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  • Avril Lavigne18

    Avril Lavigne18

    Avril Lavigne 2004

    Avril Lavigne 2004

    Avril Lavigne 27

    Avril Lavigne 27

    Avril is Confused

    Avril is Confused

  • Avri lLavigne Has A Red X

    Avri lLavigne Has A Red X

    Construction Girl

    Once there was 5 year old girl who lived with her family next to an empty lot. One day, a construction crew moved onto the empty lot and started building a new house. The little girl was fascinated by the commotion, and watched the work closely. Soon, she was wandering over to observe and talk with the construction workers.
    The construction workers, who were “gems in the rough” kind of guys, took a shine to the charming and cute little girl and adopted her as a mascot. They got her tiny workboots and hardhat, and found small jobs for her to do so that she could be one of the crew. She even ate her lunch with them and had her snacks while they had their coffee breaks.
    Her best moment was when they gave the little girl her very own paycheque. They told her that since she had worked with them, she deserved her own paycheque. She was thrilled that she had earned twenty dollars of her very own.
    Her proud mother took the girl down to the bank so that she could open her own bank account using her twenty dollars.
    “Your very own paycheque!” the teller said to the little girl, “How wonderful! How did you get this?”
    The little girl breathlessly told the teller how she had earned it helping to build the house next door. The teller was charmed by the delightful girl’s tale.
    “How charming!” the teller exclaimed, “and will you be helping to build the house next week too?”
    “I will if those shitheads at Home Depot get off their asses and finally deliver the fucking drywall!”


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    Beautiful Side of the Weapons of Mass Destruction

    B-1B Strategic Bomber 1986.jpg (162 KB)

    Inertial Guidance Module, Peacekeeper (MX) ICBM 1986.jpg (148 KB)

    Little Boy - Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945.jpg (127 KB)

    M65 280mm Atomic Cannon, 1951.jpg (109 KB)

    The Gadget - Trinity Atomic Bomb, 1945.jpg (183 KB)

    1. B-1B Strategic Bomber, 1986
    2. Inertial Guidance Module, Peacekeeper (MX) ICBM, 1986
    3. Little Boy – Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, 1945
    4. M65 280mm Atomic Cannon, 1951
    5. The Gadget – Trinity Atomic Bomb, 1945

    View the entire collection here: