life (n.)

tumblr_m2lmz6jr1u1qb5gkjo1_500.jpg (43 KB)

fucking stds

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  • Green shorts

    aYuST.jpg (144 KB)

    santa on vacation

    dkHil.jpg (110 KB)



    fFd5m.jpg (37 KB)

    of ashwitz


    2iv09lc.jpg (180 KB)

    I cluge her pipes

    missing car

    VDRCy.png (351 KB)

    you could say it got tired

    TMNT Van

    Turtles-van.jpg (66 KB)

    Whoever did this is awesome

  • Romney Campaign

    moromney4.jpg (90 KB)

    You’re busy? That’s ok. You should check out when you have time. He’s my number so we can talk about it later.


    8483_0c56.jpeg (31 KB)

    Mormons at the door

    moromney2.jpg (108 KB)

    Hey there! I’m Mitt Romney. Say, I hope we’re not distracting you, but we’d love to talk a bit about the Mormon faith!

    Kanye Pac

    579115_10150737410504717_503309716_9276254_1942983412_n-1.jpg (46 KB)

    source was somebody on facebook

    At the lake

    20110811-P8119353.jpg (251 KB)

    Simpsonized Starbuck

    battlesimpsons-starbuck.gif (34 KB)

    Vote Mormon

    moromney1.jpg (47 KB)

    Hi, I’m Mitt. Can you spare a few moments of your time to talk about faith?

    W§ant to see more

    search.jpg (145 KB)

    Last senn at britains got talent 2012.


    Evils.jpg (41 KB)

    Thing trifecta

    thing1.gif (493 KB)

    thing2.gif (489 KB)

    thing3.gif (486 KB)

    USS Otterass

    ottersublarge.jpg (297 KB)

    Let’s see if I can add context to this…”otter of the ass” became a (very) localized meme at a certain messageboard; around the same time a member unironically posited that old submarines should be re-purposed as spacecraft (cause, you know, deep-sea pressure is so similar to the vacuum of space.) Thus, one of the more talented board-vets combined the two in this delightful-if-oblique illo.

    Dear God Why. Brony.

    Brony.jpg (498 KB)

    They are out in public now…