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  • Lulzy notice in in the men’s room at my work.

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    “If you are going to pick your nose, DO NOT use the wall, please use toilet paper”

    I just started working at a clothing warehouse, and I absolutely cracked up when I saw this in the bathroom. I thought immediately of m[c]s…


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    Blow job, anyone?

    I still think of you, Jim Henson

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    rubber ducky..sniff


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    By Paul D. Knight

    The use of hops in beer most likely began when some ancient cave brewer, in an effort to gain a competitive edge, started experimenting with “additives” to his product. The hops grew wild, as did the brewer, the barley and the yeast. Some degree of variability in the product was no doubt acceptable.

    The use of hops probably started before recorded history. It is known that the Babylon and Egyptian people used hops and other aro-matic and spicy plants to improve the palatability of their brewing efforts.

    Germans are often identified with hops and beer, but from a historical perspective, this is of recent practice. The first documented evidence of hop yards in Germany dates back to the year 736, to a monastery in Bavaria.

    The early brewers, especially those on the cutting edge of technology, discovered that the beer containing hops had better keeping qualities than their unhopped products. The practice then began of adding greater quantities of hops to beer depending on the season of year and expected storage time. More hops equaled greater storage life. The reason for this was not known and not important; the results were important.

    Hop production in America followed closely the settlement of the first colonies in the New England areas. Early American brewers used wild hops, but the cultivation of hops in the old world had progressed to “industry status” and soon moved to the new world. After growing hops in New England and Virginia, the center of hop production moved to New York State by the middle 1800s. Problems with powdery mildew practically wiped out the production of hops in New York about 1909. The region revived again around 1920 with the discovery of sulfur-based fungicides only to be devastated again in the late 1920s by downy mildew.

    Starting about 1850 the hop industry in the Western states of Washington, Oregon and California began to develop and eventually became one of the major regions of the world. In recent years, California and Western Washington hop production has ceased. Oregon and Idaho still account for 25-30% of U.S. production while the Yakima Valley of Washington totals 70-75%. The total U.S. production accounts for nearly 30% of the world hop crop.

    Brewers no longer rely on the antiseptic properties of hops for microbiological control and, in general, the modern consumer prefers a lighter and lesser hopped beer. The growing and processing of hops has become a highly scientific endeavor as has the brewing of beer. Hop usage in beer is deeply ingrained and is considered one of the more vital ingredients. Beer without hops is unthinkable. Or, for that matter, so are hops without beer!


    Life of a Pokemon

    Pokemon Life.jpg (75 KB)

    Camera Photographer

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    One Testicle

    One Testicle.jpg (10 KB)

    A Soldier’s Dying Wish

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    End of the Console War

    Console War Over.jpg (64 KB)

    Extra Peppers Please

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    Is this orange van heusen shirt good or bad?

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    NSFW so people stop calling the WAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE

    Stephen Hawking Photobomb

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    Disregard Females…

    disregard_females.jpg (268 KB)

    …Acquire Currency.

    Conan the Boobarian

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    Conan the Boobarian

    Church of Christian Kindness

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    Would like to embrace you.

    Two Welshmen, two Scots, and two Englishmen are stranded on a desert island

    Two Welshmen, two Scots, and two Englishmen are stranded on a desert island. When they’re finally rescued ten years later, the Scots have built a distillery but are still arguing over whose round it is, the Welshmen have formed a close harmony choir, and the Englishmen are still waiting to be formally introduced.

    via reddit

    reposted from


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    As much as the new Star Wars movies suck, wookies are still pretty awesome


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    OJ Tattoo

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    Lyrics by ETID.

    Fish Face

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    will eat you. Or not.

    Church’s Chicken

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    Shineka don’t eat her no’mo’…

    In case of flood…

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    Seek higher ground. Or wires.

    Lips of DOOM

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    Burn it with fire, etc.

    Metal Gear Little

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    Mgs1 done out a little different…

    Jesus Christ it’s a lion!

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    And there’s no car to get into!


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    WAKE UP!

    Straight Edge and Glorious Sweater

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    who will win?

    PSD Mask

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    How to make a mask with Photoshop.

    Marzipan cakes

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    Source and more om nom nom cakes:–Leckere-Marzipantorten-15878.html

    Eletromagnetic leaks

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    How far do our electromagnetic (EM) signals reach in to outer space? lets estimate that we started transmitting EM signals with the first radios about 100 years ago… which means we have been sending weak signals in every direction for 100 years, and the first signals have reached a maximal distance of 100 light years away from earth! there are about 130 stars within a radius of 20 light years from us and probably several thousand stars within 100 light years. (…)

    Clash of the tit…

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    Coming to America

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    Lady that was in my folks B-B-Q joint. Her suit reminds me of a 80’s Eddie Murphy movie.

    I Will Shit In Your Mouth

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    Good to know…

    Gas guzzler

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    Trondhjem, Norway 1917. The balloon is a container for gas, which was used instead of petrol during WWI.
    Taxi driver and his cab (1917)

    Don’t worry, Ma’am…I’m from the Internet.

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    I missed out on camwhore day. So here’s me from Halloween last year.

    Nice View

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    Some town in Oregon between the mountains.

    Breaking Bear

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    Mr White meets Mr Pink

    Chili 9000

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    It’s (almost) over 9000!

    Photo taken in a Pittsburgh, PA spice store in the Strip District.

    Fly Sechs

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