
Nom.jpg (46 KB)

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  • Nic Cage hair quiz!

    tumblr_l33bq6vJL01qzdxxso1_1280.jpg (328 KB)

    Each hairpiece represents Nic Cage’s hairdo in a particular movie.

    How many movies can you guess?

    hey look, a moltres

    moltres.jpg (227 KB)

    hehe dumblydore is on the list of fictional characters i want to hug

    Lip split rage

    fffuuu.jpg (110 KB)

    This just happened to me, FUCK I hate that.

    The Watercooler

    the_watercooler.png (102 KB)

    Unusual Words

    unusual words.png (81 KB)


    Beautiful Disaster

    CoryMendenhall.jpg (125 KB)

    Cory Mendenhall via My Modern Met


    pulpirata.jpg (121 KB)

    I saw this years a go around the web.
    Anyone know where does it comes from?

    Last Five Frazettas

    frank_frazetta_monsteroutoftime.jpg (119 KB)

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    Frazetta_djinn.jpg (62 KB)

    ffz10.jpg (108 KB)

    …from me, at least.

    wasteland desktop (non-fail)

    wasteland.jpg (292 KB)

    ok so apparently i got fail comment on my wasteland desktop.. and realised oh shit that is a reel-reel wheel. so here you go heres the non fail version

    Awesome Families

    funny_family_photos_2_26.jpg (71 KB)

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    “When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.” ~Joyce Brothers

    ohm shivaya

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    I’ve always wondered how they did it…

    cookincrack.jpg (184 KB)

    What an informative how to…

    Standing by.

    Standing by.jpg (329 KB)

  • Seinfeld Wars

    Seinfeld_Wars.jpg (185 KB)

    Cow Feedlot

    feedlot.jpg (479 KB)

    Lunar boulder hits a hole in one!

    Lunar boulder hits a hole in one!.png (570 KB)

    “This picture — click to enlunanate — is from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, and shows a region of the Moon inside the crater Henry Frères. Taken on March 7, 2010, the image shows an area just 500 meters (550 yards) across — if it were Earth, you could easily walk across it in less than ten minutes — and shows objects down to less than a meter in size.”

    R.I.P. Gary Coleman

    Gary-Coleman copy.jpg (76 KB)

    Pimps Up

    24197_385123877062_559287062_4503873_89607_n.jpg (43 KB)

    Birth certificate…. bitch please.

    The Bigfoot Highwave Boater Home – Futuristic Hauler and Luxury Cabin Cruiser Together

    Bigfoot Highwave Boater Home 01.jpg (41 KB)

    Bigfoot Highwave Boater Home 02.jpg (68 KB)

    “crazy combo of 2009 GMC Kodiac Duramax 6500 truck cab and chassis – and a “Boater Home” house boat.”

    duck, goose…

    duck_stretching_wings.jpg (336 KB)

    geese_landing_on_water.jpg (551 KB)

    mandarin_drake.jpg (430 KB)

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    duck, duck, duck, swan.


    image001.jpg (92 KB)

    can kill you.

    Happy Plane Is Happy

    Happy Plane Is Happy.jpg (187 KB)

    I just had to do it.

    Angry birds in a hole

    angrybirdsinahole.jpg (600 KB)

    They kept sticking their heads out of the hole in the side of a building, so I stuck my cell phone in to take a picture…

    Twiligh Obsession Affecting Youth

    jackjane.jpg (291 KB)

    My 35 year old sister has an unhealthy obsession with Twilight which I fear my rub off on my precious little neicephews.

    One Day

    tumblr_l2gz0hflP11qz6f9yo1_1280.jpg (146 KB)


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    tumblr_l2fmgocygU1qz6f9yo1_1280.jpg (112 KB)

    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.”

    Everything’s Fine

    tumblr_l27t13MhR61qz6f9yo1_1280.jpg (529 KB)


    tumblr_l2db9hWU231qz6f9yo1_1280.jpg (136 KB)


    vote4zombie.jpg (105 KB)

    these have been showing up around town for a couple months. The local paper decided to report on it yesterday.



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    You Da Bomb

    You Da Bomb.jpg (125 KB)

    grad hat

    graduation cap.jpg (168 KB)

    I’m graduating this year :3 this is my graduation hat thingy. Be jealous all of you.


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