Here’s what it says for the weak of eyes:
Dear Person,
I’m sorry if I put a dent in your car. I didn’t want to but, I did when I tryed to park next to you. I am not leaving my information because you chose to use two spaces and I just want to park in one. The scratches are becasue I used towel that had snad on it to try to clean the dent / paint off. Beaches are fun.
Please lookg your car over for the dent and scratches and each time you see them remember nto to part in two spaces.
People’s honesty is what makes a day so good sometimes… and others kinda crappy. Glad this one made mine good 😛
That is awesome.
typos – snad, becasue, lookg & nto
I am pleased by this!
Fucking lol. This is the five-starest post ever.
I once tried to do that.. but the car left after I was done writing the note.. =/
Shoulda got a picture of the dent.