fuck logic

zOjUL.gif (5 KB)

and fuck you

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  • mud ninja

    1663_f1ab.gif (3 MB)

    mud rape ninjutsu

    Kate Mara, movie close-up

    KateMara.png (848 KB)

    Makeup criticisms be damned, she is cute as hell.

    Also, Ted from HIMYM’s first film, HappyThankYouMorePlease, ain’t half bad.


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    Kaya Scodelario

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    Kaya Scodelario

    First name: Jimmy Last Name: Hat

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    made this after seeing an online store and thought it would be a nice logo.

    She Is In Shape

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    1983 Volkswagon GTI

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    In addition to building their own submarines and light aircraft, the Mexican Drug cartels are now making their own tanks, this one built using a Ford F series truck with armor plating welded on and a gun turret, as well as radio and satellite communications. It also has a fold-down battering ram.

    It’s said that the up-armoring of the cartels is largely due to an internal split in the powerful Sinaloa cartel, but the vehicles are also used in conflicts with other cartels and local authorities. A recent raid in the Mexican state of Jalisco uncovered a shop where more than 20 of the vehicles were under construction.

    Kind of like “the Road Warrior” in R/L

    1972 Buick Riviera

    1972_Riviera_Vector_Wallpaper_by_CRWPitman.jpg (158 KB)

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    Trent Reznor

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    Cliffs of Moher wall

    moher.jpg (477 KB)

  • Spikes

    007.jpg (162 KB)

    Green Chopper

    choppper.jpg (67 KB)


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    Whale Scrabble

    somethingofthatilkMA32676609-0007.jpg (59 KB)

    “Childish” Tattoo

    childish-tattoo.jpg (44 KB)


    Happy Rays

    happy-rays.jpg (82 KB)

    Cash crop

    uikMA29573943-0002.jpg (989 KB)

    40 hp VW engine gif

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    The Future

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    Bob Dylan circa 1966

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    Comic Book Derision

    0HrMl.jpg (366 KB)

    Comic book artists take note!

    A man’s world

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    Your inner desires, right in the middle

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    Malaysia.jpg (294 KB)

    StuffMA32676609-0008.jpg (294 KB)

    REAL Ad campaign for Fluff and Stuff cookies.


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    driving a ride to work

    driving a ride to work

    this is awkward

    violent family photos

    violent family photos