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    32 Responses ttto Oh Sweet! Futurama’s On!

    1. EvilDon says:

      I suppose this girl does not like Futurama otherwise she would not be tied to the chair. This is understandable… I do the same thing when I want my friends to watch Der Ring Des Nibelungen with me. Sometimes one must use rope to help others take in some culture.

    2. sykotik says:

      Futurama totally kicks ass!

    3. Kaze says:

      aww… its a rerun..

    4. Ando says:

      What the hoof!?

    5. Max says:

      Friggin’ sweet. I just bought the second season 😛

    6. Kaze says:

      Should of downloaded, and saved the money.

      They’re my favorite show, but that still doesn’t mean they deserve for me to pay them money to watch it.

    7. Hepathos says:

      Futurama is more fun then a tied down girl. It’s a scientific fact.

    8. EvilDon says:

      this “fact” is new to me and I can find no evidence of its truth other then your statement. I, being the sort that enjoys studies and research was hoping you could direct me to, or, arrange for me to participate in a experiment on your supposed fact. I would be more then happy to write a paper on it and see to it that your contribution is noted in my work. In the name of Science, Children and all that is funny, make this happen!

    9. L_Tetris_Block says:

      It has been known for some time now that Futurama is more fun than tied down girls. It was first reported by Dr. I. Wilmut and Dr. A. E. Schnieke of Johns Hopkins University in Nature magazine in the 16 June 2005 edition. The article was “Futurama proved more appealing than kittens and bondage”. The second experiment asked participants if they would rather be locked in a room for 30 minutes with a bound female “possessing superior qualities of attractiveness” or in a room with a randomly determined episode of Futurama. The participants were told that any activity done in either room would not be observed nor sought. 156 of 162 participants chose Futurama over the girl. Subsequent experiments have shown similar results.

    10. The Matrix: Rebooted says:

      Doesn’t really matter if Futurama is more fun than a bound girl or not. She’ll still be there when its over.

    11. Kaze says:

      Sadly, those tests are tainted though, as Dr Schnieke promptly murdered each participant upon entering the room, proudly proclaiming his reasoning for such an act immediately before the slaying.


    12. nomadheretic says:


      Actually shitbreed, they do deserve your money you fucking cocksucker. Cunt sniffers like you are the reason they’re not on the air. Fucktard.

    13. lee7 says:

      Screw all that.. just do her while watching it!

    14. Kaze says:


      Your comments will be answered in the order in which recieved.
      You are: last on the list.
      Please continue to hold, your opinion is very important to me.

    15. Hollywood says:

      Damn Kaze…you were able to get a show canceled by not buying the DVDs that came out after the show was already off the air!

      I’m seriously impressed with your magical powers. Did you get that power by sniffing cunts or did you have to be a shitbreed? If its the former I’m going to go on a cunt sniffing mission to hone my own powers.

      Oh and if any of you guys had any class, you would fuck that girl doggy style so you could both enjoy the fine program!

    16. Caio says:

      nomadheretic、barely anyone downloaded full seasons when that show was cancelled. The real reason it was cancelled, from what I read, was that Groening or however you spell his fucking name, refused to let Fox have direct control over the show but preferred to sell them each episode individually, and Fox wanted another Simpsons where they could easily outrule his artistic temperament. In other words, if Groening and his studio made it available for download and made their money with a banner add, it would probably still be on.

    17. nomadheretic says:

      Hang on Kaze, I’m too busy fucking your mom to respond.

    18. Hepathos says:

      But for the records, there will be a new season/direct-to-DVD-movies, so we can fuck girls to the new adventures of our wacky favorites4

    19. deleted_user says:

      1: Lots of comments :p

      2: Wow…calm down ladies.

      3: We’ll do it doggy style to we can botch watch xfiles! er, futurama.

      4: nomadheretic: “They do deserve your money you fucking cocksucker. Cunt sniffers like you are the reason they’re not on the air. Fucktard.”

      I bet you also think that downloading ROMS of NES and N64 is going to hurt nintendo – even though they DON’T SELL THOSE GAMES ANYMORE.

      5: Screw futurama, I need to get LAID!

    20. Jet says:

      wait…. theres a TV in this pic? i totally missed it…

    21. Mayyday says:

      I bet you also think that downloading ROMS of NES and N64 is going to hurt nintendo – even though they DON’T SELL THOSE GAMES ANYMORE.”

      Well yeah, but they DO still sell Futurama DVDs.

    22. Foinlavin says:

      What about stealing the DVDs? Could we all agree on that being the middle ground? That way the retail outlet has already paid for the DVD, but you don’t have too. Win/Win.

    23. deleted_user says:

      Yeah, I’ll try and stick to that then. Nobody likes small businesses. At blockbuster, you can just open some of the used DVD cases because they are cheap.

    24. Kaze says:

      nomadheretic: If you saw my mother, you’d see how you’re insulting yourself more than I.

      And for the record, I was pirating them BEFORE the dvd’s were out, and AFTER the show was cancelled. I downloaded each episode individually off of a 56K modem off of Kazaa, and fit all the episodes on 5 cd’s.

      Because if they WERE on dvd, I’d of saved the trouble, rented the movie from blockbuster, decrypted the dvd keys, and saved the episodes in ultra high quality, instead of shitty 60 mb xvid files.

      In addition to that, Futurama IS making a come back on Comedy Central. Showing that I, indeed, did not cancel it. If anything, my piracy brought it back, by showing their was a demand to be filled.

      TV Squad
      Broadcasting Cable
      IGN TV

      And last but certainly not least:
      Futurama promo video: Featuring 3D bender

    25. Kero says:

      Yay kaze!

      Lol but don’t rent seasons from blockbuster, they make you rent each disk individually. Costs too much. Just wait for someone else to rip directly from the DVD and torrent it ^_^.

      And also if futurama was canceled STRICTLY due to money issues, which it wasn’t, it would be because no one watched it on tv so their ratings sucked and they couldn’t get any money for their commercial time. Thus Fox would say they were actually losing money on the show and stop airing it.

      Also if yuo’ve seen the simpsons movie, you’d notice at the very beginning homer says “Who would pay for something they can see for free?”.

      The simpsons and futurama are both Matt Groening shows, ergo Matt Groening WANTS us to pirate it.

    26. Kaze says:

      Yea, but I had the movie subscription before they cancelled it, where it was 30.00 a month, and I could take 2 movies out at a time. And I’d use my dvd ripper, extract the codes, xvid them, then save em on my computer, network them to my xbox, then chillax with the lulz.

    27. Mayyday says:

      “Also if yuo’ve seen the simpsons movie, you’d notice at the very beginning homer says “Who would pay for something they can see for free?”.

      He actually says something more along the lines of “Why would you pay to see a movie about something you can see on TV for free?”

      It’s a subtle, but important nuance.

      And for the record. I have all four Futurama DVDs, and seasons 1-5 of The Simpsons.

    28. Flooble says:

      OMG WTF BBQ You’re all wrong I’m right… Sorry, I just wanted to fit in.

    29. deleted_user says:

      OMG WTF BBQ You’re all wrong I’m right… Sorry, I just wanted to fit in.

      You have to actually make an opinionated statement.

    30. terrup says:

      i know that girl she had a baby not to long ago

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