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  • Green Eyes

    1680-X-1050-SExy-Girls-128.jpg (822 KB)

    Obama’s New Bed Time Story

    bed_time_story.jpg (154 KB)

    It rocks!

    words hurt

    imageswords-hurt.jpg (26 KB)

    lol child abuse

  • Fry and Leela Make Babies

    fry-and-leela-babies.jpg (48 KB)

    A Redditor’s creation


    mousetrap.png (440 KB)

    ginny weasly

    6ive34.jpg (74 KB)


    thanos-comic-book-image.jpg (285 KB)

    infinity-gauntlet-odins-vault-thor-image.jpg (67 KB)

    thanos-comic-book-image-1.jpg (81 KB)

    2nd pic is the Infinity Gaunlet prop that was made for the Thor movie and displayed at SDCC along with Odin’s throne before Thor was released.