs to be rebuilt. Take the time to talk, take the time to listen, and take the time to configure a solution for all parties involved and we wouldn’t need ot roll out the riot police for some good ole-fashioned Hippybeatin.

    5. Darko says:

      sudoku’s cant be solved by words.

    6. Frznagn says:

      Looks like Microslop finally got the jump on Linux.

    7. wookie_x says:

      I’m reading what DemolitionsGeek was saying….and I’m laughing. I’m envious that he still has some illusions left. Personally, I had any illusions wiped out after seeing the “riot” that happened in Austin TX on Mardi Gras in 2001. Yes, some drunks started it, but as the police decided they were going to clear 100,000 people from the streets in 45 minutes, things got ugly. People were beaten and sprayed with pepper spray as they came out of clubs. They were shot with rubber bullets and sand bags as they ran away. Even people on the side streets weren’t safe, as I was told to get off the streets, go inside and lock the doors. If I locked the doors, they wouldn’t have a reason to come in and harass me. These cops were wearing their riot gear before any of the festivities had even started. Don’t tell me that the people who were exiting the bars and clubs could have talked to the police. All they wanted was to get away and they got beaten and pepper sprayed. DemolitionsGeek, you say that “there is nothing in this world that can’t be solved with words.” Try using words when a cop is already beating you in the head with a 4 foot long rattan club.

    8. Caio says:

      Lol. Mask + Shields = Anonymity. Add weapons and you don’t need a fucking riot. I grew up downtown in a big oil city. Every once in a while there’d be some major conference with world leaders and oil billionaires and such. They’d fence off all of downtown, so there was no real risk to the rich people (which was great for me; I lived on one side of the fence, and my school was on the other, turning a fifteen minute walk into an hour walk), but they filled the sky with helicopters and the streets with riot guards none the less.

      Now, I lived in that part of town and I never saw a protest with more than fifty people, and there wasn’t anything close to a riot. But once in a while some hippy kid would scream at the fence and the riot cops would come down on him like the wrath of god, beating him pretty much senseless. I’ve never seen riot police deal with a riot, but I have seen them go testosterone/anonymity crazy and beat up a few unarmed harmless protesters.

      As for solving problems with words, they should have had a nice chat with Hitler. Or how about calling the machine-gunners at Normandy Beach down for tea.

    9. Mm..Hitler had some good riot cops. And normandy beach wasn’t a riot. It was an amphibious assault on enemy controlled territory.

      That’s like that fucking asshole on tv comparing cigarettes to 9mm ammunition.

      Also, wookie_x, maybe they deserved it? Most fat tuesday drunkards are college “bros” with popped collars and tribal armband tattoos. We can all attest they need to be beaten and tazed. When I meant “solved by words” I was talking about political demonstrations and people rioting about that. I envy monks because they aren’t a bunch of middle-class oppressed jackasses who complain about government tyranny while switching songs on a 300 dollar ipod, adjusting in their 700 dollar jeans and leaving in their Cadillac Escalades with 24 inch wheeeeels. When it comes down to drunk assholes making things rough in New Orleans, they also deserve to be beaten. And everyone around them. It’s just science, people.

      And, who protests meetings between oil execs? “Omgs nu don’t hang out in air conditioned rooms and talk ;_;” If these people hadn’t have protested so many years in a row, they wouldn’d need fences and riot officers and helicopters. Now when the time comes for the meetings, everyone just assumes it’s hippybeatin’ time and it’s like christmas for riot cops.

    10. Also, for the record, I like satire. I say things like this to get a rise out of people but I don’t mean it. I always think its funny when people online see something they don’t like and automattically transform into that “cock-of-the-walk better-than-thou” attitude. And then everyone is automattically an expert on everything.

      Sit back, relax, and laugh sometime. It feels good.

    11. wookie_x says:

      Yeah, DemolitionsGeek. I’m sure they deserved it. How dare they run away? How dare they walk out of a club? Let’s go ahead and just randomly beat and pepper spray people. Whoops! Wrong time, wrong place, bro. Damn, sorry about your head. Maybe next time you won’t offend my fashion sense.

    12. That’s the spirit! I’m glad our argument is over and you finally see the truth.

      I love you guys :]

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