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  • military sand trap

    military sand trap

    leemer sign

    leemer sign

    jesus cat

    sunny clouds

    sunny clouds

    stupid cat reward

    stupid cat reward

    Ripley and Cat

    Ripley and Cat

  • river leaves

    river leaves

    river floater

    river floater

    political building art

    political building art

    fox in show

    fox in show



    creepy baby walker

    Galactic Wallpaper

    Galactic Wallpaper

    Nevermind Explained



    Monster Wheels

    Monster Wheels

    mouth rocks

    mouth rocks

    red faced wallpaper

    red faced wallpaper

    Presidential book dodge

    “Somebody threw a book at President Obama. If you’re trying to scare a president by throwing a book at him, you’re one president too late.” –David Letterman

    reposted from

    nasa launch pads

    nasa launch pads