I don’t think they’re that cold, these particular simians live near a hot spring so they are actually having a lovely bath in this photo.
18 years ago
Dude, they’re not arctic – those are Japanese. They’ve got a special on the discovery channel. Some Japanese scientist figured out how to get these monkeys to take potatos and wash them in the ocean so that they pick up the salt and make them taste better. They love the hot springs.
I don’t think they’re that cold, these particular simians live near a hot spring so they are actually having a lovely bath in this photo.
Dude, they’re not arctic – those are Japanese. They’ve got a special on the discovery channel. Some Japanese scientist figured out how to get these monkeys to take potatos and wash them in the ocean so that they pick up the salt and make them taste better. They love the hot springs.
It’s getting out aferwards that sucks…
hahaha they’re so .. “cool”.. hahaha.. geddit?!