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  • Harley riding

    harley_ride.jpg (345 KB)

    Sauce: Jeremy Portje/Telegraph Herald via Associated Press

    New layut is live!

    Commence your complaining here.

    Lemme know if you find anything broken…

    Daft Steam Punk

    6NtGD.jpg (126 KB)

    Distraction Man

    tumblr_m1woqthOYN1qmg7qvo1_1280.png (920 KB)

    Fat shafts

    untitle.png (764 KB)

    yeah they do.


    Brenda.jpg (58 KB)

    Dear porn sites

    Vg1Im.jpg (10 KB)

    I see you shaved

    r.png (135 KB)

    Jim Carrey on impulses

    jm.png (900 KB)

    Pin up Gotham Sirens

    tumblr_m1bsm9hORR1qiozwzo1_1280.jpg (423 KB)

    Girl fight

    g0afo.gif (1 MB)


    g.png (651 KB)

    Basket tree

    basket-tree.jpg (148 KB)

    Snow bar

    dj.png (572 KB)

    Bendy fishbowl

    XUGYB.png (393 KB)

    For humor purposes only. PLEASE never keep a fish in a bowl.

  • Cambodia

    Cambodia.png (2 MB)

    Ladies and Gentlemen…

    ZxmCx.jpg (38 KB)

    Modern Vermeer

    vermeer.jpg (92 KB)

    Lego R2D2

    tumblr_m215prj4001qlm842o1_500.jpg (85 KB)

    Keepin it real

    uYRzQ.jpg (116 KB)

    Lady Ironman

    cosplay-lady-ironman.jpg (86 KB)


    6346222356_4dd3654784_o.jpg (100 KB)

    with extra crust?

    Thom Yorke on Piracy

    Piracy.png (279 KB)


    fy.png (279 KB)

    These donuts are not bad.

    e.png (267 KB)

    You have a dirty mind

    armdick.jpg (133 KB)

    Cigarette laboratory

    V8.jpg (662 KB)


    c3.jpg (716 KB)

    Pho 20

    3cVQQ.jpg (525 KB)

    Gymnastic ability

    DS.gif (2 MB)

    The Internet

    gwvwi.jpg (665 KB)

    Snake snack

    n.png (957 KB)

    Bridge cleaning

    fh.png (771 KB)


    tumblr_lv67juEaIP1qfjjglo1_500.jpg (81 KB)

    Great bumpersticker

    bumpersticker.jpg (47 KB)

    Daryl Dixon

    Daryl-Dixon-the-walking-dead-.jpg (97 KB)

    He wasn’t in that last post so I felt like I had to make it up to him

    Romney, spreading the word.

    moromney6.jpg (60 KB)

    Hi! I’m Mitt Romney! I think I’ve seen you around school. Say! Have you heard about the book of Mormon?

    Which Is Worse: Childbirth or Nut Shot?

    Women always say that giving birth is far more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts. Here is proof that they are wrong.

    A year or so after giving birth a woman will often say, “it might be nice to have another child”.

    But you never hear a guy say: “I would like another kick in the nuts”.

    via Naughty Bits.

    Armageddon Hamilton 2012

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    What an Awesome weekend , The Almighty Johnsons and a Zombie flash Mob


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    Kung Fu

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    funny-ebay.png (385 KB)

    This is better than the Dr. Manhattan promotional condom from Watchmen that the guy wanted a ludicrous amount of money for.