Black Jesus’ Cruicifixion


Man, it’s as if his death is theater material now.

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    mAgNUS Buttfoorson

    That’s not Jesus, it’s Irni. He has a name tag on the top.

    Irni died for our fried chicken.

    mAgNUS Buttfucker

    The letters “INRI” are initials for the Latin title that Pontius Pilate had written over the head of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 19:19). Latin was the official language of the Roman Empire.

    The words were “Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm.” Latin uses “I” instead of the English “J”, and “V” instead of “U” (i.e., Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum). The English translation is “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” you stupid bastard!


    mAgNUS Buttfucker, it says IRNI there, not INRI.


    Bet they did it on purpose to get Maggie to respond. Clever.

    mAgNUS Buttfoorson


    Why do you guys come to a site about humour?

    Robster is about as funny as a pediatric cancer ward.

    Captain Clever Nameplay is some religious nutcase. I don’t give a fuck about the actual relevance of the initials! I don’t give a fuck about Jesus, his cousin Vishnu, or your pickup truck either. It’s called a joke kid. So suck my hellbound pleasure wand.

    Then kiss Robster. He likes that kind of thing. You might want to give him a sec though. I made him look like a fucking dink in another thread and he’s still a lil upset.


    Poor Maggie. He fails at trolling again.

    Buttfucker did have me fooled, though. That was funny.

    mAgNUS Buttfoorson

    How was what he said funny?

    You fail at life little guy.

    tiki god

    “Irni died for our fried chicken.”

    I lol’d. for 10 minutes.

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