Is there anyone else out there still stupid enough to approve of the current administration?
26%, by some polls.
Everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it.
^^ Ever hear of global warming? Started by persnickety old people complaining about the cold.
Vote for fucking Ron Paul, he know whats good for the country!!
I’m dutch, we just vote for a harry potter look-a-like and let him ruin our country by letting him close coffeeshops and increase drug raids an let him kill our policy on practicly everything 🙁
Is there anyone else out there still stupid enough to approve of the current administration?
26%, by some polls.
Everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it.
^^ Ever hear of global warming?
Started by persnickety old people complaining about the cold.
Vote for fucking Ron Paul, he know whats good for the country!!
I’m dutch, we just vote for a harry potter look-a-like and let him ruin our country by letting him close coffeeshops and increase drug raids an let him kill our policy on practicly everything 🙁