Donating Blood

dotating-blood.jpg (83 KB)

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  • Surprise

    waiting.jpg (339 KB)


    Fcuk Inn

    fcuk-inn.jpg (640 KB)

    Raindeer Games

    deer-games.jpg (66 KB)

    White Sand Blue Sky

    Beautiful-landscape-photography-30-pics-30.jpg (72 KB)

    Derelict Pier

    Paulo-Flop2.jpg (48 KB)

    Lost Umbrella

    Umbrella.jpg (67 KB)

    Lost Thongs

    Paulo-Flop6.jpg (129 KB)

    Bath Salts

    bath-salts.jpg (42 KB)

    Not even once…

  • anime_crazy

    Death_Note_Yaoi_by_13MoonGoddess13.jpg (54 KB)

    hot_gaara.jpg (83 KB)

    Killua_Again_by_BajinArellano.jpg (316 KB)

    The Pecker Wrecker

    grains_of_paradise.jpg (128 KB)

    Marvel ’80s makeovers

    marvel_80s_makeovers.jpg (202 KB)

    (one or two may have been early ’90s…whatever.)

    LeRoy Nieman – 6/8/21 – 6/20/12

    neiman_rockyIII.jpg (87 KB)

    leroy-neiman-sketches-cher.jpg (60 KB)

    Probably had a print of his work in every dentists office in America during the 70s (that, and a childhood-friend’s family had an original hanging in their living room.)
    I liked the kinetic palette-knife technique and –sometimes– the color-ific-ness…but I also could’ve done without the kitch, limited subject matter, and lifelong poseurism/starfucking.
    R.I.P. all the same.

    (Cher looked pretty hot back then, though…right?)

    Young Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

    vonnegutschool.jpg (16 KB)

    youngvonegut.jpg (47 KB)

    vonnegutYA.jpg (95 KB)

    Gotten so used to his image as an old mustached Mark Twain lookalike…these surprised me. Last one is close to what he would’ve looked like while surviving Dresden.

    Tree wrap

    Treewrap.jpg (125 KB)

    #4 is awesome

    Myths-busted.jpg (999 KB)


    OMG a floating boat

    floating.jpg (108 KB)

    ah ok, move along there’s nothing to see here.

    They still live

    theylive.jpg (195 KB)

    Sad beep

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