George Bush on a Peso


“Secure America’s Borders. Stop catering to illegals. Then we’ll send american dollars.”
Found this on fark today, normally I don’t throw pictures up the minute I find them, but this was simply too beautiful of a PS to pass up. Anyone know where it comes from? Who made this? I love it!

Remove all ads for just $2 a month!

  • 9-11 Pentagon Image

    I found this somewhere on the internet, most likely from a fark discussion. The image above pretty firmly proves that it wasn’t anything small that hit the pentagon, and it certainly wasn’t a missile. The image is huge, so if you click on it, be aware it’s almost 1 meg.


    Washing Instructions


    This is a clothing label from a small American compnay that sells their product in France. Here’s the translation fo the French part of the label:

    Wash with warm water.
    Use mild soap
    Dry flat
    Do not use bleach
    Do not dry in the dryer.
    Do not iron.
    We are sorry that are president is an idiot.
    We did not vote for him.

    Guns Don’t Kill People

    Guns Don’t kill people

    Kids who play videogames killpeople.

    Summon WMD’s


    Another CCG card from Fark, this one for WMD:

    WMD’s acannot be summoned, as they do not exist. Lands tapped to summon WMD’s is destroyed. Summoner loses credibility with most of the world, but remember’s Poland.

    Iraq has nookular weapons

    V For Vendetta Move Review


    By far, the best movie I’ve seen this year. In fact, better then anything I saw last year too, including the Batman flick. It brings important questions to the forefront of conversation. Can violence be an answer to serious problems? I heard rumor that Moore asked to have his name removed from the V For Vendetta book, and off the movie as well, and it looks like DC actually listened to him. I’m worried that this movie will just inspire more sheepish behavior, and not what the original intent was: think for yourself, and listen to no one when they tell you they know best.

    “People should not fear their governments. Governments should fear their people.”


    Volkswagen Ted Kennedy Advertisement


    I mentioned this once or twice before, and was amused to find the actualy advertisement that wikipedia mentioned. Here’s the text from the scanned in page:

    If Ted Kennedy drove a Volkswagen, he’d be President today.

    It floats.

    The way our boy is built, we’d be surprised if it didn’t.

    The sheet of flat steel that goes udnerneath every Volkswagen keeps out water, as well as dirt and salt and other nasty things that can eat away at the underside of a car. So it’s watertight at the bottom.

    And everybody knows it’s easier to shut the door on a Volkswagen after you’ve rolled won the window a little. That proves it’s practically airtight on top.

    If it was a boat, we could call it the Water Bug.

    It’s not a boat, it’s a car.

    And, like mary Jo kapechne, It’s only 99 and 44/100 percent pure.

    So it won’t stay afloat forever. Just long enough.

    Poor Teddy.

    If he’d been smart enough to buy a Volkswagen, he never would have gotten into hot water.

    Related Posts:
    I’d Rather Hunt With Cheney…
    Don’t Drive With Ted Kennedy

    Sky Watch Alert Level


    The Sky Is Falling

    The Sky Is Falling, also known as Chicken Little, Chicken Licken or Henny Penny is an old, classical fable of unknown origin about a chicken who believes the sky is falling. The phrase has also become used to indicate a hysterical or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent.

    Glass Parking Lot


    My Lord Spaketh so:

    Glass parking lot is a turn of phrase used to express the idea that an eventual nuclear war will essentially turn the world into a bed of glass. The term is also used to refer to an area of sand after a nuclear bomb is detonated over it. The expression rose out of nuclear tests in New Mexico during the Manhattan Project. The heat from the bombs turned the area into a plate of glass.

    I’d Rather Hunt With Cheney…


    Anyone know someone that’s selling these as bumper stickers? I would love to see them get some free press!

    This sticker is of course refering to the fact that if you go hunting with Dick Cheney, you’ll end up with bird shot in your face and heart, and have an extended stay at a hospital. Compare that with if you go driving with Ted Kennedy, you’ll end up dead.

    Back To Your Freespeach Zone!


    Free speech zones (also known as First Amendment Zones or derisively as Free speech cages) are areas set aside in public places for political activists to exercise their right of free speech. Although such zones existed earlier, instituted by the Clinton administration, they gained more attention after the WTO Meeting of 1999 and have been used vigorously by the George W. Bush administration. Civil libertarians claim that they are used as a form of censorship and public relations management to conceal opposition from the public and elected officials. There is much controversy surrounding the creation of these areas the mere existence of such zones is offensive to some people, who maintain that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution makes the entire country an unrestricted free speech zone.

    Personally, I’m one of those that are offended by the mere thought of these places being in existance. In effect they’re methods of saying “Yeah we care about free speech, just do it over there in the corner where we can’t hear you, the TV crew can’t see you, and you won’t be able to change anything.”

    Cthulhu Fthagn! IA!


    This is of course referring to the “Dean Scream” :

    Dean attended a post-caucus rally for his volunteers in Iowa to deliver his concession speech, aimed at cheering up those in attendance. Forced to shout over the cheers of his enthusiastic audience, Dean didn’t realize the crowd noise was being filtered out by his unidirectional microphone, leaving only his full-throated exhortations audible to the television viewers. To those at home, it sounded as if he was raising his voice out of sheer emotion. Recordings from within the crowd made it clear that Dean was shouting in order to be heard over the cheers of the crowd but it also showed him to be be highly emotive.

    Many in the television audience criticized the speech as loud, peculiar, and unpresidential. [19] In particular, this quote from the speech was aired repeatedly in the days following the caucus:

    “Not only are we going to New Hampshire, Tom Harkin, we’re going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we’re going to California and Texas and New York And we’re going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we’re going to Washington, D.C., to take back the White House! Yeah!!!”

    This final “yeeeaaaahhh” has become known in American political folklore as either “the Dean Scream” or the “I Have a Scream” speech (satirical of I Have a Dream). Interestingly, while most listeners of the speech considered the scream some version of “yeah!,” many in the print media, such as Time Magazine transcribed it as “yearrgh!” or some variation thereof, giving readers a much different impression of his tone than those who saw the video.

    Don’t Drive With Ted Kennedy


    Do not accept ride from Ted Kennedy.

    Why not? From the wikipedia article:

    On July 18, 1969, after a party on Chappaquiddick Island near the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Kennedy, allegedly intoxicated, a claim which he denies, drove away with Mary Jo Kopechne as a passenger in his 1967 Oldsmobile Delmont 88. According to Kennedy, he made a wrong turn onto an unlit road that led to Dike Bridge (also spelled Dyke Bridge), a wooden bridge that was angled obliquely to the road, and drove over its side, which had no guardrail. The car plunged into tide-swept Poucha Pond (at that location a channel) and landed upside down under the water. Kopechne died, but as no autopsy was performed, precise cause of death is unknown. Kennedy claims he tried several times to swim down to reach her, then rested on the bank for several minutes before returning on foot to the Lawrence Cottage, where the party attended by Kopechne and other “boiler room girls” had occurred.

    Joseph Gargan (Kennedy’s cousin) and party co-host Paul Markham then returned to the pond with Kennedy to try to rescue Kopechne. Though there was a telephone at the Lawrence Cottage, nobody called for help. When their efforts to rescue Kopechne failed, Kennedy decided to return to his hotel on the mainland. As the ferry had shut down for the night, Kennedy swam the short distance back to Edgartown.

    Kennedy discussed the accident with several people, including his lawyer, before he contacted the police.

    The next morning (July 19, 1969) the police recovered Kennedy’s car. Kopechne’s body was discovered by diver John Farrar, who observed that a large amount of air was released from the car when it was righted in the water, and that the trunk, when opened, was remarkably dry. These observations and others have led some to believe that Kopechne had not drowned, but suffocated in an air pocket within the car.

    The incident quickly blossomed into a scandal. Kennedy was criticized for allegedly driving drunk, for failing to save Kopechne, for failing to summon help immediately and for contacting not the police but rather his lawyer first.

    Kennedy entered a plea of guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a sentence of two months in jail, which was suspended. An Edgartown grand jury later reopened the investigation but did not return an indictment.

    Kennedy’s critics and political opponents question whether justice was served in this case. The case resulted in much satire directed against Kennedy, including a National Lampoon page showing a floating Volkswagen Beetle with the remark that Kennedy would have been elected President had he been driving a Beetle that night; this satire allegedly resulted in legal action by Volkswagen complaining of unauthorized use of their trademark.

    AT&T, Your world delivered


    Your world
    Delivered to the NSA.

    This is from a EFF class action suit against AT&T, because apparently when you turn over 300 terabytes of information to the NSA, it gets people’s attention.

    G.W. Speach Checklist


    My Spech Cheklist
    By G.W.

    Mor Terrer
    Mor 911
    Stay The Course

  • Go Break Yo Self Fool!

    “If it’s hard to grasp
    why disable people
    need this space,
    Go and break
    your fucking spine.”

    Sounds painful, but makes a good point. My office has a window overlooking the parking lot, and the handicapped spot is right by me. You have no idea how many times I see rather spry looking people jumping out of their cars.

    Sure! You can have my mp3s…


    “Sure! You can have my mp3s…

    …after you pry ’em from
    my cold, dead hands”

    Which is how I feel too! Of course, most ‘legal’ MP3s these days come with some wonderfully craptastic features like DRM (itunes? why would I want something that won’t let me play my music where ever I want to?) Which is why I use to upload all my stuff, listen to it where ever I want, and not worry about losing 10 grand in music investments. not that I’ve paid for much of my music mind you…commonbits/creative commons is a godsend, yes?

    Hey Middle America!



    Da Evil Monkey!


    I like the monkey from Family Guy. I really do! He reminds me of a certain political figure, teehee!

    Batman’s Rogue Gallery


    Dick Cheney as the Penguin
    Donald Rumsfeld as the Riddler
    Conilisa Rice as the Catwoman
    George W. Bush as the Joker

    War Criminal!


    Is he or isn’t he?

    The Dry Drunk


    “The Dry Drunk: Starring George W. Bush and Jim Beam”Some men are more dangerous AFTER they stop Drinking.

    From the good ol’ boys over at

    Fox News Watchers


    “Mommy, why do 80% of FOX “news” watchers think that Iraq had anything to do with Sepember 11?”

    “Because they’re f*cking stupid, Honey.”

    Lemme be clear in that I’m not much of an advocate of ANY particular Privately owned news company. They all have agendas, and they’re all equally incompetent, it’s just amazing how blazingly obvious who watches Fox…/sigh

    from the great guys over at

    The office of president represents…


    “The office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

    –H.L. Mencken
    (all hail wikipedia)


    Be Nice To America!


    “Be nice to America, or we’ll bring democracy to your country.”

    From the guys over at (direct link)

    Free Tibet!


    with purchase of one country of equal or greater value

    Times Square BillBoard


    Democracy is best taught by example, not by war.

    Anyone know what URL is posted in the upper right hand corner? I’d love to link to them…

    Looks like it’s from Thanks Lori!

    Arrr, Surrender Ye Bootie!


    It’s president Bush! With an eye patch! Goodness gracious!

    Legal Pad and Pens! Woot!


    Hey, I dunno what to tell you. You voted for me.
    Twice. A man who was almost killed by a pretzel. Look,
    I’ll go get you a legal pad and some pens from the office
    closet. Hey you know they have paper in there with my
    name already print on it, for writing letters and stuff?
    Anyhow, try and figure us a way out of this mess. I’m lost.

    A day in the life of GW


    Back to work you damn dockmonkeys!


    “Unions? Fuck ’em! Get back to work you lazy Democrat DOCK MONKEYS.”

    Worse Disaster Ever


    Do Not Dececrate


    Can of Whoop Ass


    Got Coke?


    First Post!

    First Post! I got first post!…. oh wait, crap, since I’m the only person that’s going to be posting here, I guess I’m the only one that CAN have first post.

    Well, here’s the lay of the land. I’ll post (randomly) cute, funny, thought provoking, or interesting pictures up on this blog.

    So, any questions, just e-mail me at (this email address is now dead)