Wire Head Wallpaper


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  • Death Limo


    Anyone like ground chuck?

    Yummy PSP


    Toy-yoda Winner


    Toyota or toy-yoda? Still a winner in my book.

    Mickey Joke



    Nitting Rocker


    Robot Evolution

    robot evolution

    I like the fish.

    Ladder Holder

    Just a little bit higher...

    Evidence of Global Warming

    global warming

    Damn, my suit’s like the ones from ’55.

    Clam Up Bitch

    clam up bitch

    I want this to be real.

    Doomed Kayak

    Going down...

    Brain to Body Mass Ratio

    brain ratio

    circles – nonmammals

    dots – mammals

    x – apes

    Zombie Attack


    Anyone know where this is from?

    M4D l33T Plate

    Mad not getting any sex, that is...

    Starcraft Origami


    Someone’s got tooooo much time on their hands.

  • Winding Road

    Nice corning...

    This is the Stelvio Pass Road in the Italian Alps near Bormio and Sulden, 75 km from Bolzano, close to Swiss border.

    Trashed Sex Doll

    I'd still hit it...

    Computer Nerd Kite

    What are you pointing at?

    [pointer arrow]

    Opportunistic mouse…

    I'd hit it...

    Segway Alpha

    Segway Alpha

    Ask and ye shall receive.

    I Love To Fart…

    Silent but deadly...

    X-Box 360


    Wow, I almost ran out of pictures for the site! Want to know what’s to blame? The x-box 360. That’s what. And guitar hero 2, which I’m totally rocking out with. So, tonight I plan on going out, buying a case of pig piss beer, and getting to the task of setting up some pictures for MCS. If you want to bother me, please feel free to pull my attention from this mind numbingly fun task. I’ve updated the contact information on the FAQ, so now everyone in the world can contact me via IM :

    AOL : myconfinedspace
    ICQ : 5542507
    MSN : myconfinedspace@passport.com
    Y!: myconfinedspace@yahoo.com

    I’m using Meebo.com just as an FYI. If you need to send me an e-mail with pictures of hot women, please do so webmaster@myconfinedspace.com

    So give me a few minutes and I’ll be online awaiting your nude pictures instant messages

    Oh Shi-

    Jesus sighting at the Running of the Bulls:


    Home Computer


    Kitten Thief


    Lamb with Seven Legs


    Read more about Natures Cruel Mistake Here

    Real life gremlin



    Antibiotic Resistance

    Antibiotic Resistance

    Viva la resistance! The Antibiotic Resistance!

    Bridge yum


    Segway Beta

    Segway Beta

    Segway Beta. Anyone have a lead to what the Segway Alpha looked like?

    [edit: it’s from Indie Tech, who doesn’t have an affiliate program.  FOR SHAME.]

    Meaning Of Life


    Mexican Gas Chamber

    Silent but deadly...

    Best Mechanic Ever

    Best Mechanic Ever

    I feel an overhaul comin on.

    This bridge is fail


    Christ guys, it’s been 3 days and nothing about this yet? Way to drop the ball.

    Gay Transformer MACH1!!!!

    Why must people ruin a nice car????

    Gay Phoenix MACH1

    your doing it wrong!


    Bunny Rage


    Tree Sex

    This bridge is fail


    It shouldn’t take 2 days to post something about this.

    Unbeatable Bull Fighter

    Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater...