piano keys

o762803.jpg (225 KB)

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  • cRa5y F4sh

    o522827.jpg (548 KB)

    i am running out of names for the post

    model army

    o659381.jpg (997 KB)

    they can invade my cock any day

    Bathing Beauty

    giant_sculpture_Hamburg_lake.jpg (79 KB)


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    Kid on Pug

    y04pK.jpg (108 KB)

    Or: Pug under kid

    The Crack of Uranus

    crack_u_1.jpg (895 KB)

    crack_u_2.jpg (813 KB)

    crack_u_3.jpg (799 KB)

    Taken by a friend who works @ the Rose Center/Hayden Planetarium, NYC.
    Since mended.

    Kim Cattrall in Porky’s

    kim cattrall.jpg (14 KB)

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    She was teacher Honeywell.


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    feels good mon


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  • Sinead O’Connor

    sinead-o-connor.jpg (169 KB)


    User support

    support.jpg (670 KB)

    every day

    Girls Team

    1929girlsbball.jpg (393 KB)

    wonky wonky wonky

    things are not as they seem, you are not as you appear, and the server? hah, well my friend, let me tell you of the server. It’s old, it’s busted, and it’s glimmering in the light of a fading sunset.

    Soon though, and new sun will rise, and it’s light will illuminate a brave new world, one with twice the processors, and twice the RAM!

    That day is soon at hand my friend. You may see fractures of the current glimmering server, and you may not be able to fully understand what it’s trying to tell you, but have patience!

    For the reckoning is at hand, and you will be rewarded for your generous willingness to endure these hardships!

    If you’re seeing this message, then you have reached the new server.



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    Aleister Crowley

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    younger than this